Councillor Flaxman-Taylor, Chairman of Housing & Neighbourhoods Committee, reported to Council.
Councillor Flaxman-Taylor explained that this is the final budget monitoring report for the 2021/22 financial year for the HRA including the capital programme. The report and appendices provide the detail of the outturn position for the HRA and the capital progrmame in relation to the housing stock.
The outturn position shows a surplus of £824k, compared to the original budgeted deficit of £2.784m, resulting in a net underspend of £3.4m.
The main reason for the underspend is largely due to a lower amount being required to fund the capital programme in the year from revenue, due to slippage in the capital projects, totalling £1.4m underspend.
In addition, there has been an increase in the rent income in the year, largely due to reduced right to buy sales in the current and past years, compared to the level assumed when the budget was set, thereby, delivering additional income of £903k in the year.
The impact of the reduced borrowing in the year has also resulted in an underspend of £361k in the year.
Section 3 of the report, outlines the outturn position on the capital programme. Where programmed work has not been completed in the year, the remaining project budgets have been carried forward to 2022/23.
The report also commented on the right to buys completed in the year which was a total of 18, which whilst it was double that for last year, is still lower than the level prior to the pandemic.
Overall, the HRA has delivered a surplus for the year of £824k which means the HRA reserve to be carried forward into 2022/23 is just under £90.4m.
The HRA, like the general fund, is facing challenges in relation to rising inflation together with increased utility and fuel costs. Whilst the impact in the short term can be mitigated by the use of reserves, the longer term impact to the HRA remains under review and will be updated as part of the budget review.
Councillor Wainwright reported that this report had been presented to P & R Committee last week and that he wished to lay down a marker in respect of the vast underspend. He understood that works were not able to be undertaken during the pandemic, but the pandemic was over now and the pandemic could not be used as an excuse for ever and the Council was non-complaint in a number of areas within our housing stock in the Magdalen, Nelson and Central & Northgate Wards and the Council needed to address this as a matter of urgency. He understood that a new Housing Assets Manager had been appointed and requested that he get to grips with the situation as a matter of the utmost urgency.
Proposer: Councillor Flaxman-Taylor
Seconder: Councillor Grant
That Council :-
(i) Approve the outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account for 2021/22 as included in the report and appendices
(ii) Approve the updated 2022/23 HRA revenue and expenditure budget as detailed at Appendix C; and
(iii) Approve the updated 2022/23 HRA capital programme and associated financing of the as
detailed within the report and at Appendix D.