
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
2 Nov 2017 - 19:00 to 21:10
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Davis, Jones and Rodwell.




You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects
•    your well being or financial position
•    that of your family or close friends
•    that of a club or society in which you have a management role
•    that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillor Hammond declared a personal interest in the item relating to the 2 day Market Place Fees and the item relating to the Concurrent Function and Council Tax Support Grants 2018/19.


Councillor Annison declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item relating to the Marina Leisure Centre - New Build Options Appraisal and took no part in the voting or discussion there on and left the meeting


Councillors A Grey, K Grey, Hammond, Weymouth, Thirtle, Bird, Mavroudis, Lawn, Reynolds, Robinson-Payne, Waters-Bunn and Jeal declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item relating to the Private Rented Housing Proposal for a Selective Licensing Scheme and took no part in the voting or discussion there on and left the meeting for this item.



3 pdf MINUTES (74Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 5 October 2017.





Council considered the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 5 October 2017.


In relation to the item regarding the Motion on Notice Councillor B Coleman sought clarification on whether a Motion at Council could "override" any decision made by a Service Committee. The Monitoring Officer reported that the Council could reverse a decision made on behalf of the authority by a Service Committee decision but not within a six month period unless Council agreed to waive Standing Orders to allow any matter to be considered.


Proposer : Councillor Grant


Seconder : Councillor B Coleman


That the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 5 October 2017 be approved.






Council is advised that no public questions have been received for consideration.





Her Worship the Mayor advised Members that no Public questions had been received for consideration.




Report attached.





Council considered the Service Committee Decision List for the Period 14 September to 17 October 2017.


Proposer : Councillor Plant 


Seconder : Councillor Smith 


That the decision list for the Period 14 September to 17 October 2017 be received.






On reference from the Policy and Resources Committee of the 17 October 2017, Council is asked to agree the following :-


(1) That the recommendations for 2 day fees and charges be as follows :-


(a) To recommend to Full Council changes to the fees and charges for 2 Day Markets to an annual charge of 50p per foot in 2017/18 with effect from 1st October 2017, and that the additional one off cost be funded from the Town Centre Initiative reserve, and then the charge to revert to £1 per foot after the 12 month period.


(b) To recommend to Full Council a standard charge of £50 per annum for 2 day and 6 day traders on Fullers Hill Car Park.


Report considered by the Policy and Resources Committee is attached.





Council considered the recommended decisions from the Policy and Resources Committee of the 17 October 2017 in relation to the 2 Day Market Place Fees and Charges.


In discussing the recommendation in relation to the fees and charges for the 2 Day Markets Councillor Jeal proposed that the wording should be amended to state that this should be reviewed after 12 months rather than the recommendation as proposed to revert to £1 per foot after the 12 month period.


Proposer : Councillor B Coleman 


Seconder : Councillor Jeal 


That the 2 Day Market Place Fees and Charges be as follows :-


(a) To change the fees and charges for the 2 Day Markets to an annual charge of 50p per foot in 2017/18 with effect from the 1 October 2017, and that the additional one off costs be funded from the Town Centre Initiative Reserve, and that this be reviewed after the 12 month period.


(b) That a standard charge of £50 per annum for 2 day and 6 day traders on Fullers Hill Car Park be agreed.




(Councillors A Grey, K Grey, Hammond, Weymouth, Thirtle, Bird, Mavroudis, Lawn, Reynolds, Robinson-Payne, Waters-Bunn and Jeal left the meeting at this stage for the consideration of the following item).


In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, Council was asked to appoint a Chair for the consideration of the following item.


Proposer : Councillor Pratt 


Seconder : Councillor Wright


That Councillor Fairhead be elected to Chair the meeting for consideration of the following item.





Report attached.





Council considered the Strategic Director's report which set out a proposal for the Council to implement a Selective Licensing Scheme in relation to a geographic area comprising parts of the Nelson and Central and Northgate Wards of Great Yarmouth in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Act 2004. The Scheme aims to tackle significant and persistent levels of anti-social behaviour, crime and poor housing conditions related to the Private Rented Housing Sector.


Proposer : Councillor Grant 


Seconder : Councillor Flaxman-Taylor


(1) Agree that the Council moves forward with the introduction of Selective Licensing in accordance with the timescale set out within the Business Case, expected final decision by Council following statutory consultation would be in July 2018.


(2) Agree to release £38,788 from the Special Project Reserve to fund the development of the scheme to include the appointment of a Housing Licensing Manager to commence consultation and finalise details of a proposed scheme.


(3) Receive regular updates at the Housing and Neighbourhoods Committee on the progress of the project.




(Her Worship the Mayor here reoccupied the Chair).




On reference from the Policy and Resources Committee of the 17 October 2017, Council is asked to agree the following :-


That Council be recommended to agree :-


(1) That the proposal that the Current Function Grant for 2018/19 be reduced and be provided for parks and open spaces and burial grounds only be not agreed.


