
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Civic Working Party-World War 1
12 May 2014 - 10:00 to 10:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items


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1 pdf MINUTES (66Kb)

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2014 were confirmed subject to the amendment of Paul Davies and Terry Byrne's names. 

To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.


(i) Poppy Planting 

It was reported that Paul Williams had spoken to the Mercury and an article had been published asking residents and schools to plant poppies on private land.  As a result of the article in the mercury Herman School agreed to plant poppy seeds and it was arranged that the Mayor attended along with the British Legion to plant the seeds.  The school had also offered 10 poems and Paul Davis was asked if he would like to display these as part of the display at the Minster, which he agreed and requested additional display boards to place these on.  Laura Goodman agreed to ask Tourism if they would loan their display boards and Terry Byrne also offered the loan of two display boards from Mid July to the end of September.

Paul Kelf from GYB Services had offered to plant the boating lake Gardens on the Seafront in a World War 1 theme.  Anglia in Bloom had also offered to give poppy seeds to Laura Goodman to arrange for these to be planted in the planters outside the Troll Cart. 

(ii) Tank

Laura reported that she had spoken to 3D creations and they wanted £28,000 to build a 3D cardboard tank or £9,000 for a cut out tank.  

Paul Davies suggested that Laura contacts Matthew Harrison to see if he could make a tank.

It was suggested that as the tanks were first used in 1916 the tank could be displayed in four years time. 

Terry Byrne stated that Bovington Museum has plans for tanks and suggested that if he was able to obtain a copy of the plans one of the local colleges could then make a replica tank.


(a) Civic Service 3rd August 2014
(b) Candlelit Vigil 4th August 2014
(c) Festival of Remembrance 8th November 2014
(d) Remembrance Day 9th November 2014


(a) Civic Service - 3rd August 2014 at 11.00am

Laura reported that she was still waiting to here from the Canon about the order of service.

(b) Candlelit Vigil - 4th August 2014 at 10.30pm 

Laura tabled a lights out leaflet and it was suggested that the flood lights on the Church be turned out.

(c) Festival of Remembrance  - 8th November 2014

Laura tabled a poster for the Festival of Remembrance which would be placed in the St Georges brochure.   The Working Party were happy with the poster and it was agreed that this event would now be advertised. It was confirmed that four standards would be required for the festival.

(d) Remembrance Day 

It was reported that the meeting point for this would be at St Georges again this year along with coffee being served in the pavillion.

(e) 70th Anniversary D-Day

It was reported that a road closure was now in place for the parade from St Georges Theatre to St Georges Park.  Tea would be serviced in the pavillion after the service.  Veterans from the event in Norwich earlier in the day had been invited to the service in the evening starting at 6.30pm in St Georges Park.

(f) Armed Forces Day - 28th June 2014

The Royal British Legion reported that Lowestoft was holding a fete/fun day on the Seafront for Armed Forces Day and asked if Great Yarmouth could arrange one next year.  Flag raising day would be held on 23rd June 2014.  It was suggested that a service could be held for people to be awarded their Veterans badges as part of the Armed forces day.  

(g) Paul Davies agreed to speak to Margaret Gooch for an update on the fly pass.

To discuss the time line. 


It was reported that the commemoration was over a four year period and that events should be selected over this time starting with the laying of wreaths in January 2015.  It was agreed that Colin would update the timeline and would re-send this to Laura Goodman.


(a) Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust to report 
(b) Norfolk Museums to report
(c) Great Yarmouth Archeological Society to report


(a) Great Yarmouth Minster Preservation Trust/ (c) Great Yarmouth Archeological Society

Paul Davies reported that the display in the Minster had been arranged.

(b) Norfolk Museums

It was agreed that Laura would contact the Museums Service to ask for attendance at the next meeting or to provide the meeting with an update of the work they had carried out.

To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.

(i) It was reported that each school in the Borough would be doing an exhibition which would be starting in September 2014, which Kate Argyl was working with the schools on.

(ii) Terry Byrne asked if a timeline or timetable of all the events being carried out in the Borough could be prepared and published on the Council website.

(iii) It was agreed that Laura Goodman would ask Seachange for an update on their Zeplin model project and would provide this at the next meeting.

Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Monday 7 July 2014 at 10.00 am.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Kate Argyle  
Ian Hampshire  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Councillor Pratt (in the Chair), Councillor B Coleman, Councillor Fairhead, Paul Williams, Irene Williams, Terry Byrne, Colin Tooke, and Paul Davies.

Laura Goodman and Karline Smith (Great Yarmouth Borough Council Officers).

Apologies for absence were received from Ian Hampshire and Kate Argyle.

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