
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Great Yarmouth Minster Preservation Trust
13 Nov 2014 - 09:50 to 11:20
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items

You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects
•    your well being or financial position
•    that of your family or close friends
•    that of a club or society in which you have a management role
•    that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.


There were no declarations of interest.

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Lady Leicester, Henry Cator, Mike Muskett and Michael Boon.

To receive a verbal update at the meeting on the following:-

a) On-line giving

b) £120 expense for GY Tourism BID

c) Income 

£27 Minster tour for Harleston Probus - Paul Davies
£30 June Perkins
£500 from great Yarmouth Preservation Trust for a camera for the peregrine box on the tower

WW1 Centenary 2014 - Expenses: Printing £5: Fixings £56: Printing £98: Notice Board £70 = £229.  Donations £659.  Further sale of Tooke's book = £50 Profit = £480.  340 people signed the visitor's book.

Wedding Fair Sat 18 October and renewal of marriage vows:Expenses invites £9: Banners X 3 £42 : Table clothes etc £110 : Total £170 : Alcohol £32 (but 7 bottles left) : Income : Entrants £805 : Donations £35 : Cafe' proft £85 : Raffle £73 : Bar £37 : Total £1,035

Blessing of Nets and Herring supper Sunday 5th October : fish Michael Cole : Buns Colin Smith: Expenses Flyers £5 : Banner £7: Table clothes £20 = £32 - Income Tickets x70 £515: Raffle £100: Bar takings £145; Collection £147 + £79 Gift Aid = £986 Needs a re-vamp?

Ipswich and Co-op Brass Band concert (Sandra McCullagh) 11th October Tickets £7 : 50/50 with takings (they want minimum of £400 - they will keep raffle money and we will take the bar takings - we will print publicity - they will supply the programme) Expenses: Printing £20: Banner £7 : Band Fee £402.50 = £429 : Tickets sold (c58) £405 : Bar takings £40 = £445 (+£75 gifted by the band)  Registered Office still BDO?  On-line fundraising link on website.


a) On-line giving

Most on-line giving sites make a charge and Mike Muskett was now looking for an on-line site that is free to use.

b) £120 expense for GY Tourism BID

It was reported that the GY Tourism BID was for 5 years and by being a part of this could result in additional advertising for the Minster events and other benefits.

c) Income

£27 Minster tour for Harleston Probus - Paul Davies
£30 June Perkins
£500 from great Yarmouth Preservation Trust for a camera for the peregrine box on the tower

WW1 Centenary 2014 - Expenses: Printing £5: Fixings £56: Printing £98: Notice Board £70 = £229.  Donations £659.  Further sale of Tooke's book = £50 Profit = £480.  340 people signed the visitor's book.

Wedding Fair Sat 18 October and renewal of marriage vows:Expenses invites £9: Banners X 3 £42 : Table clothes etc £110 : Total £170 : Alcohol £32 (but 7 bottles left) : Income : Entrants £805 : Donations £35 : Cafe' proft £85 : Raffle £73 : Bar £37 : Total £1,035

Blessing of Nets and Herring supper Sunday 5th October : fish Michael Cole : Buns Colin Smith: Expenses Flyers £5 : Banner £7: Table clothes £20 = £32 - Income Tickets x70 £515: Raffle £100: Bar takings £145; Collection £147 + £79 Gift Aid = £986 Needs a re-vamp?

Ipswich and Co-op Brass Band concert (Sandra McCullagh) 11th October Tickets £7 : 50/50 with takings (they want minimum of £400 - they will keep raffle money and we will take the bar takings - we will print publicity - they will supply the programme) Expenses: Printing £20: Banner £7 : Band Fee £402.50 = £429 : Tickets sold (c58) £405 : Bar takings £40 = £445 (+£75 gifted by the band)  

The Chairman spoke of the Registered Office for the Minster which was still BDO and asked if this should be amended to Mike Muskett's Home office and the Trust felt that this should not be a personal address in case the person moves house and should be a business such as Lovewell Blake.

The Trust's current bank balance is £5,037 and the 10 day notice account is £144,952.

4 pdf MINUTES (85Kb)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2014  were confirmed.

To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.

a) Sandra McCullagh a Director 


There were no matters arising.

To consider any other matters arising.


There were no other matters arising.

To receive an update on the Slate.


There was no news update provided.

To receive an update at the meeting.


The Project Group has met with the architect and a preliminary plan of alterations is being drawn up by him for consideration.

To receive an update at the meeting.


It was reported that there had been lots of positive publicity for the Minster at present.

