
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Policy and Resources Committee
17 Oct 2017 - 18:30 to 20:35
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



An apology for absence was received from Councillor Hacon.




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You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillors B Coleman and Jeal declared a personal interest in the item relating to the Great Yarmouth Air Show in their capacity as Members of the Great Yarmouth Tourism and Business area, and Councillor Wainwright declared an interest in the item relating to Concurrent Function Grants in his capacity as a Member of Bradwell Parish Council but were allowed to speak and vote on the respective items.



3 pdf MINUTES (68Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 5 September 2017.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 5 September 2017 were confirmed.


With regard to the item in relation to the Period 4 Budget Monitoring, Councillor Walker enquired with regard to the preparation of the family tree for all departments. The Chief Executive officer confirmed that this would be completed in the very near future and would be sent to all Members of the Committee. 



4 pdf FORWARD PLAN (21Kb)


Report attached.





The Committee received and noted the contents within the Forward Plan for the Policy and Resources Committee.



With regard to the item relating to the Print Room Review and Options Appraisal, the Committee was advised that this report will present all proposed options for the future of the Print Room operation together with full details of costings.


The Committee also agreed to include in the Committee's Forward Plan an item relating to the St George's Theatre plan for the future to be considered at the January 2018 Committee.




Report attached.




The Committee considered the Head of Community Development and Regeneration's report which gave an update on plans for a Great Yarmouth Air Show in 2018. The Head of Community Development and Regeneration reported that it was estimated the Air Show would have the potential to inject an additional £10m into the local economy. An event of this magnitude takes serious preparation and significant funding to ensure all the requirements of staging a safe and exciting event are met. The Air Show would be the biggest event ever staged in the Borough adding to the reputation of staging top class events including the Maritime Festival and Out There Festivals. This event would bring in significant income for local businesses during this time alongside additional business prior to and after the event in turn supporting the local economy. The Air Show would help build the profile of the Borough as a place to live, work and visit in line with the Council's Corporate Objectives. The Head of Community Development and Regeneration reported that the planned 2017 event was postponed pending more work on some key areas. GYTABIA remain committed to staging the event in 2018 and were keen to gain the continued support of the Borough Council.


In discussing the report the following issues were raised:-


  • Councillor K Grey questioned the provision of the use of the central beach to site beach bars and whether this would be taking business away from people who had contributed to the BID.


  • Councillor K Grey also raised issues with regard to the use of the Gorleston Cliff Top for cars and concessions and in the event of damage being caused to this grassed area who would in fact be responsible for repairing such damage. The Head of Community Development and Regeneration reported that there would be a demand for the provision of beach bars on the central beach area and that this particular issue had been the subject of a consultation process. With regard to repairs to the Gorleston Cliff Top, Members were advised that the BID would be expected to make good any damage.


  • Councillor K Grey also raised the issue of staff with sufficient experience to run an air show. The Head of Community Development and Regeneration reported that the Council's staff would be involved in general site management and not responsible for running the air show. The question was raised as to who would be liable should any mistake be identified by a Council Officer, the Strategic Director reported that this issue would be raised with the Council's insurers to ensure that the Council is fully covered.


  • Councillor K Grey asked how likely it was that this proposed event would not take place in 2018. Councillor B Coleman reported that the specific issues for the 2017 event not taking place related to little turns, medical cover and terrorists threats but that all of these issues had been mitigated against for the 2018 event.


  • Councillor Walker raised the issue that the public would be encouraged to use the Gorleston cliff top to view the air show although he pointed out that this would be entirely weather dependant and it may well be that the air show would not be able to be viewed from this location. He felt that this should be made clear to the public.


  • Councillor Walker also raised the issue of Borough Council Officer time to be committed to this event and also queried whether there had been any Officer costs from the 2017 event. He also raised the issue of who would meet the costs if the Borough Council staff exceeded any specific identified times or involvement in the event.


  • With regard to beach bars on the central beach, the Committee was reminded that the issue of any necessary licences would be subject to the approval of the Licensing Committee.