(2) That a further review be carried out for the 2019/20 budget process.


(3) That the Council Tax Support Grant Allocations for 2018/19 be limited to £33,710 as outlined within the Finance Director's Report.


Report considered by the Policy and Resources Committee is attached.





Council considered the recommended decisions of the Policy and Resources Committee of the 17 October 2017 in relation to Concurrent Function and Council Tax Support Grants for 2018/19.


Councillors Wainwright and Williamson commented that in their opinion they were of the view that Concurrent Function Grants should be discontinued. Councillor Wainwright pointed out that there had been financial cuts in all departments of the Council and that these grants should be ceased. Councillor Reynolds commented that the Concurrent Function Grants given to Parish Councils meant that they could carry out their functions more efficiently and that this matter should be discussed at the Parish Liaison meeting to be held on the 13 November 2017. Councillor Jeal commented that he felt the Concurrent Function Grant should be reduced in accordance with the Officers recommendation.


Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor B Coleman 


(1) That the Concurrent Function Grant for 2018/19 be reduced and be provided for parks and open spaces and burial grounds only be not agreed.


(2) That a further review be carried out for the 2019/20 budget process.


(3) That the Council Tax Support Grant Allocations for 2018/19 be limited to £33,710 as outlined within the Finance Director's report.







Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board.


Council is reminded that Councillor Grant has been appointed to the above Board. The County Council have now requested all District Council's to nominate substitute Members for this Board.


Council is now asked to nominate a substitute Member for the Health and Wellbeing Board.





Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board.


Council was reminded that Councillor Grant had been appointed to the above Board and that the County Council had know requested all District Council's to nominate substitute Members for this Board.


Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor Carpenter


That Councillor Flaxman - Taylor be appointed as the Borough Council's nominated substitute on the Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board.







To consider the following motion from Councillors Wainwright, Williamson, Jeal, Walker, Wright and Fairhead:- 



Great Yarmouth Borough Council notes that: -                                                                       

NJC basic pay has fallen by 21% since 2010 in real terms.       

NJC workers had a three year pay freeze from 2012-2015.

Local terms and conditions of many NJC employees have also been cut, impacting on their overall earnings.

NJC pay is the lowest in the Public Sector.

Job evaluated pay structures are being squeezed and distorted by bottom-loaded NJC pay settlements needed to reflect the increased National Living Wage and the Foundation Living Wage.

There are growing equal and fair pay risks resulting from this situation.



This Council therefore supports the NJC pay claim for 2018 of which many GYBC staff will be affected, submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of Council and school workers and calls for an immediate end of public sector pay restraint. NJC pay cannot be allowed to fall further behind other parts of the public sector.

This Council also welcomes the joint review of the NJC pay spine to remedy the turbulence caused by bottom-loaded pay settlements.

This Council also notes the drastic ongoing cuts to local governments funding and calls on the Government to provide additional funding to fund a decent pay rise for NJC / GYBC employees and the pay spine review.

This Council therefore resolves to :-

Call immediately on the LGA to make urgent representation to Government to fund the NJC claim and pay spine review and notify us of their action in this regard.

Write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor supporting the NJC pay claim and seeking additional funding to fund a decent pay rise and the pay spine review.

Meet with the local GYBC Union representative to convey support for the pay claim and the pay spine review.





Council considered the following Motion from Councillors Wainwright, Williamson, Jeal, Walker, Wright and Fairhead:-


Councillor Wainwright presented the Motion stating that NJC basic had fallen by 20% since 2010 in real terms and that NJC workers had had a three year pay freeze form 2012-2015. Local terms and conditions of many NJC employees had also been cut, impacting on their overall earnings. NJC pay is the lowest in the Public Sector. Job evaluated pay structures are being squeezed and distorted by bottom-loaded NJC pay settlements needed to reflect the increased National Living Wage and the Foundation Living Wage. There are growing equal and fair pay risks resulting from this situation.


Councillor Carpenter read out a letter received from the Local Member of Parliament Brandon Lewis MP which set out the Government's position with regard to the NJC pay claim for 2018/19. Councillor Smith also reported on a Press article from the Daily Mail which set out comments in relation to the impact of Public Sector wage increases. Councillor Plant commented that the Motion under consideration was a model version that had been prepared by the Unite Trades Union. He pointed out that negotiations were still taking place between the employers and the relevant unions. Councillor Williamson commented that the Government has a choice on how it spends its money and he stated the need to value public sector workers. Councillor Myers commented that there was a need to bring private sector workers up to the level of public sector and that standards should be raised across the board. Councillor Reynolds questioned where the Government would find the funds to meet the NJC pay claim. Councillor B Coleman referred to an article from the Institute of Economic Affairs detailing issues relating to the National Living Wage and on the current economic position throughout the country. Councillor Walker commented that he felt that funds could be found by the Government to meet the NJC pay claim and expressed his confusion at the content of the letter from the Local MP on this matter.