10 PLAN FOR 2014
a) Quiz/Treasure Hunt - Oct/Nov (David McDermott).

b) An evening with Keith Skues at the Masonic Rooms (Ian Miller) : Tickets : ?price POSTPONED to Autumn 2014.

c) Update on the Friends.

d) Vintage Fair (Sandra McCullagh and David McDermott) 23rd May 2015.

e) Christmas Tree Festival - Fri 12th December to Sun 21st December - Civic Carol Service 15th December  - Town Christmas Fair Fri 21 - Sun 23 Nov 2014.  Mayor to open 12th December 10am Judging Panel : Rector, Mayor, the Leader of Council - needs stewards.  ?Radio Norfolk putting in a tree - Circus ticket prize.

f) Royal Marines Band (£5,000) - November 2018 with the British Legion (Colleen Walker).

g) GY Festival 5-16 June 2015.

h) Keith Skipper and Ian Prettyman


Quiz/Treasure Hunt - Oct/Nov (David McDermott). It was agreed that this could either be held in the Town Hall or the Masonic Lodge.

b) An evening with Keith Skues at the Masonic Rooms (Ian Miller) : Tickets : ?price POSTPONED to Autumn 2014.

c) Update on the Friends.

d) Vintage Fair (Sandra McCullagh and David McDermott) 23rd May 2015.

e) Christmas Tree Festival - Fri 12th December to Sun 21st December - Civic Carol Service 15th December  - Town Christmas Fair Fri 21 - Sun 23 Nov 2014.  Mayor to open 12th December 10am Judging Panel : Rector, Mayor, the Leader of Council - needs stewards.  Radio Norfolk putting in a tree - Circus ticket prize. Stewards were required for this festival and that 45 tree's had been entered.

f) Royal Marines Band (£5,000) - November 2018 with the British Legion (Colleen Walker). It was reported that there would be three years to raise the funds to pay for this event and he Trust agreed to go ahead with the event and that this should be held on a Saturday in August in the Minster as this would be warmer and the Trust agreed.

g) GY Festival 5-16 June 2015.  It was reported that the programme had been completed.

h) Keith Skipper and Ian Prettyman

11 PLAN FOR 2015
a) May Day Fete (Karen Childs) - possible treasure hunt (David McDermott).

b) Umgawa Kagooga 8-piece Ska Band 16th May 2015 7.30pm; Cost £400 Tickets £5 (Colin Smith) Contact Dave Osborne 07776157474.

c) Messiah (pocket) Easter Sunday 2015 afternoon - Sponsorship required - Response from local councillors - Matthew Quirke (leader) offers a tutorial on publicity. Councilors contribution : Linden £50: Pratt £100: Wainwright £100.  Replies: Sutton - already committed Fox £0 doesn't take the grant (?free tickets)

d) Dixiemix Jazz Band 11th July 2015 at 7.30pm fee:£600 again

e) Rachel King and Friends (Andy Laine-Vocalist Hannah & Suzanne Long.  There will be a couple of others) Friday 3rd July 2015 (FoC)

f) Gorleston Community Choir Sat 8th August 2015 (FoC)

g) Sunday afternoon concerts with cake during Aug (5 Sundays) (Sandra McCullagh) (a) Gary Winter and girl-friend - 07717858850 

h) The Third Celebrations Fair (Weddings, Anniversaries, Proms etc) Sat 17th October (Sandra McCullagh)


May Day Fete (Karen Childs) 

b) Umgawa Kagooga 8-piece Ska Band 16th May 2015 7.30pm; Cost £400 Tickets £5 (Colin Smith) Contact Dave Osborne 07776157474.

c) Messiah (pocket) Easter Sunday 2015 afternoon - Sponsorship required - Response from local councillors - Matthew Quirke (leader) offers a tutorial on publicity. Councilors contribution : Linden £50: Pratt £100: Wainwright £100.  Replies: Sutton - already committed Fox £0 doesn't take the grant (?free tickets)

d) Dixiemix Jazz Band 11th July 2015 at 7.30pm fee:£600 again.  This was booked.

e) Rachel King and Friends (Andy Laine-Vocalist Hannah & Suzanne Long.  There will be a couple of others) Friday 3rd July 2015 (FoC)

f) Gorleston Community Choir Sat 8th August 2015 (FoC) this could be moved to the Sunday afternoon.

g) Sunday afternoon concerts with cake during Aug (5 Sundays) (Sandra McCullagh) (a) Gary Winter and girl-friend - 07717858850  It was agreed that Concerts would be held on 6 Sundays through August.  

h) The Third Celebrations Fair (Weddings, Anniversaries, Proms etc) Sat 17th October (Sandra McCullagh)
To discuss any fundraising ideas.


It was suggested that a concert be held the Saturday before Remembrance Day.

To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.


(i) Coat of Arms 

The Coat of Arms from the Magistrates Court would cost £3,000 to be repainted and Lincoln University had offered to repaint this for free but this would take a year to complete.

(ii) Friends of St Georges 

It was reported that this would be £30.00 a year and that Friends would then receive 15% off food and drink along with a discount of £1-£2 for show tickets.

(iii) Trust Events

Colin stated that the Trust needed help with selling tickets for the events.

(iv) Great Yarmouth Film Club

It was reported that the Great Yarmouth Film Club had been newly formed and would be meeting once a month on a Thursday with the next meeting being held on Thursday 20 November 2014 at St Georges to watch "his girl Friday".

Thursday 15th January 2015 at 0945 hours in the Minster Vestry.


It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Thursday 8 January 2015 at 0945 hours.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Michael Boon 
Henry Cator 
Lady Sarah Leicester 
Mike Muskett 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



Dr Paul Davies (in the Chair), Mrs C Walker, Mr Jim Carter, Mr Tony King, Mr David McDermott, Mr Ian Miller, Mrs Sandra McCullagh, Mr Colin Smith, Mr Mike Taylor, Mr Robert Price, Mr Hugh Sturzaker, Mr Anthony Smith, Mr Nick Pownall,Mr Robin Hodds and Mrs Karline Smith. 

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