  • Councillor Williamson queried who would be the responsible body and asked whether it would be GYTABIA. The Chief Executive Officer confirmed that GYTABIA would be the accountable body and that any additional cost occurred would be charged to the BID. Members were advised that the Borough Council would be the responsible licensing body. Members also noted that the Events Safety and Advisory Group (ESAG) would be reporting direct to the Management Team on any identified issues in relation to the proposed air show. The Chief Executive Officer also referred to the need to document any legal and insurance requirements that could affect the Borough Council. The Monitoring Officer reported that the Borough Council would be fully indemnified against any issues relating to the operation of the air show. Members were advised that the GYBID would be responsible for organising the air show.


  • Members discussed the issue of the provision of Park and Ride facilities both to the North and South of the Borough.


  • Councillor Wainwright stated that he supported the proposal to stage an air show but raised issue with regard to traffic management and also the issue of making good the cliff tops at Gorleston.


Councillor B Coleman stated that the GYTABIA had given full consideration to the planning of this event which incorporated the use of Gorleston Cliff Tops. He also made the point that the previous Officer time spent on this matter had been built on for this 2018 event. He also felt that there would be a significant demand for the provision of beach bars on the central beach area.




That the Committee agree :-


(1) To recognise the strategic importance of an air show and note the structures and procedures currently in place to ensure a safe and exciting event.


(2) To endorse the approvals as detailed in the report, granted in 2016/17 giving permission to use key Council assets to assist in the staging of the 2018 air show.


(3) To approve the use of vacant land on Beacon Park for use as Park and Ride site.


 (4) To approve, subject to gaining the necessary licences, the use of Great Yarmouth central beach to site beach bars (including the sale of alcohol and ice-cream) during the air show.


(5) To grant permission to use the grassed area on Gorleston Cliff Top for cars and concessions to assist in the creation of "family zone", subject to a guarantee from the GY BID that any damage would be put right at no cost to the Council.


(6) To agree the request from GYTABIA to waive staff costs in supporting the planning and delivery of the 2018 air show in line with the expectations of staff time as set out in the report.


(7) Members receive a further report on any legal, risk and insurance implications to the Borough Council in staging an air show event.


(8) That the ESAG be requested to report to the next meeting on any issues with regard to the staging of the air show that would affect the Borough Council.


(Councillors B Coleman and Jeal did not vote on this item).





Report to follow.





The Committee considered the Finance Director's report with regard to the Business Rates Retention Pilot and Business Rates Pool. The Finance Director reported that DCLG had published the Business Rates Pilot prospective on the 1 September 2017. This included an invitation to local authorities to apply to pilot 100% Business Rates Retention in 2018/19. The Government invitation sets out that it is particularly interested in piloting in two tier areas and wishes to focus on rural areas. Norfolk County Council proposes to take forward an application for pilot status in conjunction with all Norfolk Authorities. The Finance Director's report outlined the forecast Business rates that could be available for pilot for Norfolk and proposes that the Council works with Norfolk Authorities to progress an application.




(1) That approval be given to the Council participating in an application to DCLG for a Business Rates Pilot in 2018/19.


(2) That the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Leader and Finance Director, be given delegated authority to agree the final details of a Pilot Bid in consultation with the other Norfolk Authorities.


(3) That approval be given that should the application for 100% Pilot be unsuccessful Great Yarmouth will join the Norfolk Business Rates Pool from 2018/19.




Report attached.





The Committee considered the Finance Director's report which presented a proposal for the  future funding arrangements to Parish Council Concurrent Functions and further review of the introduction of special expenses for non-parished areas. The report also recommended reductions in Council Tax Support grant in line with the Council's reduction in funding of the grants receivable. The report also outlined the current funding arrangements for the provision of Concurrent Function Grants and made recommendations for reduction in the grant for 2018/19 with a further review for changes in 2019/20.


In discussing the report Members gave consideration to the impact on specific Parish Councils as a result of the proposal to reduce the Concurrent Function Grant provided for parks and open spaces and burial grounds only.