Proposer : Councillor Wainwright 


Seconder : Councillor Williamson 


This Council therefore supports the NJC pay claim for 2018 of which many GYBC staff will be affected, submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of Council and school workers and calls for an immediate end of public sector pay restraint. NJC pay cannot be allowed to fall further behind other parts of the public sector. This Council also welcomes the joint review of the NJC pay spine to remedy the turbulence caused by bottom-loaded pay settlements. This Council also notes the drastic ongoing cuts to local Government funding and calls on the Government to provide additional funding to fund a decent pay rise for NJC / GYBC employees and the pay spine review. This Council therefore resolves to call immediately on the LGA to make urgent representation to Government to fund the NJC claim and pay spine review and notify us of their action in this regard, and write to the Prime Minister and Chancellor supporting the NJC pay claim and seeking additional funding to fund a decent pay rise and the pay spine review, and meet with the local GYBC Union representative to convey support for the pay claim and the pay spine review.






Report attached.





Council was reminded that on the 7 February 2017 the Policy and Resources Committee agreed to further work being undertaken to look at new build options for a new leisure facility to replace the existing Marina Centre.


Accordingly Council now considered the Strategic Director's report together with a confidential Feasibility and Options Appraisals report and Members were asked to consider each of the new build options and note the Officer's recommendation to progress new build option 5 as this provides the most financially viable option for the Council.


Proposer : Councillor Smith


Seconder : Councillor Plant 


(1) To approve option five as the new build option to replace the existing Marina Centre and move the project into its next phase, which is a detailed feasibility study (RIBA stage 2) and in developing option five as part of stage two, to give consideration to incorporating additional leisure water within this facility.


(2) To allocate £120,000 of capital funding to progress this project, this will include the procurement of a professional team to deliver RIBA stage 2.


(3) To continue engagement with existing tenants on the site as part of the detailed feasibility study.


(4) To further explore car parking provision options on the seafront as part of RIBA stage 2.


(5) To progress additional funding opportunities to close the funding gap identified as part of progressing option 5.




Her Worship the Mayor advised Council that she had agreed for Council to consider an item of urgent business on a review of political balance.



To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.


In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."







"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act." 





Following a request to review the allocation of seats to Political Parties in accordance with Regulation 17 of the 1990 Regulations Members were asked to agree the arrangements to undertake a review of appointments to Committee's for 2017/18. The Monitoring Officer reported that in the event of the Political Groups being unable to nominate Members to the respective Committees then it was suggested that the Chief Executive Officer/Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to agree the Committee appointments. The proposed appointments to the Committees from the Conservative Group had been shared with the other Political Group Leaders. In discussing this item, Councillor Wainwright commented that the seven UKIP Members who had recently decided to join the Conservative Group on the Council should be prepared to stand at a By Election to be arranged.  Councillor Annison commented that there would be a significant cost to the Council in arranging By Elections for the seven Members in question.


The Corporate Governance Manager explained that Council could now agree the list of nominations presented by the Conservative Group, the nominations from the Labour Group and Tribune Group remain unchanged and could also now be agreed, and that the nominations to be made by the UKIP Group, and any other amendments from the Political Groups, could be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer / Monitoring Officer for approval.


Proposer : Councillor Plant


Seconder : Councillor B Coleman 


That the proposed revised appointments to Committees for 2017/18 on the lines outlined above be agreed.




Additional Meeting Documents



Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Lea Davis 
Rachel Jones 
Tabitha Rodwell 
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
Carl AnnisonMarina Leisure Centre - New Build Options Appraisanot recordedPecuniaryleft
Malcolm BirdPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Alan GreyPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Kay GreyPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recorded Pecuniaryleft
Paul HammondPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Paul HammondItem 6 no recorded Personalallowed
Michael JealPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Brian LawnPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Demetris MavroudisPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Charles ReynoldsPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Kerry Robinson-PaynePrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Haydn ThirtlePrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Paula Waters-BunnPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft
Shirley WeymouthPrivate Rented Housing Proposal not recordedPecuniaryleft


Present :


Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Robinson-Payne (in the Chair), Councillors Andrews, Annsion, Bensly, Bird, Borg, Carpenter, B Coleman, M Coleman, Connell, Cutting, Fairhead, Flaxman-Taylor, Grant, A Grey, K Grey, Hacon, Hammond, Hanton, Jeal, Lawn, Mavroudis, Myers, Plant, Pratt, Reynolds, Smith, Stenhouse, Thirtle, Wainwright, Walch, Walker, Waters-Bunn, Weymouth, Williamson and Wright.


Also in attendance :-


Mrs S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer), Mr D Johnson (Monitoring Officer), Mrs J Cooke (Head of Organisational Development) Mrs V George (Head of Housing), Mr R Hodds (Corporate Governance Manager) and Mr G Jones (Information Manager).



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