Council received and considered the report from the Monitoring Officer.
The Monitoring Officer reported that the report presented a new Constitution for the executive model of governance, both due to take effect as from the Annual Meeting of Council following the elections in May.
The Monitoring Officer reported that the key changes from the existing Constitution were outlined at paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the report, while the material which remained unchanged was listed at paragraph 2.1.
The Monitoring Officer reported that since publication of the report and document, the Chief Executive had asked that she review the provisions around pre-scrutiny. The published version in the agenda pack provided for all key decisions to pass through pre-scrutiny. These provisions appeared in Article 16 which sets out the overall role of Scrutiny Committee. Having reviewed the number of key decisions, at least 20 would have been taken by P & R Committee alone over the past year, it was felt that this would be obstructive to the efficient conduct of business and also that it was not consistent with the practice of other Norfolk authorities. Therefore, it was now recommended that any pre-consideration by Scrutiny Committee be limited to the Budget and Policy Framework documents only. These can be found in Article 9.
This amendment is reflected in the pages which had been circulated to Members and published as Appendix 1 on CMIS this evening. This change of course did not impact on the call-in powers of Scrutiny Committee.
The recommendation was now amended to read as follows:-
That Council approve the form of the Constitution attached to this report, as amended by papers circulated as Appendix 1, to be taken forward for formal adoption and with effect as from the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2023.
The Leader moved the report with the proposed amendment. The Leader informed Council that the Constitution was a living document which could be amended as the new Council evolved.
Councillor Wainwright reported that he supported the amendments to the Constitution as discussed at the Member Working Group and reiterated that it was a living document which could change and evolve over time.
Councillor Williamson reported that he accepted the amendments and fully supported the changes which brought the Constitution in line with other Local Authorities.
Proposer: Councillor Smith
Seconder: Councillor Candon
That Council approve the form of the Constitution attached to this report, as amended by papers circulated as Appendix 1, to be taken forward for formal adoption and with effect as from the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2023.
It was requested that the following abstentions be recorded in the minutes:-
Councillors Jeal, Martin, Myers, Talbot, B Walker & Waters-Bunn.