The Committee received and considered the report from the Information Governance Lead & Data Protection Officer.
The Information Governance Lead & Data Protection Officer reported that the report presents an update on performance for the third quarter of 2023/24 (Oct – Dec) where progress is assessed against targets which are set at the start of the financial year. The report also provides an update on the position of key projects that are linked to the corporate priorities from ‘The Plan 2020-2025’. A summary of progress for the suite of key projects and individual highlight reports for each of these key projects are presented in Appendix 1 of this report. The performance measures, at Appendix 2 of the report, give a comprehensive overview of how the authority as a whole is performing and cover most Council functions.
Councillor Wainwright referred to page 62 of the agenda pack, EN05 (b), and asked for clarification as to what the term "detritus" included and what the audit on the outer parishes meant. He felt that all of the Borough should be included in any audit and not just the outer parishes. The Head of Service reported that the outer parishes might not be receiving adequate street cleansing and it was necessary to ascertain what condition these areas are in. The Council was in the process of replacing its ageing sweeper fleet. The term outer parishes referred to any villages outside of Great Yarmouth, Gorleston & Bradwell.
Councillor Wainwright referred to item HN04, on page 63 of the agenda pack, the cumulative cost of void properties, and asked why there had been a huge increase on the cost of the previous year once again. The Information Governance Lead & Data Protection Officer reported that the cost increase was due to the cost of works on large, void properties, which are required to be brought up to FHS. Work is ongoing with tenants to ensure that they upkeep their properties to the standard which the Council expects and ELT had allotted resources to carry this workstream out.
Councillor Grant asked for an assurance that we would not allocate properties to tenants before major works were undertaken as he would rather that they were updated before they were rented. Councillor Grant asked if every tenant was visited once a year by the tenancy team and how many tenancy audits were carried out annually.
The Chair requested that a Housing Officer be invited to attend the next Scrutiny Committee meeting to give a report on Voids.
That the Committee note the report and that a Housing Officer be invited to attend the next meeting to give a report on Voids.