
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Scrutiny Committee
10 Dec 2024 - 18:30 to 20:18
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items


To receive any apologies for absence. 




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Freeman, P Carpenter and Hammond.





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There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.



3 pdf MINUTES (172Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 October 2024.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 3 October 2024 were confirmed as a true and accurate record.





To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.






There were no matters arising from the minutes.




Report attached.





The Committee received and considered the Executive Director, Resource's report which presented the month 6 budget monitoring position for financial year 2024/25 for both the
General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) including the respective capital programmes and financing.


The Executive Director, Resources provided Members with a summary of the salient points within the report and invited the Committee to ask any questions.


Councillor Jeal referred to 3.3 within the report which discussed the increase seen by the Council with regard to the Internal Drainage Board levies. He asked whether these levies were able to be capped, or if they were not whether this could be recommended for future levies. The Executive Director, Resources advised that the Council were part of a Special Interest Group who were actively lobbying the Government to look at how these levies are funded but she advised that there was no capping facility on these types of levies. The Executive Director, Resources advised that there had been an event held at the House of Commons and as part of this a document had been created outlining Internal Drainage Boards and funding, she advised that this document could be circulated to all Members of the Committee. It was further advised that £3m had been announced to help with these increased costs. It was noted that the due to increases for 2024/25 the Council had only around £26,000 to fund other services.


The Chair asked whether the Committee felt it would be worthwhile asking  the representatives appointed to sit on the Internal Drainage Boards to attend Scrutiny Committee to discuss issues including the funding and levy increases. 


Councillor Wainwright commented that these were increases that had been nationally and that he was hopeful that central government would come to an agreement to assist with this matter as a number of letters had been sent from many different authorities.


Councillor Murray-Smith reported that he was a member of the Waveney Internal Drainage Board, he advised that he was aware, that the energy fixed price contract had come to an end, and had therefore seen an increase from 30p a unit to £1 a unit, meaning the levies had been increased to cover the cost of these increases to ensure that the pumps were able to be maintained and in service. Councillor Murray-Smith advised that the Drainage Boards were also lobbying Government to try and source further funding opportunities.


Councillor Galer advised that due to red diesel being discontinued and white diesel being used there were also costs associated from this which would have also played a part in the increase in levies. 


Councillor Grant asked with regard to zero budgeting and whether this had happened. The Executive Director, Resources advised that a zero budgeting exercise would not be possible for all services, but she advised that services are challenged with reviewing their budgets line by line and this is completed year on year.


The Chairman referred to Greyfriars and Maritime House which both still appeared within the budget, and asked for an update on both these premises. The Executive Director, Resources reported that Greyfriars House remained in use, she advised that timescales for office moves had slipped slightly and would now be completed by the end of January 2025 whereby the Council would have vacated the premises. The Executive Director, Resources advised that she did not have an update on Maritime House currently but would provide an update via email once information was available.


The Chairman asked with regard to the deficit which had been reported on for the Waterways and commented that he had thought this project was expected to be cost neutral and in line with the Business Plan. The Executive Director, Resources advised that she would look into this matter and provide a response to the Chairman.




That Committee note the contents of the Cabinet report which was approved by Cabinet at it's meeting on the 5 November 2024.





Report attached.





Scrutiny Committee received and considered the Head of Customer Services report.


The Head of Customer Services provided Members with a summary of the salient points within the report and invited the Committee to ask any questions.


Councillor Jeal asked with with regard to the shift patterns of the Civil Parking Enforcement Officers it was advised that these were currently based on 4 different shift patterns which officers covering until 8pm.


Councillor Jeal further asked with regard to car enthusiasts parking on the seafront and that to his knowledge none of them had ever received a parking ticket, he asked whether there was any negotiations on the finishing time of Enforcement Officers and suggested 10pm would be more appropriate in order to prevent car enthusiasts. The Head of customer Services advised that the Council were currently in the process of recruiting two new Enforcement Officers with the shift patterns being altered to cover until 10pm working shift pattern.


Councillor Jeal asked with regard to the list of Council estate areas why it appeared that Gorleston had been removed from this list and whether there was a reason for this. The Head of Customer Services advised that the Claydon and Magdalen areas had been included with most tickets being issued on Gorleston High Street. It was advised that Gorleston High Street did not fell within the Claydon Ward, it was therefore advised that this would be corrected and updated.


Councillor Jeal referred to a particular site at Peggotty Road which continuously sees cars parking illegally and at times causes issues for buses being unable to turn around . The Head of Customer Services advised that this matter could be looked into, she advised that proactive targeting of particular areas is usually carried out following concerns raised through residents, Councillors or Officers.


