Members received and considered the Director of Housing Asset's report which provided Members with a six-monthly compliance update in relation to the Council’s housing service and its compliance with the Regulatory standard as set by the Regulator for Social Housing.
It was reported that the Council’s compliance against the requirements of the five regulatory standards had not changed over the last six months with the key concern being the non compliance against the home standard. This standard related to the quality of homes provided and the delivery of a cost effective repairs and maintenance service and a service that meets all applicable statutory requirements that provide for the health and safety of occupants in their homes.
Members were advised that a recent audit and fire safety management review had been undertaken and had resulted in concerns with regard to the Council meeting its statutory requirements to provide for the Health and Safety of the occupants of the homes that the Council let.
Some of the key concerns were as follows:-
o Ensuring that Fire Risk Assessments are fit for purpose
o the timely completion of fire safety remedial works
o the timely completion of water hygiene remedial actions
o the management of asbestos data
o the frequency of EICR inspections
o the overall management of compliance data
As a consequence of the above and in accordance with the guidance from the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH), the Council made a self-referral to the RSH for a potential breach of the Home Standard. On October 26th, the RSH published a Regulatory Notice that GYBC had indeed, failed to adhere to the requirements of the Homes Standard. The RSH recognised that the Council had developed a Compliance Improvement Plan to address the issues and as such, would not be taking any statutory action against the Council preferring to monitor the delivery of the plan only.
Based on the successful delivery of the Compliance Improvement Plan, Members were advised that it was anticipated that the Council would return to full compliance with the Homes Standard by May 2023. It was noted that the Committee would continue to receive updates on the progress with the action plan to ensure future compliance with the standards is met.
The Chairman asked with regard to the management of the Helpline that was set-up in response to the Regulatory Notice. The Director of Housing Assets confirmed that over the nine days, 33 calls had been received and were all resolved without escalation. It was felt that overall the communication plan with the residents over the issue had worked well.
Councillor Wainwright was pleased to note that there was an action plan, but commented that in his opinion the Council should have never allowed itself to be in this position in the first place.
Councillor Williamson agreed, and advised that he had highlighted issues in relation to poor quality of repairs for the past six years. He raised concern with regard to the fact that despite complaints from residents whenever they had received any satisfaction surveys, the service delivery had achieved 95% satisfactory.
Councillor Jeal noted that as they had a Selective Licensing scheme operating in the Nelson ward, some private landlords had highlighted the double standards ie; The Council requests
certain standards from the private landlords, yet fail to meet the same themselves.
Councillors Price and Grant highlighted the difficulties in managing the GYN contract.
Councillor Candon requested that the full report relating to the Housing Standards be circulated and shared with all Members. The Chair agreed for this to be sent round to Members.
ACTION : The Council House compliance report to be circulated to all Members
Councillor Talbot requested more efforts to safeguard existing fittings in the properties should be considered as part of void works and secondly, that the main disrepair issue affecting many properties was mould, she commented that in her opinion the mould wash undertaken would only deal with the symptoms of mould and not the root cause of the problem.
The Director of Housing Assets confirmed that the void policy in relation to existing
fittings within a the property was being looked at. He further confirmed that new working
process was being implemented in relation to mould complaints, and that a specially
trained officer was now carrying out inspections and follow-ups to ensure that issues
are properly addressed.
Cllr Hammond highlighted the lack of a general handy person on the estates for small
repairs as well as removals service. The Strategic Director confirmed this matter was being looked into.
Councillors Jeal, Price and Talbot all commented on issues relating to mould in the
properties which was partly caused by poor ventilation. Councillor Galer asked if any training
was available to residents in relation to managing of properties and issues relating to mould. The Director of Housing Assets confirmed this is not something done at present, but could be considered. Councillor Grant added that certainly in relation to older properties built in 50's/60's the approach with tackling mould needed to be re looked at from individual dwellings into looking at the building as a whole.
The Chair confirmed that following the self-referral to the RSH, conversations with GYN had taken place and thanked the Director of Housing Assets for all the work that had been completed and hoped that things would improve from here on.
That the Committee note the Director of Housing Asset's report.