The Chairman informed the Public Forum that County Councillor Plant was unable to attend the meeting tonight and had not provided a written update in his absence.
However, County Councillor C Walker reported that she would email the Director of Highways, Transport & Waste and ask him to provide an update to be recorded in the minutes as to where the Council was in respect to the White Lion Steps; the response received is as follows:-
Dear Cllr Walker
As the legal side of matters is progressing, we obviously cannot comment on those, but just to reassure you, after discussions and advice from our legal team, we have sent letters to the relevant landowners basically requesting that they remove their material which is blocking the public highway.
In addition to this, hopefully you are already aware that there was £100,000 of capital funding approved by Cabinet earlier this year as part of the 2022/23 highway capital programme. This is to enable the implementation of the permanent solution, subject to the outcome of the legal processes (which in some cases can take years to bring to a conclusion).
As part of this, as well as the ongoing works to ensure the steps remain open and useable by the public by the ongoing works such as clearing overgrown vegetation, maintaining the temporary hoardings and repairing the flint wall, over the coming weeks we will be undertaking investigatory works at both the top and bottom of the steps. This needs to be carefully progressed to ensure both safety for our contractors and the public. The results of this investigatory work will help inform the longer term solution.
Needless to say, that both in engineering, safety and legal terms, this is a complex situation which is taking time to work through, but please can I assure you that our teams are doing all they can to get the steps fully reopened.