Members received and considered the Head of Property and Asset Management's report which provided Members with an update on the progress of the play area and open space action plan which had been agreed following an audit on the Play and Open Space.
Members received a presentation from the Head of Property and Asset Management which provided Members with a comprehensive overview of the works that had been identified as part of the audit, together with redesign and refurbishment schemes, existing funding / finance and finance / funding opportunities.
Councillor Grant asked for clarification on Section 111 monies and what these were, it was advised that these were similar to Section 106 monies but Section 111 monies were chargeable by every property.
Councillor Grant asked with regard to a budget which used to be allocated to GYBS parks of around £155,000 which he believed was just for the litter bins, he referred to the report where this budget had now been listed as £96,000 and therefore sought clarification as to the budget and whether this could be used. The Head of Property and Asset Management advised that litter collection would sit under ground maintenance within Environmental Services as the client and therefore was not funding that could be accessed, however she advised that all budget areas were being looked at and reviewed.
Councillor Grant further discussed companies which had been approached to provide quotes for repairs to or replacement equipment and advised that in his experience there was a need to challenge prices quoted at every opportunity to ensure the best price was being offered. The Head of Property and Asset Management advised that providers were being given requirements and asked to provide budget ranges to ensure a range of options were being provided.
Councillor Price commented that there were a number of areas that could benefit from refurbishment or replacement equipment and hoped that those wards who needed it the most would see good quality repairs or new equipment as soon as possible. The Head of Property and Asset Management advised that this was exactly the reason a 5 year programme had been introduced.
Councillor Williamson raised some concern with regard to these type of plans being considered previously whereby works had not been completed and he commented that he wouldn't like to see this happen again. Councillor Williamson referred to the park facility within the Claydon ward which sees a significant number of users over the weekends, he advised that this area had not been well looked after at all. He also referred to the Pavilion Skate park which was used frequently and he welcomed maintenance at this site.
Councillor Williamson commented on the Muga area within the Claydon ward and advised that this was another area which had been promised maintenance but this had not been completed. He suggested that the Council approach Shrublands Football Club to see if they would have any funding opportunities to be used for this site and it was further suggested that Shrublands Football Club if approached may want to consider managing and maintaining the site. The Strategic Director advised that there were in regular discussions with the Football Association in respect of the Wellesley and therefore this matter could be picked up in discussion to see if this could be cross referenced. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor hereby declared a personal interest as her relative was the Chairman of the Shrublands Football Association
Councillor Jeal commented on the Middlegate redevelopment play park which in his opinion was fantastic and a great example of what could be available, he also referred to the St Georges Park play area but he advised his main concern was the play facility at Blackfriars Road which only had 2 swings available, he asked how long it would be before the Nelson ward got any facilities as he was aware there were no section 106 monies available and the ward itself was the most deprived in the Borough. The Head of Property and Asset Management advised that the facility at Blackfriars Road had been listed and recognised as a high level play area and therefore was being looked at as part of the 5 year programme, she advised that due to the Blackfriars Road facility not meeting the criteria it did not qualify for levelling up monies.
Councillor Talbot asked with regard tot he facility at Ferrier Road and why the spinning pole had been removed but yet some equipment that does not work and has not worked for a long time had been left, Councillor Talbot also referred to 2 roundabouts at the site one of which was broken and one of which was old but yet could be restored. It was advised that the spinning pole had been removed as replacement equipment was not available, it was also advised that if equipment was broken but some parts were still in working condition and the structure was not dangerous these would remain in place, equipment would only be removed if it had become dangerous. It was hoped that some equipment could be restored rather than removed or replaced.
Councillor Talbot also referred to a small facility on George Street which had not bee identified and it was advised that this would be looked into.
Councillor Wainwright sort clarification as to whether those Parish Councils areas which have play equipment are maintained by the Borough Council, this was confirmed. Councillor Wainwright commented that in his opinion due to the level of concurrent function grants that Parish Councils receive, Parish Councils should manage and maintain these facilities themselves as by the Borough Council continuing to maintain these this could be seen as acting as another level of funding being given to the Parishes, Councillor Wainwright asked for this matter to be looked into.
Councillor Wainwright referred to a piece of equipment that he had been trying to source for one of the facilities within the Magdalen area and he advised that for a basket swing he had been quoted £14,190 which did not include installation, he felt this was an extremely large quote for such an item and commented that he felt the companies supplying the equipment should be looked into to ensure the Council was getting the best for its money. The Head of Property and Asset Management advised that the particular item in question, Officers had hoped that the frame could be re-used as the piece of equipment is no longer made.
Councillor Grant commented that in his opinion there would be merit in the Council speaking to the Parishes to discuss the options of the managing and maintaining of the parks as this could be seen as an asset for the Parish Councils.
Councillor Bensly asked if as part of the public consultation on play parks the local parish Councils could have more involvement in this and asked if a meeting could be set up with Hemsby Parish Council to discuss the parks. The Head of Property and Asset Management confirmed that Hemsby Parish Council been in consultation with the Council and that a commitment had been made to meet with the Parish Council. Councillor Bensly thanked Officers for the wok which had gone into the audit and report.
Councillor Martin commented that she was pleased to see that disabled user groups had been considered and consulted as part of the audit and report and hoped that this would continue in terms of speaking to lots of different user groups.
The Chairman advised that the play audits would be undertaken annually.
Councillor Price suggested that businesses be approached to ask if they would be prepared to sponsor the play parks.
(1) Notes the work undertaken to date in the analysis of sites and identification of high priority sites
(2) Approves the continued investigations for redesign and refurbishment of the attached Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 list of sites
(3) Continue to address the priority list of end of life equipment 1-5 years.
(4) Review current revenue budget allocation for play and open space to include GYNorse allocation through Public Works funding to ensure best utilisation of budget.
(5) Capital budget allocation for future years subject to funding being available to be considered through individual business case development on a site by site basis.