Council received and considered the report from the Director of Housing.
Councillor Flaxman-Taylor provided an update on the Sustainable Warmth grant funding for 2022/23 to improve the energy efficiency of the worst performing homes of all tenures across the borough and details the bid for further Homes Upgrade Grant funding in 2023/25.
Councillor Flaxman-Taylor informed Council that the recommendations had been slightly amended to reflect the success of the bid.
Councillor Flaxman-Taylor reported that this item had been considered by the H & N Committee and provided an update on the £5.8m grant funding available this financial year following a number of successful bids to improve the energy efficiency of 408 of the worst performing homes across the borough. The funding related to 3 programmes:-
(i) Local Authority Delivery 3 - focused on private homes which have a gas heating system
(ii) Homes Upgrade Grant known as HUG - for properties which have no form of gas heating now; and
(iii) Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 1 - the Council's bid included funding for two other Registered Provider and therefore, included 46 social housing homes outside the borough.
Across England, there have been delays to delivery and like other grant recipients, the Council had requested extensions to complete delivery of works across all three grant programmes next financial year. In relation, to the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, the Council is now utilising the majority of the grant monies due to issues encountered by the other Registered Providers. As a result of some other changes in the programmes, overall 432 homes in the borough would now benefit from energy efficiency works.
The report also detailed a bid for HUG 2 funding which was a two year funding programme running from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 and this bid had been successful, resulting in £6.5m of funding available to target the worst performing private homes, with 317 homes due to benefit. The Council would again appoint E.On Energy Solutions to deliver the grant works.
Councillor Myers asked for clarification as to how the worst insulated homes in the borough would be identified especially those properties which did not possess a valid EPC certificate.
Councillor Williamson reported that some properties in his ward were so poorly insulated and cost so much to heat that the residents were falling ill as they could not afford to heat them due to the cost of living crisis and were having to be admitted to hospital and that it was imperative that we addressed the problems in our housing stock as a matter of great urgency.
Proposer: Councillor Flaxman-Taylor
Seconder: Councillor Grant
That Council:-
(i) Accept the Homes Upgrade Grant 2 (HUG2) funding for 2023-24 and 2024-25,
(ii) Note the prior completion of the Memorandum of Understanding in relation to the
potential HUG2 funding in 2023-25 and the completion of any variations to the
Memorandum of Understandings and contracts in relation to the extension of timescale for delivery of the existing funding programmes,
(iii) Delegate all decisions on the use of and spend of the HUG 2 funding in accordance with the requirements of the Memorandum of Understanding to the Director of Housing Assets; and
(iv) Update the 2023-24 and 2024-25 General Fund capital budgets, should the
bid be successful to reflect the HUG2 funding and Housing Revenue Account 2022-23 and 2023-24 as set out in this report.