The Project Manager presented the report which updated members on the delivery of the Town
Deal Accelerator and Norfolk Strategic Fund funding in respect to the ‘Winter Programme’, under the brand ‘See Great Yarmouth in a Different Light’ #DifferentLight .
The events that have been held were detailed and it was advised that the small underspend of £34k which must be spent in line with how it was awarded from Town Deal, and must meet the required outcomes, will be used as a contribution to the ‘Winter Wonderways’ element of the programme. The Project Manager explained that a number of events had been pushed back due to Covid.
The Strategic Director advised that the contractor representative for the ‘Fire and Water’ event, Joe Mackintosh of Out There Arts, was unable to attend the meeting and sent his apologies but that he’d provided a presentation relating to the 2021 event which was shown to the Committee on behalf of Out There Arts by the Strategic Director.
The Strategic Director advised that preparations are underway for this year’s event and Out There Arts were proposing Central Beach. The Borough Council is waiting for the operational plan from Out There Arts to ensure that the event is financially viable, fully accessible and safe to hold on the beach. The Waterways is still an option as per 2021. Sponsorship funding has been secured by Out There Arts from Visit Great Yarmouth and Interreg.
Councillors Jeal, Talbot and Robinson-Payne all praised the event last year.
Councillor Talbot expressed concern that by holding the event on the beach this may exclude those with disabilities and also asked if the ticket prices would be kept low to ensure those who don’t have large incomes are included, especially due to the current cost of living.
After discussion regarding the proposed ticket prices, the Strategic Director agreed to seek clarity on this and the age banding for children and added that the event needs to be fully inclusive. The Council is waiting for the operational plan to ensure that this is the case. Holding the event on the beach may maximise footfall but will only be signed-off if it is fully accessible for all and can be done safely.
Councillor Robinson-Payne referred to the surveys carried for last year’s event, including those attending and where they visited from, and asked for the number of people surveyed. The Strategic Director agreed to source the information.
Councillor Walker referred to the Carbon Footprint for the event and added that if it is due increase along with the cost of the liquid gas, whether in the current situation is it viable to go ahead or should an example be set for others. The Strategic Director apologised for the omission of the carbon information from the report but reported that a carbon off-set calculation has been undertaken resulting in less than 10 trees planted to offset the carbon, owing to the use of an electric re-fuelling boat and use of locally sourced sustainable wood and charcoal. The council worked with an accredited carbon company. A summary of the carbon calculation will be circulated to the Committee.
Councillor Candon commented that he felt it was the right course of action to continue with the event.
Councillor Wright agreed that the 2021 Fire on Water was a very good event and he had also received very good feedback and that the ticket price was not prohibitive. He added that he was aware there were issues to be addressed for the 2022 event and he asked for a further view from Visit Great Yarmouth who are supporting the event. Councillor Wright added that there needs to be reassurance that the carbon footprint is offset in a sustainable way as there is concern that the cost of gas and other consumables is on the increase.
Councillor Price agreed that the pricing structure for this year’s tickets for the event needed clarifying and also the logistics of holding the event on the beach. He suggested that if the event is ‘not broke, don’t fix it’ and consideration could be given to extending the timescale for the event over more weeks to increase the number of people attending. He added that moving the event to the beach could increase the cost.
The Strategic Director advised that she will pass on all of the Committee’s comments to Out There Arts and discuss with Visit Great Yarmouth. She noted the Committee wanted assurance about the delivery of the contract’s KPI’s and wished to ensure delivery of a return on investment for the event.
Councillor Plant added that the original reason for holding the event was to attract people to the town out of the season and increase footfall and accommodation stays and that local businesses has reported an extremely positive impact from the 2021 event. He added that everyone would have used one form of transport or another and that there is a carbon footprint for those coming to Great Yarmouth on holiday. This has to be recognised and mitigated where possible but there is a carbon footprint for all attractions including the holiday parks and there has to be a balance. He added that the Council is trying to mitigate and reduce the carbon footprint but stopping enjoyment would not help anybody.
Councillor Walker added that it is important to assess what the carbon offset is going to be.
Councillor Candon commented that the impact on the environment needed to be considered in relation to carbon reduction but also the impact of bringing footfall and spend into the town in one of the less busy times of the year. That this has to be done in a pragmatic way, responsible and balanced manner. Councillor Candon thanked officers for the presentation and added that there had been some fantastic events held over the last 12 months giving people the opportunity to spend money in the borough, creating investment in smaller businesses.