Vintage Tea Event
It was suggested that each school across the Borough could take part and host an event in a heritage venue, for example, St.George's Theatre or the Town Hall. Colin reported that the theme would be "Rock'n'Roll" and that artefacts would also be on display.
St George's Medieval Day to tie in with Town Walls.
It was suggested that a Jousting Event be held at the Town Wall near to the Potteries.
Dr Davies suggested that a group of Medieval re-enactors who had made contact with St.Nicholas Minster in the past should be contacted to ascertain if they would stage the event. He agreed to forward the contact details to the Chairman.
The Partnership suggested that the event be held on St Georges Day on 23/04/2016.
It was also suggested that a Shakespeare Play could be staged at the Town Wall. Michael Boon informed the Partnership that the Ermine Street Players would be performing at a Roman Fayre at Burgh Castle next year and perhaps they would be able to stage something at the Town Walls. Colin agreed to investigate and report back to a future meeting.
Colin expressed concern over lack of funding to stage these large events.The Chairman reported that he aimed to set up a Fundraising Group and would be raising this at an Arts Meeting he was attending on Friday.
It was pointed out that the new Co-Ordinator, once in post, should play an active part in sourcing funding for large events.
Ghosts and walk around most haunted sites
Karen Childs reported that Ghost Walks had been organised by St George's in the past. Don Edwards, from the Lydia Eva, was also keen to organise Ghost Walks, but was looking for help so it was suggested that Don Edwards should link in with St Georges.
It was agreed the Chairman would contact Don Edwards.
Publicising the Mary Ley Lines from Hopton to Cornwall
Vicki Mileham reported that she had spoken with David Kelf who was keen to meet with the Chairman to discuss this further.
It was agreed the Chairman would meet with David Kelf at the Cultural Heritage Conference in November 2015.
Halloween celebrations in Tolhouse
The Partnership were informed of the "Pumpkinazia" event which would be held in the Town on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 October 2015.
Gorleston's Standing Stones and holding a Festival
Vicki Mileham reported that David Kelf and the Chairman would discuss this issue at the Cultural Heritage Conference.
Anglo Saxon battle re-enactment and hire of uniforms.
The Chairman reported that he was still awaiting a response from Lorraine Finch on this matter.
Food Festival
It was reported that the Food festival was a success, and that the traders were pleased.
Alan Carr reported that work had already started on next year's Food Festival which would be bigger and better.
Maritime Festival
Alan Carr stated the net cost for staging the Maritime Festival was £25,000 and that the Festival made £125,000 this year.
It was reported that the Maritime Festival had changed peoples perception of Great Yarmouth.
Michael Boon suggested that the Maritime Festival should try and secure a Class A vessel which could moor in the Outer Harbour. The Borough could also stage a Hanseatic Cog Maritime Event, in April/May, similar to the one held at Kinks Lynn, as Great Yarmouth had a far superior medieval maritime history.
Andrew Fakes agreed to contact Paul Richards regarding the logistics of securing a Hanseatic Cog replica ship and would report back.
Ale Trail through the Borough involving 20 public houses
It was reported that former Councillor Mike Taylor had produced an Ale Trail leaflet two years ago.
It was agreed the Chairman would contact Mike Taylor.
Beer Festival at St George's
It was reported that the successful Beer Festivals would be held twice a year at St. Georges.
European Night of Museums on 30/31 October and 13 May 2016 to incorporate with other activities
It was reported that not many museums would be open at the end of October but that May was one of the busiest months for participating museums with lots of activities planned to take place.