Cabinet (From May 2023)

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Meetings

Audit, Risk and Standards Committee

The purpose of the Audit, Risk and Standards Committee is to monitor governance, risk management and internal control, to ensure these are efficient and effective. This is achieved through key items considered by the Committee in relation to internal audit, external audit, key finance items, governance reviews, and risk management reporting.

Standards Sub-Committee

The Standards Sub-Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Audit, Risk and Standards Committee. The Standards Sub-Committee shall comprise three members of the Audit, Risk and Standards Committee. The Standards Sub-Committee will deal with complaints of breaches of the Members’ Code of Conduct in accordance with the Council’s agreed policy arrangements set (including consideration of reports into alleged breaches of the Members’ Code of Conduct).


Cabinet is responsible for making decisions about Council services.


Council is responsible for determining the Council's overall policies and set the budget and level of council tax each year

Development Management Committee

Development Management committee is responsible for dealing with the determination of planning applications.

Employment Committee

The Employment Committee and its Sub-Committees are concerned with employment matters including Head of Paid Service, statutory and non-statutory Chief Officers

Employment (Statutory Chief Officers) Investigation and Disciplinary Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee is responsible for taking investigative and disciplinary action in respect of the Head of Paid Service, the s151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer.

Employment Appeals Sub-Committee

The Employment Appeals Sub-Committee’s purpose is to hear appeals relating to staffing matters involving Statutory and Non-Statutory Chief Officers where such appeals are being made against disciplinary sanctions short of dismissal.

Licensing Committee

The Licensing Committee’s purpose is to develop and adopt policies in accordance with the Council’s strategies.

Licensing Sub-Committee

The Sub-Committee’s purpose is to discharge the Licensing Committee’s functions in relation to certain applications and determinations.

Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny is a key democratic mechanism for holding public-service decision-makers and providers to account as well as facilitating the improvement of public services within the Borough. Effective scrutiny enhances accountability, ensures transparency of decision-making, contributes to service improvement, and acts as a ‘check and balance’ on decision-makers.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Meetings (Internal only)

Annual Business Rate Payers

An annual meeting for Business Rate Payers

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Working Groups

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