Committee System from May 2016

Committees system from May 2016

Annual Business Rate Payers

Annual Business Rate Payers is an annual meeting of business rate payers

Appeal Committee

The role of the Appeals Committee is to consider appeals against disciplinary decisions, unresolved grievances and grading appeals from employees

Audit and Risk Committee

The purpose of the Audit and Risk committee is to provide independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment

Civil Contingency Consultation Group

Meets as required to consider issues relating to our responses to civil emergences


Council is responsible for determining the Council's overall policies and set the budget and level of council tax each year

Development Control Committee

Development Control is responsible for dealing with local authority planning applications

Economic Development Committee

Developing and adopting policies in accordance with the Council’s leisure and culture strategy including, Arts and Cultural Strategy, Concessionary Pricing Strategy, Museums and Heritage Strategy, Economic Growth Strategy, the Local Development Framework Core Strategy

Employment Committee

To be responsible for the appointment of the Head of Paid Service, statutory and non-statutory Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers

Environment Committee

Developing policies, procedures and protocols in relation to the Council’s emergency plan and responses to flooding, Waste, Environmental Health, Health and Safety, Dog and Pest Control, Cemeteries, Commons regulation and town and village greens, Contaminated land and statutory nuisances

Gorleston Area Public Forum

Gorleston Area Committee provides for better and more co-ordinated local services by enabling local elected members, residents and their communities to get involved in the work of the Council and other services

Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee

Policy development, implementation and review of Community safety strategy, Health and Well Being strategies. Formulating the Council’s housing capital programme, Formulating, monitoring and reviewing the Council’s Housing Revenue Account, Enforcement Strategy, Designation of conservation areas and areas of archaeological interest, Assets of Community Value, Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy, Health and Wellbeing, Sports/Physical Activity Development Plans, Social inclusion (young people, older people, debt and rural issues), Community Cohesion

Licensing Committee

Licensing Committee is responsible for the licensing and safety functions of the Council, including taxis, private hire vehicles and drivers

Licensing Sub-Committee

Licensing Sub Committee is responsible for determining applications for alcohol and gambling premises

Parish Liaison Meetings

A conduit for the Parish Councils to discuss pertinent issues with the Borough Council

Policy and Resources Committee

Key strategic decisions (other than those which must be determined by the Council) including all decisions which have a major impact on a number of Council services or on the Council as a whole and decisions which are significant in terms of impact on the Council’s revenue or capital

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee examines the conduct of councillors including parish councillors

Yarmouth Area Public Forum

Yarmouth Area Committee provides for better and more co-ordinated local services by enabling local elected members, residents and their communities to get involved in the work of the Council and other services

Great Yarmouth Borough Council Working Groups

Working Groups

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