
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
4 Apr 2018 - 18:30 to 20:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items


To receive any apologies for absence. 





Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cutting, Reynolds, Williamson.





You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects
•    your well being or financial position
•    that of your family or close friends
•    that of a club or society in which you have a management role
•    that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 





Councillor Hammond declared a personal interest in Item 7 but in line with the Council's Constitution was allowed to both speak and vote on the matter.


Councillor Annison declared a personal interest in Item 7 and in his capacity as Ward Councillor but in line with the Council's Constitution was allowed to both speak and vote on the matter.


Councillor Flaxman-Taylor declared a personal interest in Item 7 but in line with the Council's Constitution was allowed to both speak and vote on the matter.


Councillor Thirtle declared a personal interest in Item 5 but in line with the Council's Constitution was allowed to both speak and vote on the matter.



3 pdf MINUTES (117Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 March 2018.






The minutes of the meeting held on the 7 March 2018 were confirmed.








Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the report from the Senior Planning Officer.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the application was a full application for the erection of 10 single storey dwellings, she advised that the site had,had previous outline approval for 10 dwellings which had now expired.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Parish Council had objected to the proposed development and that 8 objections had been received from local residents the main points of the objection were :-


• Description should not reference previous approval as it is a separate application.
• Poor drainage around the site, further development will overload the system.
• Surface water drainage problems.
• Rollesby does not have a doctors’ surgery or shops and has poor mobile phone and
broadband service.
• Access roads will not cope with additional dwellings.
• Visibility at the A149 junction insufficient and this is made worse during school and
car boot times.
• Loss of agricultural land.
• Loss of wildlife.
• Low Road and Court Road flood and this will be made worse.
• Lack of public transport.
• Every application should be decided on merit.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that Highways had submitted no objection in principle to the application subject to minor internal changes, the Senior Planning Officer reported that in light of a revised layout these changes had now been addressed.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that Anglian Water had not responded to the consultation on the application, although the pre application advice stated that there is adequate capacity for the foul water disposal and provides information on requesting the adoption of sustainable drainage features, the application form stated that the foul water was to be disposed of via mains sewer.


The Senior Planning Officer reported the application was in accordance with the Core Strategy and the land has been assessed against the SHLAA prior to having been granted outline approval, the current application is being assessed on merit and, taking all material considerations into account, is an acceptable form of development.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the application was recommended for approval with conditions relating to hours of work, single storey as proposed in the submitted application and removal of permitted rights for roof lights or openings, to be built in accordance with the approved plans, foul water to be discharged to the mains sewer unless otherwise agreed, contamination condition as requested by Environmental Health, all highways conditions as requested, drainage details to be submitted (surface water) in accordance with Water Management Alliance comments, landscaping, public right of way retention in perpetuity and all conditions as requested by consulted parties and any required to ensure an adequate form of development.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the planning permission should not be issued until a policy compliant s106 agreement is signed and sealed. The s106 agreement shall include £1400 per dwelling for payment in lieu of open space and children’s recreation and a single payment of £3000 for highways contribution (bus shelter) and a payment of £60 per dwelling for non-infrastructure payments in compliance with the Natura 2000 policy.


A Member pointed out that part of the access road was used to access a field by a local farmer, so sought clarification from the proposed plans where this access would be and whether the access would be wide enough for agricultural vehicles, it was reported that Highways had raised no objection to this matter. A further question was raised in relation to TPO's within the site boundary and it was advised that this were authorised route protection areas and therefore could be conditioned so development would ensure protection.


A Member asked in relation to Surface Water Flooding and whether this had been taken into consideration, the Senior Planning Officer reiterated the comments received from Anglian Water.


Mr Gilder, applicant summarised the salient areas of the application to Members, he advised Members that the proposed application was the same application as submitted in 2015 and approved in 2016 with some minor layout amendments.




(1) That approval be given to the application with conditions relating to hours of work, single storey as proposed in the submitted application and removal of permitted rights for roof lights
or openings, to be built in accordance with the approved plans, foul water to be discharged to the mains sewer unless otherwise agreed, contamination condition as requested by Environmental Health, all highways conditions as requested, drainage details to be submitted (surface water) in accordance with Water Management Alliance comments, landscaping, public right of way retention in perpetuity and all conditions as requested by consulted parties and any required to ensure an adequate form of development.

(2)  The planning permission should not be issued until a policy compliant s106 agreement
is signed and sealed. The s106 agreement shall include £1400 per dwelling for
payment in lieu of open space and children’s recreation and a single payment of
£3000 for highways contribution (bus shelter) and a payment of £60 per dwelling for
non-infrastructure payments in compliance with the Natura 2000 policy (as
referenced in Natural England’s comments).




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Planning Officer's report which presented a subdivision of gardens to form a plot for a detached 2 bedroom house at 31/33 Station Road, Hopton.


