The Committee received a presentation from the Executive Director - People, Tenancy Services Manager & Community Capacity Manager. A copy of the presentation slides had been circulated to Members as part of the agenda pack for their information.
The Executive Director - People, Tenancy Services Manager & Community Capacity Manager reported on the salient areas of the presentation slides which highlighted the importance of partnership working and the difficulties faced by the Council in securing residents to form committees to run community centres and residents to run the communal rooms in sheltered housing communities.
The Executive Director - People informed the Committee that the lease for the Peggotty Road Community Centre had been terminated and the Council was operating it on a temporary basis as the Peggotty Road Management Group had indicated that they no longer wished to run the building.
Councillor Grant asked who was responsible for the operating costs and management of these facilities. In regard to a communal room, was the asset funded through the rent which the tenants paid to the Council. The Executive Director - People reported that the Community Centres were operated on a full repair lease apart from Peggotty Road.
The Executive Director - People informed Members that the grant from Norfolk Public health expired next year and representatives from Norfolk Public health had visited the borough recently to see for themselves all the good works which had resulted from their grant funding.
The Chair reported that the loss of Neighbourhood Managers and Wardens had resulted in the Community Centres & Communal Rooms in his ward struggling to find residents willing to take up committee posts to run the centres, and as a result, several of these facilities had ceased to operate.
The Community Capacity Manager reported that he had worked closely with the three Nelson Ward Members to find out what was needed at Peggotty Road and with agencies such as the Salvation Army and Freshly Greated to provide activities and resources such as the Sally Store and Our Space community group.
Councillor Robinson-Payne thanked the officers for all their hard work in keeping Peggotty Road open for its local residents as it was the heart of the neighbourhood. The Executive Director - People reported that the income and expenditure for Peggotty Road was about there and there was a surplus each month.
The Tenancy Services Manager reported that the use of the communal rooms across the borough was being looked as as part of the Sheltered Housing Review. A dedicated Tenancy Support Officer was in place to facilitate over 40 different activities in the communal rooms with over 100 events delivered boroughwide. The Tenancy Services officer attended each room once a month to have an informal chat with residents to discuss possible events to enhance their social wellbeing. An external noticeboard was in place and tenants were supported to make use of the rooms to ensure that the elderly community were able to come together and to combat loneliness and isolation. Organisations such as Dial were invited to attend the rooms to give financial advice to ensure that tenants were claiming all of the benefits that they were entitled too.
Councillor Wainwright reported that he was disappointed that £25k funding had been put aside but nothing had been spent. The residents at Seawake Close had darts but no dartboard and funding for a dartboard was such a small thing but it could make all the difference to the residents. If residents did not make use of the rooms they would loose them.
The Tenancy Services Manager agreed that the rooms needed investment and a decision had been made not to spend the £25k budget put aside during the Sheltered Housing Review. A report would be presented to Members detailing the outcome of the Sheltered Housing Review. Councillor Wainwright asked who would be leading the review. The Executive Director - People reported that Chris Furlong had lead the review but as he had left the Council, this had now passed to Nicola Turner, Head of Housing Assets.
The Chair highlighted Genista Green which had been a vibrant facility and open every day, however, once the support from the Neighbourhood Officers had been withdrawn and the tenants who had run the rooms had unfortunately passed away, the facility had to be closed. The Tenancy Services Manager agreed that this was a battle and that the health of tenants had a grave impact on the successful operation of the rooms. He reminded Members that the entirety of the Sheltered Housing assets were being reviewed and not just the communal rooms.
Councillor Robinson-Payne reported that elderly residents just wanted to turn up to a coffee morning and enjoy it without the added stress of having to arrange it and that they missed their wardens who used to do this. The Tenancy Services Manager reported that tenants socialised differently to how they used to twenty years ago.
Councillor P Carpenter reported that Hawkins Close used to be a vibrant hub but it was driven by two residents who have since both sadly passed away. She asked whether communal rooms such as Wherry Way could be rented out for commercial use to ensure that they were not lost for the community. The Chair reported that the rooms were a place of safety, warmth and comfort for its residents and that commercial use was inappropriate.
Councillor Martin reported that allocated activity co-ordinators were required and the residents needed urgent support to run the rooms and facilitate activities. The Community Capacity Manager reported that a new Volunteer Co-ordinator was being sought to work with the Tenancy Services Team and to visit the communal rooms to try and kickstart activities.
Councillor Grant commented that the Sheltered Housing Review had been going on for an eternity and that Members needed to see sight of the report. Members could then decide if the communal rooms were to be kept and agree the spend of the £25k budget and then review the situation in a further 12 months time.
Councillor Wainwright asked what the plans were for the remaining Community Marshalls when the funding ran out next year as they did a remarkable job and would be greatly missed and result in a huge loss to the borough. The Executive Director - People agreed that the Community Marshals provided an important outreach service and it was hoped to secure funding for the team by offering them as a care co-ordinating team in the borough, to provide services such as smoking cessation, and that this was work in progress.
The Chair proposed that the Committee note the report & raise the urgent need for an officer to be funded to co-ordinate/organise a wide range of activities to be offered at community centres and communal rooms across the borough to benefit the well-being of its residents.
That the Committee note the report & raise the urgent need for an officer to be funded to co-ordinate/organise a wide range of activities to be offered at community centres and communal rooms across the borough to benefit the well-being of its residents.