The Committee received and considered the Executive Director of Property and Housing Assets report which provided Members with an explanation of the void costs as reported in the Quarter 3 Performance Report.
At a previous Scrutiny Committee meeting Members had been keen to understand why there had been a significant increase in the costs within quarter 3 in comparison to the previous year.
The report presented sought to provide more detail and context to the associated costs and how they have performed over the last 3 years. The report also provided information on how the service intended to ensure that there was effective cost controls in place for managing void costs in the future.
Councillor Jeal referred to paragraph 3.4 within the report which highlighted the breakdown of an average cost of a void per property and showed that this was declining. The Executive Director of Property and Housing Assets provided a run through of the cost breakdown and referred to 4.1 within the report which highlighted works that still needed to be addressed in order to decrease the costs further.
Councillor Jeal asked on average how long a standard void was taking and this was confirmed as 10 days.
Councillor Newcombe asked if costs could be claimed back if a tenant was to have a credit on their account. The Executive Director of Property and Housing Assets advised that if a tenant was to move into an alternative Council home then this could may be able to be transferred across. The Executive Director of Property and Housing Assets advised that he would look into this matter and report back.
The Committee resolved to :
Note the contents of the Executive Director of Property and Housing Assets report.