The Senior Planning Officer report that a previous application had been submitted to the Committee which Members had voted to refuse. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicant had now submitted a further application similar to the previous but with changes, as part of the application to be considered by Members the access road owners had been notified by the applicant stating that they sought planning permission on this land, the redline area of the application was highlighted to Members which highlighted the application site and access to the public highway.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the application had taken into account some of the concerns raised by Members and the reasons for refusal of the previous planning application.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that Highways as the proposal did not alter the access and layout significantly the view of the NCC Highways's Officer which had set out that whilst there would be a reduction in parking and a possible parking displacement on balance there would not be sufficient grounds to refuse the application on Highway Grounds.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Parish Council had objected to the applications, Members attention was drawn to the objections listed within the Planning Officer's report. Members were advised that five letter of objections had been received from local residents in regards to the proposal from three addresses, the main reasons for objection were also summarised to the Committee.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that as the development was for a single dwelling there would be no additional contributions required by the developer for affordable housing or infrastructure provision, the site is within a sustainable location allocated for further appropriate development.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the site was recommended for approval, subject to conditions as requested by Highways, requiring boundary treatment details to be provided including the retention of the rear 2.4m wall, requiring cycle sheds to be provided, requiring the first floor rear bathroom window and first floor smaller window to be obscure glazed, removing permitted development rights and restricting hours of construction.


Councillor Annison, Ward Councillor raised his concerns in relation to the application, he stated that in his opinion the lack of visibility at the proposed site could cause a danger to the public and asked who would be responsible at the site for maintenance to the vision splay, the Planning Officer reported that Highways would hold an order to maintain the land.


A Member asked in relation to parking spaces to be provided at the application site and whether there was adequate space for vehicles to turnaround, Members were advised that the provision pf parking spaces was in the ownership of the applicant although if Members were minded to approve the application, a condition could be imposed, it was also advised that Highways had assessed the site.


A Member sought clarification in relation to the public right of way near to the proposed application site, the Planning Officer confirmed the pedestrian access from Station Road through to Potters Drive.


Clarification was sought in relation to 'garden grabbing' which had been referenced within an objection letter attached to the Planning Officers report.


Some concern was raised in relation to the space available between the proposed site and the pedestrian footway, the Planning Officer advised that as part of the proposal widening of the access had been included.


Mrs J Watts, Objector summarised her objections in relation to the application to the Committee


Mr C Garrot, Parish Council representative summarised the main concerns that had been raised by the Parish Council. 


Following comments that had been raised by the Parish Council Representative, Members discussed the issue of speeding vehicles passing the access to the proposed site and the further concern was raised in relation the visibility splay, the Planning Manager reminded Members that no objection to the proposed application had been received from Highways and reiterated the comments received.


Following a Member debate it was :-




That application 06-17-0654-F be refused, as Members considered the application as over development and contrary to criteria (C) and (E) of Policy HOU7 of the Great Yarmouth Borough Wide Local Plan.







Report attached.





Members considered the Planning Manager's report which presented an application for a residential development of 6 dwelling houses.


The Planning Officer reported that no objections had been received from Highways, Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, providing the proposal meets current building regulations, Environmental Health, subject to advice regarding asbestos, burials, surface water drainage and conditions requiring the submission of a Phase 1 contamination report.


The Planning Officer reported that comments had been received from the Historic Environment Officer requesting that should permission be granted that this be subject to a programme of archaeological migratory wok in accordance with National Policy Framework Paragraph 141.


The Planning Officer reported that the occupiers of 1 Victoria Road had objected to the proposed application on the grounds of overlooking and loss of light from the houses on plots 3 to 6.


The Planning Officer reported that the application had been recommended for approval as it complied with the aims of Policies CS1 and CS2 of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan; Core Strategy and save Policy HOU7 of the Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Local Plan.


Clarification was sought in respect of the distance from the cable end to the existing properties on Church Road to the proposed new properties, the Planning Officer advised the distance was approximately 1m. Further clarification was sought in relation to the entrance width to the proposed development.




That application 06-17-0781-F be approved as it complied with the aims of Policies CS1 and CS2 of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan; Core Strategy and save Policy HOU7 of the Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Local Plan subject to conditions removing permitted development rights for extensions and dormer windows, submission of details of boundary treatments and the conditions requested by Highways, Environmental Health and the Historic Environment Officer.




Report attached.





The Committee received, considered and noted the Planning Decisions made by Officers and Committee between the 1 - 31 March 2018.





The Committee is asked to note the following Appeal Decision:


06/17/0412/CU - Change of use from hotel in multiple occupation with managed accommodation at Southern Hotel, 46 Queens Road, Great Yarmouth - Appeal Dismissed.


The original application was an Officer delegated refusal.







The Committee note the appeal decision.





To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.





The Chairman reported that there was no other business as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration at the meeting.





In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."



Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Jack Cutting Chris Walch
Charles Reynolds  
Bernard Williamson Brian Walker
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



Present :


Councillor Hanton (in the Chair); Councillors Andrews, Annison, Fairhead, Flaxman-Taylor, Hammond, Lawn, Thirtle, Wainwright and Wright.


Councillor Walch attended as substitute for Councillor Cutting.


Councillor Walker attended as substitute for Councillor Williamson.


Also in attendance :-


Mr D Minns (Planning Manager), Mrs G Manthorpe (Senior Planning Officer), Mr J Ibbotson (Planning Officer), Mr J Flack (Nplaw), Mrs E Helsdon (Technical Officer) and Mrs S Wintle (Member Services Officer)



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