
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
5 Oct 2017 - 19:00 to 21:12
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cutting, Rodwell, Smith and Stenhouse.




You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects
•    your well being or financial position
•    that of your family or close friends
•    that of a club or society in which you have a management role
•    that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillor Grant declared a personal interest in the item relating to the Motion in respect of the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust, and Councillors Wainwright, Wright and Pratt declared personal interest in the item relating to the Motion regarding the Sheltered Housing Services but all were allowed to vote and speak on the items.



3 pdf MINUTES (73Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 13 July 2017.





Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 13 July 2017.


With regard to the item relating to the Motion on Notice, in response to a question from Councillor Wainwright, the Corporate Governance Manager confirmed that to date no response had been received from wither the Prime Minister or the Local MP in respect of this Motion.


With regard to the item in respect of the Redundancy and Redeployment Policy, Councillor K Grey stated that the comments made by Councillor Wainwright at the Council meeting were not correct and Councillor Wainwright apologised for the incorrect statement he had made.


Council also agreed to record that Councillor Walch had been present at the meeting on the 13 July 2017.


Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor Lawn


That the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 13 July 2017 be approved.






Report attached.





Council considered the Service Committee Decision List for the period 10 July to 11 September 2017.


Proposer : Councillor Plant 


Seconder : Councillor Reynolds 


That the Decision List for the period 10 July to 11 September 2017 be received.






Report to follow.




Council considered the Strategic Director's report with regard to the provision of an ice rink in the Town Centre.


The Monitoring Officer advised Members on the reasons why certain financial information had been withheld in the Strategic Director's report.


Council was reminded that the Economic Development Committee at its meeting on the 7 July 2017 had asked Officers to look at the provision of an ice rink by the Council. Officers were asked to look at both the costs of hire of a rink and also the cost of purchase of a rink. The Economic Development Committee at its meeting on the 11 September 2017 had resolved that Council be recommended to purchase an ice rink and to consider the options for purchase as detailed within the Strategic Directors report. As part of consideration of the report to the Economic Development Committee it was requested and agreed that the Business Case would be reviewed and updated with figures obtained through the Council's procurement process and through additional financial modelling. The Strategic Director's report now presented the updated figures with regard to the provision of an ice rink.


Councillor Wainwright questioned why figures were now being presented as confidential and the Chief Executive Officer explained that the Officers had been securing the best price through negotiation. Councillor Fairhead commented that Members had only received the amended report from the Strategic Director two days ago and that she was disappointed that this had not been received by Members earlier. Both Councillors Jeal and Walker also questioned why the figures in regard to the ice rink were now regarded as confidential.


The Chief Executive Officer stated that all of the headline figures were included in the Strategic Director's public report and could be discussed and felt that the debate on this matter should be in the public domain.


Councillor B Coleman in presenting the report with regard to the provision of an ice rink also presented details of comments made by Town Centre traders who had expressed their support of an ice rink.


Councillor Wainwright questioned whether in face Town Centre traders were in support of the provision of an ice rink as a number had indicated that it had not improved their trade during the period of the ice rink operation in 2015. Councillor Wainwright also raised questions with regard to the details of the sponsorship figures and indicated that he did not feel that the provision of an ice rink was the best use of the Borough Council's funds. Councillor Reynolds stated that the provision of an ice rink would assist with the promotion and wealth of the Town and that it would provide a good atmosphere in the Town Centre during its period of operation. The provision of a ice rink would generate Christmas trading in this area. Councillor Myers stated that in his opinion the financial reality does not add up and that there would be no increase in retail spend. He also stated that the footfall figures in his opinion were speculative. He agreed that the Town centre required further attractions but did not agree with the provision of an ice rink.


Councillor Jeal also referred to the costs involved in providing a ice rink and whether this would be value for money. Councillor K Grey stated that despite her opposition in 2015 she know supported the provision of an ice rink this year. She also felt that both traders and residents would like the ice rink to return.


Councillor Williamson stated that in the near future the Policy and Resources Committee would be looking to make budget savings and questioned whether funds should be spent on the provision of an ice rink. Councillor A Grey made the point that money for the provision of a ice rink had been set aside in the Town Centre Initiative Fund. He felt that this would be a tangible and visible proposal and would provide the best for the Town Centre. Councillor Hammond also felt the provision of an ice rink would be a statement of intent and that Great Yarmouth would be open for business.


Councillor Plant reported that the use of the town Centre initiative funds was being used to draw people to the town Centre and that it was important to have a vision for the future. He stated that the ice rink had been well used in 2015 and that the Town Centre traders would like it to return.


