The Committee received and considered the report and addendum report from the Planning Officer.
The Planning Officer reported that this is a connected application as the application site is owned by the Borough Council and the Monitoring Officer therefore requested that it go to Committee for determination.
The Planning Officer reported that the application is for the demolition of a single storey amusements building; Erection of replacement building for use as indoor amusements and leisure; Alterations and extensions to public house and restaurant building and new roof covering along the pier length; Change of use of the restaurant to an amusement arcade; Single-storey extension to the family amusement centre to provide new food kiosk; Installation of ramped access ways; Alterations to front façade of building.
The Planning Officer reported that the application
proposes to carry out internal and external renovations to the front of the
pier as well as alterations and extensions of buildings and replacement of
buildings on the pier itself, including the change of use of the restaurant to amusement arcade.
The Planning Officer reported that the
proposed alterations to the front elevation have been subject to significant
revisions as part of this application. The front elevation now proposes two
circular flanking towers with the horizontal lines of the roof and raised
fascia at first floor level continuing around the towers. White render is now
proposed along with a zinc finish to the caps of the towers and the horizontal
banding. The towers are integrated into the doors to the restaurant area and a
kiosk is proposed to be integrated into the base of the southern tower. A
digital screen is shown within the central horizontal span between the two
towers which will need to be subject to a specific application for advertisement
consent to display adverts on this digital display, although this has not yet
been submitted. New lettering above the front building is also proposed.
The Planning Officer reported that the
rebuilt building to the rear will house the arcade area with a new food kiosk
to the rear. This building will have a new curved single ply membrane roof with
standing seam upstand in a grey colour, although precise materials have not
been detailed at this stage. This building will be lower in height than the
front building meaning it will not be visible from the west. The
walkway through the front building to the rear of the pier is also proposed to
be amended with new positioning and ramped walkways and the amount which will
be protected/covered is also being increased. The application
also includes new staircases to provide access to the promenade and beach
The Planning Officer reported that the site is located within the Great Yarmouth Seafront Area and is one of the key attractions of the ‘Golden Mile’ which offers a wide range of tourist attractions and facilities. Local Plan policies CS8 and GY6 are broadly supportive of facilities that encourage year-round, sustainable tourism, and the uses contained within this proposal.
The proposal seeks investment and an improvement of the facilities on offer at the Britannia Pier which is one of the key tourist attractions on the Golden Mile. The proposal involves removing an established and large area of floorspace used as a restaurant and replacing it with an amusement arcade. Both are defined as Town Centre uses but as this application seeks the change of one Town Centre use to another there should not be a draw on the Town Centre. The proposed amusement arcade would be within the ethos of providing family friendly seaside entertainment which are uses encouraged by CS8. It is recommended that a condition is imposed to ensure that this amusement arcade is used for family entertainment and not at any time limited to an adult gaming centre.
The Planning Officer reported that the proposal complies with policy CS8 criterion (A) which expects that development “encourages and supports the upgrading, expansion and enhancement of existing visitor accommodation and attractions to meet changes in consumer demands and encourage year-round tourism”. The proposal also accords with policy CS8 criterion (C) which seeks to “Safeguard key tourist, leisure and cultural attractions and facilities. The application includes the revised positioning of kiosks to the frontage of the pier and an additional foot stall within the pier itself. Policy R6 outlines that the principle of developing new retail and food outlets in the form of kiosks or stalls will be permitted within the designated Holiday Accommodation Areas, Town Centre or the Great Yarmouth Seafront Area, so the small additional food kiosk is considered acceptable. Core Policy CS15 and Policy C1 support the upgrading of community facilities, including supporting upgrading recreational facilities, such as Britannia Pier.
The Planning Officer reported that as a result of significant revised plans having been submitted that the principle of development is therefore considered acceptable overall.
The Planning Officer reported that the proposal offers a much-improved design and one which is architecturally coherent and reflects traditional seaside pier buildings with a more traditional materials palette. The Conservation Officer and Historic England have both removed their initial objections following the receipt of the revised proposals, and both consider the design to be appropriate for the surrounding context. The proposal also allows for a more open and inviting entrance to the pier.
The Planning Officer reported that the application is supported by an Ecological Report. This identifies that breeding birds are present beneath the pier within the metal supports and building roofs on top of the pier are expected suitable nesting habitat for gulls. The Ecology Report concludes that the proposal should include some enhancement measures for nesting birds, including nest boxes. The bird boxes should not be positioned directly above any windows or doors. The report also suggests that site lighting should avoid blue-white wavelengths and that external lighting be cowled to prevent upwards light spill. Conditions securing details of the biodiversity enhancement measures and details of external lighting are needed in order for the proposal to comply with CS11.
The Planning Officer reported that having considered the details provided, the application is considered to comply with policies CS1, CS2, CS8, CS9, CS10, CS11, CS15 and CS16 from the adopted Core Strategy, and policies GSP1, GSP4, GY6, A1, R6, R7, E1, E5 and C1 from the adopted Local Plan Part 2.
The Planning Officer reported that the applicant would need to obtain advertisement consent for the display of adverts on the digital screen and for the proposed installation of signage on the front façade.
The Planning Officer reported that application 06/23/0570/F is recommended for approval subject to the proposed conditions and informative notes as set out in the agenda report.
Councillor Freeman reported that he did not like the proposed shutters to be installed at the front of the Pier as it was sited in a Conservation Area and that he preferred the first design scheme to the revised design scheme. Councillor Murray-Smith reported that he agreed with Councillor Freeman. The Planning Officer reported that the installation of shutters could be considered due to the wider enhancements offered in the application.
Councillor Bird was concerned in regard to the size of the proposed signage and that it would be digital and be in operation 24/7. The Planning Officer reported that the signage would be a separate application.
Councillor Mogford requested that downwards cowl lighting be installed on the seaward side of the Pier to prevent light pollution issues for mariners.
Councillor Annison reported that he welcomed the further investment in the town and that he was pleased to support the application.
Proposer: Councillor Annison
Seconder: Councillor Mogford.
Following a unanimous vote, it was RESOLVED:-
That application 06/23/0570/F be approved as per the recommendation and conditions as set out in the agenda report.