
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Great Yarmouth Sports Partnership
10 Sep 2014 - 17:30 to 18:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence and introductions for new members.

An apology for absence was received from Heather Sayer.

2 pdf MINUTES (79Kb)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2014 were confirmed.

To consider any matters arising from the above minutes which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


Claire Winter from the Special Olympians reported that the Level 2 Nutrition course held on 29 July 2014 had received a positive uptake with new people attending.

It was reported that the Great Yarmouth Sports Awards judging panel had met and that there had been several nominations received but no nominations for the Sporting Business Category.  Nominations had been received for each of the other categories and these would be invited to the ceremony on the 22 October 2012 at St Georges Theatre hosted by Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Marlene Fairhead with Sophie McKinna as the guest of honour.  The Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust had given £500 as the sponsor for the event.
Active Norfolk colleagues will report on current projects and new opportunities including the Fun & Fit project which will commence in the borough from October 2014.


Alex Bond reported that she was still awaiting the direction for the Village Games Project to see if they would receive funding for this for rural development work to continue. 

The East Coast Run would be taking place on the 19th October 2014 and all the information for this event was now available on the GYRR website.

Shelly Ames introduced herself as the Project Officer for the Fun & Fit Project  from Active Norfolk.  She then reported that last year Sport England had funded the Fun and Fit Project as part of the Get Healthy Get into Sport funding programme and that in October 2013 they had started rolling this out across the County.  They were using a combination of Mass Marketing versus One to One recruitment from Doctors and Pharmacists.  The scheme would be launched in Great Yarmouth Borough on the 5th October 2014.  £450,000 had been received from Sport England, with a total funding pot of £3/4m.

The Fun and Fit Project includes 80 courses around the county in total, including:-
Walking Football, Seated Dance, Buggy Workout, Bowls, Swimming, Golf and Rebound Fitness.

The courses would be taking place 3 times during the year in the Winter, Spring/Summer and Autumn and would run for 10 weeks.

All Partners were then invited to attend the Physical Activity Forum on Friday 12th September 2013 at South Green Park in Dereham which was free to attend and would include lunch.  Key note speakers included Tim Anstis a behavioural change expert and Professor Andy Jones from the UEA who was working on the project analysis.

The Culture, Sport & Leisure Manager will give a verbal update on the next stage of the Strategy Review.


It was reported that the Sport, Play and Leisure Strategy Review public consultation has now commenced and a press release for this was tabled to the partnership and it was noted that the consultation period ends in October 2014.

The Partnerships Officer for Great Yarmouth Borough Council will give a verbal report.


The Partnership's Officer reported that the Council's Consultation on budget challenges was also now available on the Council website and also ends in October 2014. Partners were all encouraged to complete this.

Partners are invited to report on any relevant items.


(a) Steve Drummond, IFS Motivational Defence

Steve introduced himself and tabled a leaflet.  He reported that a course would be held at Great Yarmouth Library in the 1st week of October for 18-25 year old females who are not engaged in Sport.

He reported that he had been successful where he had worked with organisations such as Sportive8, MAP and Mind Projects but had not been as successful with engaging with the community.

(b) Simon Elliot, Great Yarmouth Bike Project 

Simon reported that he advertises on Facebook which had been successful in engaging the community and that he was currently working with Herring House, Mind, The Red Cross, The Priory Centre and the Youth Offending Scheme and that the recent Tour de Broads had been successful with 150 people attending.

(c) Martin Payne, ECCH

Martin reported that the organisation had been through some strategic changes and are now in a position to deliver Norfolk wide and would also be working in Suffolk for the next 2 years.  2,700 school children had received intervention with one of their 5 members of staff.

The Aqua Bikes had been received and these were being used at the Marina Centre. 

They were working with Wroughton School on an outdoor activity hub.

A new Community Gym had opened in Cobholm at St Lukes Community Centre.

A new initiative for woman 6 weeks pregnant onwards where they could be referred to exercise.

He reported that in January he would be compiling an NHS Sports Directory which would include any special organisations that wanted to be included.

It was reported that the public can request exercise referrals from their GP.

They had recently advertised for a Physical Activity Lead and would be interviewing for this next week.

A new youth futsal league would be taking place in Great Yarmouth each week.

(d) Adrian Simm - Lynn Grove High School

It was reported that Lynn Grove had been used extensively over the summer holidays and that there were only 3 days where it was not used and that bookings for 2015 had already been received.

Adrian reported that his new job title was Sports Facilities Development Manager.

(e) Jamie Lincoln - East Norfolk Sixth Form College
Jamie reported that they had now purchased Archery Kit and that a new basketball team would be established in Great Yarmouth.

(f) Rachael Hardy - The Priory

Rachael tabled the Ageless Opportunities booklet.  

(g) Wayne Nixon - GYSLT

Wayne reported that he had purchased a defib unit for the Marina Centre last year and that this year one had been purchased for the Phoenix Swimming Pool. 

A new Badminton "No Strings" lunch time sessions had been held.

Wayne reported that the new basket ball team will be based at the Marina Centre.  

On the 17-21 October 2014 a RNLI Lifeguard Course would be held which would cost £225.

The Trust staff would be attending the Leisure Industry annual event in Birmingham. 

(h) Clare Winter - Great Yarmouth Special Olympians

Claire explained the work of the Special Olympians.  It was reported that the National Disability Day is on 3rd December 2014.

(i) Marie Hartley
Marie Hartley spoke of the forthcoming Out There Festival which takes place from 17-21 September 2014. 

To confirm the date and time for the next meeting as 12th November 2014 and consider the programme of dates for 2015.


It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on 13th November 2014 at 5.30pm because the 12th November 2014 clashed with the Active Norfolk Awards.

Partners have the opportunity to network/meet/discuss with fellow colleagues to explore joint working opportunities and ensure a coordinated approach to local delivery.


Partners used this opportunity to network.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Heather Sayer 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



John White (in the Chair), Councillor Williamson, Christina Horne, Marten Payne (ECCH), Wayne Nixon (GYSLT), Clare Winter (Special Olympians), Tracey Jones (Partnerships Officer, GYBC), Shelly Ames (Active Norfolk), Alex Bond (Active Norfolk), Rachael Hardie (Great Yarmouth Community Trust), Jamie Lincoln (ENSFC), Adrian Simm (LGHS), Dawn Moss (IFS), Stephen Drummond (IFS Secretary), Simon Elliott (Activating CIC), Marie Hartley (Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager, GYBC)  and Karline Smith (Senior Member Services Officer).


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