The Committee received and considered the report and the addendum report from the Planning Officers.
The Principal Planner reported that this was a connected application as the Council is both the applicant and the landowner and had been referred to the Monitoring Officer who had asked for it to be brought before the Committee for determination.
The Principal Planner reported that Members are reminded that case law has ruled that an application to remove or vary conditions on a planning permission has the effect of creating a new planning permission altogether. The determination of this proposal must have regard to the permission(s) already granted and the intended variations, and any material considerations relevant to the development since the previous permission was granted.
The proposal is for the Variation of Conditions 4 and 8 of planning permission
06/21/1018/CU to:-
(i) allow trading for up to 220 days per year for the hot food takeaway uses between 1 March and 2 January the following year; and
(ii) change the seasonal opening times as follows: to trade from 7.30am - 6.00 pm between 1 November and 31 March; and, to trade from 7.30am to 8.00 pm between 1 April and 31 October.
The Principal Planner reported that application 06/21/1018/CU was approved for the “Proposed change of use of land for the mixed use purpose of car parking and temporary stationing of up to 3 no. mobile concession units for the purposes of retail (use class E1a) and/or hot food takeaway (sui generis) use”, which was subject to conditions.
This application relates to Condition 4 to allow both the hot drink and hot food take away
concession units to trade for more months throughout the year, and Condition 8 to amend the trading hours to allow all the concession units to commence its use 30 minutes earlier each day. This will further extend the relaxation in permitted hours and trading of the hot drinks concession unit beyond those relaxed hours approved under 06/22/0762/VCU.
The Principal Planner reported that in deciding an application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Local Planning Authority may only consider the question of the conditions subject to which planning permission should be granted. A complete re-consideration of the proposal cannot be undertaken. As a result, only the conditions applied for can be considered providing that they do not alter the overall development as applied for (as detailed in the original description of development).
The Principal Planner informed the Committee that the Environmental Health Team reviewed the application and confirmed no complaints have been received to date about the use and, as such, would not raise any objections to the proposal. There were no objections from County Highways Authority and no policy concerns.
The Principal Planner reported that 15 objections were raised to this proposal with regard to the generation of noise, disturbance and littering. Whilst there are amenity issues, officer consider that the limiting conditions which retained from 06/21/1018/CU are sufficient on mitigate any potential adverse amenity issues arising. On the basis of no objection from the Environmental Protection Team and the distance from the residential properties, it is considered that a starting time of 07:30hrs instead of 08:00hrs is acceptable. It does not mean that the concession units have to operate all of these hours, it would mean that there is the flexibility to operate for all or part of these hours.
The Principal Planner reported that with regard to Policy Harm, Strategic Planning have advised that the Gorleston Masterplan identifies some of the existing concession offer is limited and recognises that new, small scale, (retail, leisure) and food and drink concessions could help to improve the offer and increase numbers of visitors to the seafront. However, it does recognise that the number of concessions needs to be carefully balanced to ensure the unique character of the area is not undermined, nor detracts business from Gorleston town centre.
The Principal Planner reported that at paragraph 6.3.3 (Agenda pack page 17) the printed sentence ends without completion. The sentence should read:-
“Officers would advise that the Environmental Protection team has confirmed that no noise
complaints have been received nor have there been any other complaints lodged with Environmental Health Officers regarding odour or litter associated with the current activities of the car park. Officers would point out however that it is understood that to date only the hot drink coffee sales concession unit has been operating, which would not be expected to cause noise or odour concerns.”
There are the following updates to the report:-
(i) Page 13 of the Agenda – An Extension of Time has been agreed by the applicant to 29 February 2024.
(ii) Additional late objection concerning generation of rubbish, cooking smells and loss of car parking space. Officers would advise that these matters are dealt with in the main body of the report; see in particular paragraph 10.12 (page 20). The new objection is not considered to raise new material considerations which affect the proposed recommendation.
The Principal Planner reported that the proposal is for the variation of two conditions on a previous and still extant permission, one variation relating to amending the trading hours, the other variation relating to a change in the months one of the three concession units can trade for. This widens the change to cover all three concession units. However, to ensure the application falls within the scope of the original planning permission granted under 06/21/1018/CU, and remain a ’temporary use’, it is considered necessary and reasonable to require that no trading shall take place for any unit outside of 1?? March to 2n? January annually (i.e. January and February remain ‘fallow’ months). Having considered the details provided, the proposal is considered to be acceptable and the conditions will be amended accordingly, together with the remaining conditions imposed (and amended where appropriate, for example to reflect that the development commenced under the previous permission).
The Principal Planner reported that the application is recommended for approval with the conditions numbered 1-12 as detailed on pages 23-26 of the agenda report plus the informative notes.
Councillor Wells, Ward Councillor addressed the Committee and reported that he was unaware of the addendum report. He reported that the application site was within a residential area and that if permission was granted, that mitigation measures to be put in place in this Conservation Area to cover the noise emanating from the use of generators and that advertising boards be kept to one per unit. Councillor Wells was concerned that one of the units occupied 2 car parking spaces and asked in regard to enforcement action. He proposed that the concessions cease trading at 6pm Monday to Saturday and 4pm on Sundays and through the winter period.
There were no questions from members so the Committee moved to the debate and decision.
Councillor Williamson proposed that the application be approved with the suggested conditions. This was seconded by Councillor Freeman.
That application 06/23/0758/VCU be approved with the conditions as detailed on pages 23-26 of the agenda report.