The Head of Customer Services advised that the Civil Enforcement Officers were a small team of individuals who between then worked 364 days a day with the only non working day being Christmas day.


Councillor Grant advised that the proactive targeting that had taken place in Scratby had seen 15 people receive a ticket and had seen a positive impact as the issue of parking was resolved following this action being taken, he therefore welcomed more proactive measures within the villages.


Councillor Grant asked with regard to off street parking parking charge notices income that had been received and whether information was available on how many of these tickets were paid, written off, appealed as he advised that the amount of income received did not collate with the amount of tickets issued. The Head of Customer Services advised that there were a number of reasons for tickets not being paid, such as challenged tickets, notices being issued incorrectly, or notices not paid. The Head of Customer Services advised that any challenges to tickets were sent through to Kings Lynn and would follow a formal process including cost recovery processes. She advised that there was an element of write off and that some tickets were only paid at the minimum fee as were paid within the initial timeframe. It was agreed that the percentage breakdown of this would be circulated once available.


Councillor Galer referred to new technology that was available whereby people would pay an app for parking and could top up if they had run out of time but still had not returned to their vehicle. The Head of Customer Services advised that the Council already had in place a pay by phone app that was available for both on-street and off-street parking which provided this service.


Councillor Murray-Smith echoed the comments of Councillor Grant in relation to the parking charges income that had been received and advised that usually penalty charges were not challenged. Councillor Murray-Smith advised that the Mill Road bus stop area sees cars parking within the bus stop at times, the Head of Customer Services advised that she would look into this matter.


Councillor Robinson-Payne asked how the shift patterns worked for the Civil Enforcement Officers. The Head of Customer Services advised that there was a  regular rota in place together with regular patrol areas. Officers would also proactively attend to any reports of traffic enforcement. The Head of Customer Services advised that it was hoped by extending working hors this would allow for more targeted enforcement to take place.


Councillor Wainwright raised his concerns regarding parking outside of school and advised this area required more enforcement. The Head of Customer Services advised that due to the amount of schools within the Borough this matter proved difficult to enforce, she advised that the Officers proactively try to work with local schools to deal with parking issues.


Councillor Murray-Smith asked if camera enforcement had been considered, the Head of Customer Services advised that this matter was being looked at by the Norfolk Parking Partnership but that these had not yet been mobilised within Great Yarmouth.


Councillor Grant asked if kerb side parking restrictions had been approved, the Head of Customer Services advised that steps to bring in pavement parking enforcements had been agreed nationally but had not yet been rolled out for the Borough.


The Chairman asked with regard to how monies for on street parking was collected, it was advised that on street parking pay and display machine monies were collected by Kings Lynn Officers, who then paid this through to Norfolk County Council, with the monies then being recharged back to the Borough Council.


The Chairman asked how many authorities were involved in the Norfolk Parking Partnership and it was advised that all local Authorities were included within Norfolk.


The Chairman asked if a plan was available for Members to be able to see the routes taken for Enforcement Officers when on patrol. The Head of Customer Services advised that this could be provided and would be circulated to Members.


Councillor Jeal commented that he surprised to see that the Town Centre had seen more tickets issued than the seafront, the Head of Customer Services advised that most contraventions took place in the busier town areas.


Councillor Newcombe commented on an issue within her ward which saw little parking available, and residents with no parking available at their property. She advised there was not enough parking available for residents to use, which could lead to people parking in places they should not be parking or having to face long walks.




That the Committee note the report.






Presentation to be given at the meeting.





Members received a comprehensive presentation regarding the social landlord function from the Head of Housing Assets and Head of Repairs and Maintenance.


Councillor Jeal asked with regard to security doors at Middlegate and South Quay locations and why these remained open all the time as he had understood that these should only be open for a period during the day, The Head of Housing Assets advised she would look into this matter.


Councillor Jeal asked with regard to fencing repairs at Queens Road which had been reported but not completed, the Head of Repairs and Maintenance advised that this matter would be looked into.


Councillor Jeal asked with regard to the roofing repairs, it was advised that the Housing Asset Team have a schedule of works and timescales for replacing of roofs, which usually had a lifespan of 40 years but that if this needed attention sooner this would be looked into. Flat roofs had a much shorter lifespan and could cause a number of issues with issues such as leaks which are harder to locate on flat roofs.


Councillor Grant asked with regard to communication with tenants and property audits and whether these were completed. The Head of Housing Assets advised that Tenancy Support Visits are being completed.


Members were advised that the Repairs and Maintenance team were using a new mobile system, the Chairman asked if the system allowed for staff to clock in and out once attending repair jobs, this was confirmed.