Councillor Walker stated that in his opinion the Town Centre Initiative funds were not for one off events but should be used for the long term future of the Town Centre. He also raised issues with regard to the amendment within the Strategic Director's report to the contingency figures. Both Councillors M Coleman and Lawn expressed their support for the provision of an ice rink.

Proposer Councillor B Coleman

Seconder Councillor K Grey


(1) That based upon the Strategic Director's report the option of hiring an ice rink for the 2017 winter season to be funded by a single payment from the Town Centre Initiative reserve should be pursued.


(2) That the fees for use of the ice rink be set at levels as detailed within the Strategic Director's report.


(3) That Officers review the timing that the ice rink is open and promotion of the event including ticket promotions.


(4) That in order to test the market for such a hirer arrangement contract standing orders relating to acquisition of supplies and services be waived and further quotes be obtained.


(5) That further sponsorship is proactively sought to reduce the net cost of the event.


(6) That a report be presented to the Economic Development Committee in 2018 to review the 2017 ice rink hire and to consider options for future events that support the revitalisation of the Town Centre.








Report attached.





Council considered the Monitoring Officer's report asking Members to agree the Terms of Reference of the Local Authority Shareholder Committee and the Housing Appeals Committee. Members were advised of slight amendments for the Housing Appeals Committee.


Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor Carpenter


That the Terms of Reference for the Local Authority Shareholder Committee and the Housing Appeals Committee, as now amended be agreed.




In discussing the above matter Councillor Jeal asked the Chairman of the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee if he could investigate figures with regard to evictions and the Chairman agreed to look into this matter.





Council is asked to note, for information, the Chief Executive Officer's decision under delegated authority to appoint the following :-


  • Neil Shaw to replace Robert Read as a Director on the Equinox Board 
  • Neil Shaw to replace Jane Beck as a Director on GYBS 
  • Jane Beck to replace Robert Read as a Director on GY Norse 





Council noted for information the Chief Executive Officer's decision under delegated authority to appoint the following :-


  • Neil Shaw to replace Robert Read as a Director on the Equinox Board 
  • Neil Shaw to replace Jane Beck as a Director on GYBS 
  • Jane Beck to replace Robert Read as a Director on GY Norse.





Council is asked to agree the following :-


  • Neighbourhood Management Board - Make it Happen (Southtown, Cobholm and Halfway House) - Councillor Williamson to replace Councillor Borg
  • Great Yarmouth Sports Council and Great Yarmouth Sports Partnership - Councillor Wainwright to replace Councillor Borg
  • Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG - Primary Care Community Committee - appoint Councillor Carpenter





Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor Jeal


(1) That Councillor Williamson replace Councillor Borg on the Neighbourhood Management Board - Make it Happen (Southtown, Cobholm and Halfway House)


(2) That Councillor Wainwright replace Councillor Borg on the Great Yarmouth Sports Council and Great Yarmouth Sports Partnership.


(3) That Councillor Carpenter be appointed on the Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG - Primary Care Community Committee.







Council will be asked to agree a replacement Member for Councillor Waters-Bunn on the Local Authority Trading Company Shareholder Committee.





Proposer : Councillor Wainwright


Seconder : Councillor Williamson


That Councillor Wright replace Councillor Waters-Bunn as a Member on the Local Authority Trading Company Shareholder Committee.







To consider the following :-


(a) Motion from Councillors Wainwright, Jeal, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


"We call upon this Council to retain the housing related support services of eleven full time equivalent Supported Housing Officers, who are on average each responsible for 94 properties, and the four Supported Housing Officers who provide sickness and holiday cover, and the one full time equivalent manager who oversees the management and delivery of the Sheltered Housing Services".


(b) Motion from Councillors Jeal, Wainwright, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


"That this Council immediately freeze the scheduled timetable (previously agreed at the full Council meeting on the 16 May) for 2017 to 2018, and that at future Council meetings once the annual timetable for meetings is agreed it shall not be changed during that year. All Councillors will be aware of these dates and can arrange their diaries accordingly therefore leaving no one at a disadvantage of a last minute change".


(c) Motion from Councillors Wainwright, Jeal, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


"This Council resolves that GYBC negotiates with the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust for them to work in partnership by investing their residual finances into the regeneration of the Wellesley Recreation Ground, and that these finances be used as matched funding for the project for the benefit of Great Yarmouth residents as in accordance with the charitable aims of the Trust".





Council considered the following Motions :-


(a) Motion from Councillors Wainwright, Jeal, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


Councillor Wainwright presented the Motion calling upon the Council to retain the housing related support services of eleven full time equivalent Supported Housing Officers, who are on average each responsible for 94 properties, and the four Supported Housing Officers who provide sickness and holiday cover, and the one full time equivalent manager who oversees the management and delivery of the Sheltered Housing Services.