At the Chairman's discretion, he allowed an Ormesby Ward Member to outline the Parish Council's use of Concurrent Function Grants.


Members were advised that no other Local Authorities in Norfolk gave Concurrent Function Grants to their Parish Council's.




That Council be recommended to agree :-


(1) That the proposal that the Current Function Grant for 2018/19 be reduced and be provided for parks and open spaces and burial grounds only be not agreed.


(2) That a further review be carried out for the 2019/20 budget process.


(3) That the Council Tax Support Grant Allocations for 2018/19 be limited to £33,710 as outlined within the Finance Director's Report.




Report attached.





Members considered the Head of Property and Asset Management's report with regard to the proposals for amendments for the 2 Day Market Place fees and charges and amendments to the Market Licence Policy.


The Head of Property and Asset Management reported on the focus group meetings that had been held with the 2 Day Market Traders to discuss their fee rates. Representations had also been received from the National Federation of Market Traders confirming that in their view the fees and charges for Great Yarmouth Market were above the national average. Members were also advised that an exercise had been undertaken to review the fees and charges of other Council's within East Anglia. The report also presented the need to make changes to the Market Licence Policy in line with other Councils.


In discussing the proposal to change the fees and charges for the 2 Day Markets to an annual charge of £1 per foot in 2017/18, Members discussed an amendment which proposed this figure should be changed from £1 per foot to 50p per foot. It was suggested that any shortfall could be met from the Town Centre Initiative fund.




(1) That the recommendations for 2 day fees and charges be as follows :-


(a) To recommend to Full Council changes to the fees and charges for 2 Day Markets to an annual charge of 50p per foot in 2017/18 with effect from 1st October 2017, and that the additional one off cost be funded from the Town Centre Initiative reserve, and then the change to revert to £1 per foot after the 12 month period.


(b) To recommend to Full Council a standard charge of £50 per annum for 2 day and 6 day traders on Fullers Hill Car Park.


(2) Recommendations to Market Licence Policy as follows :-


(a) To approve amendments to the current Market Policy to incorporate four free sessions for both 2 day traders and the equivalent for 6 day traders for holiday and sickness (2 days for the remaining 2017/18) for permanent traders only.


(b) To approve a 5% discount for 2 day traders if they agree to pay their fees by direct debit in line with other Council's and to encourage regular payments to be made to the Council.


(The recommendation as detailed in (a) and (b) above within the revised Market Licence Policy to be reviewed by the Economic Development Committee at its meeting in November 2017.)



To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.

In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."





"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the confidential item below refers to the formal business affairs and ongoing business discussions that are strictly confidential.


(Councillors Annison, Grant, K Grey, Jeal, Thirtle, Wainwright and Williamson declared a Personal Interest in the following item in their capacity as nominated Members on the Local Authority Trading Company Shareholder Committee and Councillor Plant declared a Personal Interest in his capacity as the Council's nominated representative on the Equinox Board). 





Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Sue Hacon  
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Barry ColemanGreat Yarmouth Air ShowAs Member of Great Yarmouth Tourism and Business AreaPersonalallowed
Michael JealGreat Yarmouth Air Showas member of Great Yarmouth Tourism and Business AreaPersonalallowed
Trevor WainwrightConcurrent Functions Grantas Member of Bradwell Parish Council Personalallowed


Present :


Councillor Plant (in the Chair); Councillors Annison, B Coleman, Grant, A Grey, K Grey, Jeal, Smith, Thirtle, Wainwright, Walker and Williamson.


Also in attendance :-


Mrs S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer), Ms K Sly (Finance Director), Mrs K Watts (Strategic Director), Mrs J Beck (Head of Property and Asset Management), Mr D Johnson (Monitoring Officer), Mr R Read (Head of Community and Regeneration), Mr A Carr (Tourism Manager), Mr R Hodds (Corporate Governance Manager) and Mr D Wiles (Communications and Press Officer).



Councillors Hammond, Reynolds and Walch also attended.



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