The Chairman asked in regard to the Tenants Satisfaction Measures' scores which were included within the presentation and how these were benchmarked and it was advised that these were benchmarked against other authorities. The Head of Housing Assets reported that over the previous 12 months, residents have advised that they have complained but these complaints have not gone through the formal complaints process. Therefore, the numbers of tenants who say they have made a complaint and answered the question on how satisfied they are with the complaint process did not compare to actual numbers of complaints.


Councillor Annison asked with regard to GYN and previous comments and frustrations that he had been made aware of from residents and GYN staff. He advised that he had been informed that at times staff were waiting all day for parts to be delivered, therefore meaning the works were delayed. He also referred to incidences were materials that could have been used for other jobs had been disposed of as staff were told that they could not use materials from one job to another. Councillor Annison commented that he hoped that now this service was back within the Borough Council these issues would be resolved. 


The Head of Repairs and Maintenance advised that changes had already been made to the way the service is managed and that this had seen a big culture change. He advised that staff were now able to access materials direct and would now be responsible for the jobs from start to finish. The Head of Repairs and Maintenance advised that he would look into the matter of wastage with the teams.


Councillor Capewell asked if more detailed analysis could be looked into with regard to the tenant satisfactions survey in order to look at percentage response by wards. It was advised that these results provided a proportionate sample of responses received but that all tenants are asked to provide feedback.


Councillor Robinson-Payne asked with regard to asbestos, it was advised that some staff are trained to handle asbestos, or a company would be called in to manage and air quality is monitored.


Councillor Robinson-Payne asked with regard to stair lifts within properties and whether maintenance is completed on these. The Head of Housing Assets confirmed that maintenance is completed and that should a property become void, these properties tend to be matched with those requiring the facility of a stair lift.


Councillor Galer asked with regard to energy performance, it was advised that when properties are let the Council have to provide an EPC certificate. Councillor Galer further asked if the questions of heating sufficiency could be added to the tenant survey, it was advised that the Council were issued with prescribed questions from the Regulator of Socail Housing.


Councillor Galer commented with regard to asbestos and the need to ensure those tenants living in a property with where asbestos is present be informed to not undertake any form of DIY where the asbestos is present. The Head of Housing Assets advised that she would look into this matter and feedback on what processes are undertaken.


Councillor Wainwright commented that due to a number of contractors being involved in repairs, there tended to be a lack of communication between all parties and therefore this matter needed to be looked into and improved.


Councillor Grant asked where repairs are being completed with regard to damp, whether work was then completed further down the line to see if the problem has been resolved or still remains. The Head of Housing Assets advised that there is a follow-up 6 and 12 months after works are complete and she would confirm back to Councillor Grant on the number of such follow-ups.




That the Committee note the report.




8 pdf WORK PROGRAMME (157Kb)


Work Programme attached.





The Chairman advised that Councillor Wainwright had requested the following be added to the Scrutiny Work Programme :-


(i) GYBC Footway Street Lighting Repairs, Replacement and Communication.


  • How many lights have been replaced or repaired with the last 3 years?
  •  How many lights are GYBC responsible for?
  • Length of time taken to repair a streetlight once reported by a resident or Ward Councillor over last 3 years?
  • How long to report back to resident or Ward Councillor once reported over last 3 years?
  • Who is responsible for organising and scheduling repairs? How are these prioritised?


(ii) Councillor Capewell requested for an item to be added to the Forward Plan as follows:-


Review of council tax debt collection practices and the wording of council tax debt letters.


  • To allow the Scrutiny Committee to critically review and, where necessary, put forward recommendations to ensure our policies are not only effective but also humane and supportive to those most in need.


(iii) The Head of Housing Assets asked for the item relating to a review of Tenancy Audits to be added to the Work Programme for March 2025.


(iv) The Chairman reminded Members that Anglian Water would be in attendance at the next Scrutiny Committee meeting, he advised that he had produced some questions for Committee Members to consider ahead of Anglian Water's attendance. These questions would be circulated to all Members for consideration and additions to be added.





Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Penny Carpenter 
Geoffrey Freeman 
Donna Hammond 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



Councillor Williamson (in the chair); Councillors Capewell, Grant, Galer, Jeal, Murray-Smith, Newcombe, Robinson-Payne, Thompson and Wainwright.


Councillor Annison attended as a substitute for Councillor G Freeman


Ms C Whatling (Monitoring Officer), Ms K Sly (Executive Director, Resources), Mrs N Turner (Head of Housing Assets), Mr S Luxton (Head of Repairs and Maintenance), Mrs M Lee (Head of Customer Services), Mrs L Houghton (Car Parking Services Manager) Mr D Zimmerling (IT Support), & Mrs S Wintle (Corporate Services Manager).




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