
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development Control Committee
14 Nov 2018 - 18:30 to 20:30
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Drewitt.




You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

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You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillor Flaxman-Taylor declared a Personal Interest in the item relating to 9 Youell Avenue, Gorleston as she was known to both the applicant and objector and she advised that she would leave the meeting during the debate and decision for this item.


Councillor Hanton declared a Personal Interest in the item relating to Repps Road (Land North of), Martham in that he had received a letter from the applicant with respect to the application.



3 pdf MINUTES (125Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 October 2018.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 17 October 2018 were confirmed subject to an amendment adding Councillor Williamson to the list of those who were present at the meeting.





The Committee received and considered the Senior Planning Officer's report which presented outline planning permission with all matters reserved, except access for redevelopment of the site for residential dwellings with new access points, associated landscaping and open space. 


The Senior Planning Officer reported that there had been a number of objections to the application on the grounds of highway safety from residents. She advised that the applicant had, following discussions with Norfolk County Highways, provided additional information and as such Highways had no objection to the access points as submitted, subject to their requested conditions being attached to any grant of permission. The increase in traffic
utilising the Repps Road had been taken into consideration by Highways when
assessing the application and they had requested that off-site improvements as shown on the additional details be carried out in order to make the development acceptable.


A further objection had been received from a local land owner who had been granted planning permission for the erection of 144 dwellings to the south of Repps Road. Members were advised that Highways had answered in full to this objection (included in the committee report) and the suggested conditions by the land owner were not recommended as it has been assessed as not being necessary to allow the development to proceed.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that no objections to the application from some residents had been made in relation to the proposed footpath. The footpath had been requested by Norfolk County Highways and Natural England, and she advised therefore that the footpath had been deemed as necessary to provide an adequate form of development.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the appraisal by the Strategic Planning Department had highlighted that the site offered a potential contribution to the Council’s overall housing supply. However, in light of the proposals within the revised NPPF (July 2018) and as an outline planning application, it would benefit the proposal further if the application were to include evidence on the timely delivery of the site. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicant’s agent had provided details of a developer that had agreed, subject to permission being granted, to buy and develop the site. The assurance of a named developer adds weight to the assertion that the site is deliverable; a shorter than average time limit can be placed upon any grant of planning permission to seek to bring the development forward.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the potential impacts of the site on European designated Nature Conservation sites (Natura 2000 sites) had been considered carefully. As Competent Authority, the officers' assessment was that sufficient information had been submitted by the applicant to enable the Appropriate Assessment to be undertaken. The on-site mitigation measures and the financial contribution (£110 per dwelling) towards monitoring and mitigating the cumulative impacts on Natura 2000 sites in the Borough were considered sufficient to mitigate any potential effects. 


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the site had not been identified for allocation in the emerging Draft Local Plan Part 2 which had recently been consulted upon; however, as this plan is at an early stage it is afforded only limited weight. The Core Strategy identifies that
30% of new housing development should be located within key service areas or primary villages. The application, being located within the village of Martham, a primary village, has access to village amenities including schools and shops. The development as proposed is in a sustainable location.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that the application was recommended for approval with conditions and planning obligations in accordance with local and national planning policy Members were advised that should the Committee be minded to approve the application, the
recommendation is such that the permission would not be issued prior to the signing of an agreement under section 106 for provision for infrastructure.


The applicant's agent hereby spoke on behalf of the applicant and summarised the proposals and benefits for the outline permission being requested. She reiterated to Members that no objection had been received from the Parish Council and advised that the applicant had a developer waiting to purchase the site and were looking to progress with the application as soon as possible.


A Member asked in relation to flooding and what assurances could be given in respect of what would be put in place for the prevention of flooding, the applicants agent reported that infiltration had been undertaken on the site to satisfy the Lead Local Flood Authority and that a sustainable drainage system would be looked into at the reserved matters stage.


Mr Turner,objector to the application presented his objections to the application to the Committee and suggested that an alternative footpath route be considered in light of his concerns with regard to safety.


Members entered into a general debate and in discussing the application the following concerns were raised :-


  • The use of Grade 1 agricultural land
  • That no comments had been received from the Parish Council 
  • The issue of the current footpath access and the potential for a overspill of cars parking on Deepdale Avenue




That application 06/18/0149/O be approved with conditions and planning obligations in accordance with local and national planning policy.



Councillor Flaxman-Taylor hereby left the meeting.




First floor extension over existing garage and gym.





The Committee received and considered the Senior Planning Officer's report which presented a first floor extension over existing garage and gym.


The Senior Planning Officer reported that a request had been received from an objector to defer the application due to not receiving paperwork. However, it was noted that this had been declined in light of the agenda and documents being published within the required statutory time frame.  


The applicants agent summarised the application on behalf of the applicant and advised that the application would cause limited additional impact and that scaffolding would be erected without affecting the neighbouring property.


Mr Davie, Objector, summarised his main objections to the Committee and stated that in his opinion the illustrations shown did not show how imposing the application in question would be on his property. He also raised concern in relation to the cladding to be used and the potential risk of fire.


A Member asked if white cladding were to be used, whether this would mitigate some of the concerns raised by Mr Davie. Mr Davie advised that this would provide a better solution than the grey colour suggested.




That application 06/18/0476/F be approved subject to a condition requiring the use of white cladding.




Report attached.







That the Delegated and Committee Decision List 1-31 October 2018 be noted.



To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.



There was no other business to be discussed at the meeting.



In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
David Drewitt Sue Hacon
Alan Grey Paul Hammond
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



Councillor Hanton (in the Chair); Councillors Annison, Bird, Fairhead, Flaxman-Taylor, Galer, Hammond,  Wainwright, Williamson, A Wright and B Wright.

Councillor Hacon attended as a substitute for Councillor Drewitt.


Mr D Minns (Planning Manager), Mr A Nicholls (Head of Planning and Growth), Mrs G Manthorpe (Senior Planning Officer), Ms C Whatling (Monitoring Officer), Mr G Bolan (Technical Officer) and Mrs S Wintle (Member Services Officer).



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