To receive an update.
The Treasurer, Marten Payne, reported that all the accounts totaled £1,981.94 with £905.32 in the current account and £1,076.62 in the deposit account. It was agreed to leave £600 in the deposit account and move the remainder to the current account. The leaflet advertising the grants would be updated and the press would be informed.
Due to the 2014 Small Grant expenditure, it was agreed to end the Small Grant Distribution with immediate effect.
The Coach Education Grants would continue as normal and the grant leaflet would be amended accordingly and the GYBC Website. The Coach Education Grant application form would state that only one application could be submitted in a 12 month period.
The current bank account signatories listed at the bank are as follows:-
M Payne
J White
J West
Marten Payne would arrange with Christina Horne to attend the bank with identification to become a new authorised signature. The cheque book would be held by Marten Payne.