Report to Follow.
Following the Council’s decision at its November meeting to change its form of governance from Leader and Cabinet to committee system, as provided for under the Local Government Act 2000, Council considered the Interim Chief Executive Officer’s report with regard to the appointment of a Governance Committee with the specific task of drawing up the necessary structural arrangements for the committee system. Members were advised that the Governance Committee would be politically balanced.
In order to implement the Council’s decision by the chosen date of the 16 May 2016, Council would need to resolve upon its proposed committee structure, number of committees, membership numbers and terms of reference. Under the Act the Authority must draw up proposals for the change which must include a timetable with respect to the implementation of the proposals and details of any transitional arrangements which are necessary for the implementation of the proposals. Details of the proposed terms of reference for the Governance Committee were considered and endorsed.
Proposer: Councillor Plant
Seconder: Councillor Walker
(i) To approve the creation of a Governance Committee as detailed in the Interim Chief Executive Officer’s report, comprising Councillors, Annison, Carpenter, Grey, Myers, Plant, Thirtle, T Wainwright, Walker and Williamson.
(ii) To agree the terms of reference of the Governance Committee as detailed in the Interim Chief Executive Officer’s report.
(iii) To approve the proposed budget for the change in governance.
(iv) To require the Governance Committee to formulate proposals, which are as far as possible, cost neutral, without compromising on the efficiency of the decision making of the Council.