*Small Grants
*Coach Education
(i) It was reported that the Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager had investigated the cost of funding the ECB course and that 7 people had signed up for the course and would cost £600 for 10 people to attend and £500 for 15 people with payment on completion of the course. Marten Payne reported that he had 3 people who would be interested in attending.
It was agreed to run this course and that the total amount to be paid be capped at £1,000 to allow for more attendees and that a press release to publicise this would be prepared.
(ii) Martin Witheridge from Winterton Cricket club asked for £80.00 funding towards a Level 2 coaching course for cricket.
It was agreed that this applicant would be added to the ECB course in (i).
(iii) Simon Jones Elliott asked for funding towards a British Cycling course and a table tennis course.
That a £100 grant be agreed.
(iv) Martin Clarke from Scratby asked for funding towards a Level 1 English Table Tennis coaching course. It was agreed to asked for further information as to what club the applicant plated for and for him to be informed that he could not be paid directly.
That the Committee asked for further information.
Small Grants Changes
It was reported that the grants from the Council would be increased to £2,000 for 2014 with £1,000 towards coaching grants and £1,000 for match funding for grants of up to £500.
Martin Payne stated that he thought that East Coast Community Health Care would be happy to contribute towards the cost of the awards ceremony. It was also suggested that the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust could be asked to contribute.
John White informed the committee that he had taken the trophies to Cox's for valuation. There was only one silver trophy which was worth £8.00 and that the rest were silver plated, therefore the sale of these could not be used to fund the awards,however, these could be cleaned up and used for awards.
It was agreed that a small working group would be set up to look at the details of having awards and what they would be. The working group would consist of Councillor Sutton, John White, Jim West and Tracey Jones. It was planned that the event would be arranged by the end of July and that this would be held in October.