Cabinet received and considered the Principal Strategic Planner's report.
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Candon presented the item and advised that this report set out recommendations for the spend of developer contributions (Section 106/Section 111 agreements) for open space.
The Council requires new housing developments to provide new open space on-site or make financial contributions towards the provision of open space off-site in accordance with Policy H4 of the Local Plan Part 2. This is to ensure that our communities have the open spaces that they need to thrive, and that facilities are expanded and enhanced to meet resulting increased demand.
On 25 July 2023, the Council’s Cabinet endorsed the first round of open space funding for successful bids. An update on these projects is provided in Appendix 3 of this report.
Following this, a second 12-week window for inviting projects/bids for off-site open space improvements was open between 7 August 2023 and 7 November 2023. Projects/bids were invited from Parish Councils, Ward Councillors, community groups, sport clubs and teams.
Proposals for projects under £50,000 can be determined and signed off by the Executive Director with responsibility for open spaces under existing delegations. Projects above this figure will be determined by Cabinet. Given the number of projects under £50,000 received this time, the Executive Director has decided not to use their delegated powers and instead refer these projects to Cabinet for a decision.
The table in Appendix 2 detailed funds currently available, and projects the remaining funds available in future if all recommendations set out below are approved. This sets out an initial budget of £371,868.00 with a combined proposed spend of approximately £286,000.
A wide range of projects have been submitted and assessed (as summarised in Appendix 1). For those projects which are unsuccessful, officers will provide further information and guidance as to what additional information may be required for potential future applications.
Councillor Plant commented that it was great to see a number of playgrounds involved and that it was good to see that those that were unsuccessful could bid again.
Councillor Bensly asked for reassurance that Parish Councils in particular Hemsby would be encouraged to reapply for this funding if they had bene unsuccessful. Councillor Candon reassured Members that those that had applied and been unsuccessful would receive feedback.
Councillor Williamson commented that he was glad to see the Southtown and Cobholm facilities had been successful, he also referred to some funding which had been awarded for works through Barclays bank in negotiation with the pavilion association / shrublands and GYBC and commented that he hoped this funding would not interfere with this arrangement as this work had already been agreed with continued support.
Councillor Williamson also asked with regard to views that he had submitted with regard to the move of the current facility at Hawthorn Crescent which was rarely accessed to a site on the other side of the Shrublands close to Crab Lane which could be easily accessed. The Strategic Planning Manager advised that he would like to follow up on these two points with Councillor Williamson following the meeting.
Cabinet RESOLVED to :
1. Approve the use of section 106 funds to deliver the following projects:
- Playing Field Lane, Martham - 2 Bay net practice cricket facility - £28,000
- King George V Playing Field, Allendale Road, Caister - Non-turf artificial wicket - £11,000
- King George V Playing Field, Allendale Road, Caister - Play equipment - £89,402
- King George V Playing Field, Allendale Road, Caister - wheelchair access equipment and floodlighting for bowling green - £16,900
- Southtown Common, Gorleston - Play equipment - £70,000 (£50,000 capital plus £20,000 for maintenance)
- Burnet Road, Bradwell - Play equipment - £35,794.52
- King Charles Coronation Garden, Bradwell - path, bird boxes, bench - £9,100.48
- St Clare Court, Hopton - play equipment - £25,000.
2. Note the progress to date on the most recent round of funded projects.