Cabinet received and considered the report from the Head of Service.
The Leader of the Council reported that the following report presents an update on the Council’s performance for the financial year 2023/24. The report also provides an update on the position of key projects that are linked to the corporate priorities from ‘The Plan 2020-2025’. The project highlight reports detailed in Appendix 1 provide a summary of the project, milestones and achievements, alongside open issues, mitigation and a financial summary.
The Leader reported that each report has a current status, which can be green, amber or red. Out of the 11 project reports, 10 have a current green status defined as no problems or minor issues and 1 has an amber status, defined as having problems which have been identified but with a contingency plan in place.
The Leader reported that the performance measures, detailed in Appendix 2, gives a comprehensive overview of how the authority as a whole is performing and cover most Council functions.
The Leader informed Cabinet that, in total, there are 42 targeted measures reported in the performance report:-
Of the 42 targeted measures 24 are Green whereby performance had been met or exceeded target, 11 are Amber whereby performance is below target but within tolerance and 7 are red whereby performance is below target and tolerance. Each of the red measures has a commentary explaining the reasons behind the performance and the actions being taken to bring performance back on target.
The Leader reported that Cabinet are as detailed on page 34 are recommended to:-
(i) Review, comment and approve the Annual Performance report for 2023-24; and
(ii) Agree that all key projects will continue to be monitored over the forthcoming financial year with the aim of maintaining a green status (on target) and where possible attaining a green status for those key projects which are currently amber.
Councillor Wainwright referred to EN05, on page 74 of the agenda report, Street Cleansing. Councillor Wainwright asked where this data had come from as the figures are incorrect due to the state of the streets across the borough which were an absolute disgrace. The lack of grass cutting and weed spraying was the worst he had witnessed in the town for 50+ years and the Council must do something about it as a matter of urgency.
The Leader reported that he agreed with Councillor Wainwright and that he was also ashamed of how unkept the Borough looked at the present time. The Leader informed Cabinet that he had talked to the CEO this morning to address the issue as a matter of urgency.
Councillor Wells reported that he would have a catch-up meeting with Councillor Wainwright to keep him abreast of potential solutions as all Members were keen for the situation to be resolved as quickly as possible
Councillor Candon reported that the current state of the Borough was indefensible.
Councillor Williamson reported that the gutters were filled with grass, weeds and detritus across the Borough which had become evident to Councillors as they were out and about campaigning.
Councillor Plant reported that the situation was a total embarrassment and that children should be able to play on a field and not be prevented from doing so due to the height of the grass.
Councillor Wells highlighted that the Council had not changed the total budget for the number of grass cuts this financial year but was facing the results of having to cut grass which had grown much earlier due to unseasonally high temperatures in the winter and spring months and associated heavy rainfall.
The Information Governance Lead reported that he would contact the Head of Environment & Sustainability to ascertain where he got his statistics from to calculate KPI EN05, to clarify the figures given in the report and report back to Cabinet.
That Cabinet:-
(i) Review, comment and approve the Annual Performance report for 2023-24,
(ii) Agree that all key projects will continue to be monitored over the forthcoming financial year with the aim of maintaining a green status (on target) and where possible attaining a green status for those key projects which are currently amber; and
(iii) Clarify the calculation of the figures for KPI EN05 as stated on page 76 of the agenda report.