Councillor Wainwright in support of the Motion stated that this was about remodelling of the Sheltered Housing Service and he referred to the vital service that the wardens provide. He asked the Council to consider retaining the current level of the warden service. Councillor Grant as Chairman of the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee, reported that this matter had been recently considered by the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee and that at the present time, the proposals with regard to the sheltered housing services were out for consultation and that in his opinion the motion now presented was premature at this stage.


Councillor K Grey asked whether Councillor Wainwright would be prepared to withdraw this motion until such time as all Members would have the opportunity to examine the report that was considered by the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee.


Councillor Pratt stated that she felt that there had not been, at this stage, much level of consultation with regard to the proposals contained within the report. The issue of communication would be raised with the Housing Services. The Chief Executive Officer also explained to Members the current consultation process and that by following that process, this matter would be considered further by the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee.


Councillor Plant explained to Council the details of the current establishment within the Sheltered Housing Service.


In response to a comment from Councillor B Coleman on the issue of whether a Motion at Council could override any decision made by a Service Committee. Members were advised, that the Monitoring Officer would be asked to clarify this matter.


Councillor Walker stated that he felt that Councillors were here to represent the residents of the Borough and that the residents should get the service that they deserve.


Her Worship asked Councillor Wainwright if he wished to withdraw the motion but he declined to do so. The possibility of discussing this motion at the next meeting was raised.


Proposer : Councillor Wainwright


Seconder : Councillor Jeal


We call upon this Council to retain the housing related support services of eleven full time equivalent Supported Housing Officers, who are on average each responsible for 94 properties, and the four Supported Housing Officers who provide sickness and holiday cover, and the one full time equivalent manager who oversees the management and delivery of the Sheltered Housing Services.




(b)  Motion from Councillors Jeal, Wainwright, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


That this Council immediately freeze the scheduled timetable (previously agreed at the full Council meeting in February 2017) for 2017 to 2018, and that at future Council meetings once the annual timetable for meetings is agreed, it shall not be changed during that year as all Councillors will be aware of these dates and can arrange their diaries accordingly, therefore leaving no one at a disadvantage of a last minute change.


Councillor Jeal in support of the above Motion stated that this Motion was in realtion to individual Service Committee meetings being changed both in time and date.


Councillor A Grey stated that quite often Chairman of those Committees need to re-arrange dates of meetings for good reason.


Proposer : Councillor Jeal


Seconder : Councillor Wainwright 


That this Council immediately freeze the scheduled timetable for 2017 to 2018, and that at future Council meetings once the annual timetable for meetings is agreed it shall not be changed during that year as all Councillors will be aware of these dates and can arrange their diaries accordingly therefore leaving no one at a disadvantage of a last minute change.




(c) Motion from Councillors Wainwright, Jeal, Walker, Borg, Williamson and Waters-Bunn :-


Proposer : Councillor Williamson


Seconder : Councillor Jeal 


This Council resolves that GYBC negotiates with the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust for them to work in partnership by investing their residual finances into the regeneration of the Wellesley Recreation Ground, and that these finances be used as matched funding for the project for the benefit of Great Yarmouth residents as in accordance with the charitable aims of the Trust.





To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.

In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."





"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act." 




Additional Meeting Documents

  2. pdf ICE RINK (519Kb)


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Jack Cutting 
Tabitha Rodwell 
Carl Smith 
Katy Stenhouse 
NameReason for Absence
Malcolm Bird 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Andy GrantGYSLTas a trusteePersonalallowed
Sylvia PrattSheltered Housing Service not recordedPersonalallowed
Trevor WainwrightSheltered Housing Servicenot recordedPersonalallowed
Barbara WrightSheltered Housing Servicenot recordedPersonalallowed


Present :


Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Robinson-Payne (in the Chair); Councillors Andrews, Annison, Bensly, Borg, Carpenter, B Coleman, M Coleman, Connell, Davis, Fairhead, Flaxman-Taylor, A Grey, K Grey, Hacon, Hammond, Hanton Jeal, Jones, Lawn, Mavroudis, Myers, Plant, Pratt, Reynolds, Thirtle, Wainwright, Walch, Walker, Waters-Bunn, Weymouth, Williamson and Wright.


Also in attendance :-


Mrs S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer), Mrs R Crosbie (Monitoring Officer),Mr N Shaw (strategic Director), and Mr R Hodds (Corporate Governance Manager).



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