
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Yarmouth Area Public Forum
6 Dec 2016 - 19:00 to 21:00
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Bird, Ms V Petit and Mr P Fitzgerald.




You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

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You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillor Waters-Bunn declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item relating to the Beaconsfield Play Area in her capacity as Chairman of PoNY.



3 pdf MINUTES (64Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 13 September 2016.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 13 September 2016 were confirmed subject to the following amendment in relation to item 6 :-


i) County Councillor Castles question be amended to " Would the Council consider allocating beach huts on to the promenade itself".





To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.



The Chairman asked for clarification from County Councillor Castle in relation to beach huts on the promenade, County Councillor Castle advised that he had asked for the potential for 20-100 spaces allocated for individuals to purchase and place huts within a designated area on the promenade and then pay a rental cost to the Council.


The Chairman advised in relation to the Market Place issue raised, that work is ongoing with this matter.


Members were advised in relation to questions raised at the last meeting in relation to the Fountain Bar, that the facility does not hold an alcohol licence.


The Chairman advised that a proposal to amend the meeting cycle to bi-monthly had been refused by Council at its meeting on the 3 November.




To be discussed at the meeting.





The Chairman welcomed Mr Rankin of First Bus to the Committee.


County Councillor Castle summarised the feelings of the Committee in relation to the need for a bus link to the Gapton Hall Industrial Unit. The Member Services Officer read a letter to the Committee that had been received from a resident of the Borough stating their concerns in relation to County Councillor Castles article that had appeared in the local paper in relation to the bus link. County Councillor Castle stated that he felt people of Great Yarmouth who did not own or have access to a vehicle have a right to be able to go to the out of town retailers.


Mr Iain Rankine, First Buses summarised the main issues surrounding a bus link to Gapton Hall retail park to the Committee, he reported that due to lack of infrastructure and volume of traffic around the Gapton Hall Industrial Estate a bus link would be unrealistic, although he stated that the bus company itself were not adverse to looking at different ideas but that they would not be prepared to do this themselves.


The Chairman asked in relation to the reinstatement of a bus service through Cobholm, and he was advised that funding had been deleted for this service. Councillor Jeal asked whether there was a possibility that a small bus could be provided to service this area, and he was advised that this was not possible although it was pointed out that Norfolk County Council have a bus service which runs on a Thursday and Friday which services the villages and Gapton Hall.


Mr Langley raised his concerns to the lack of vision in relation to the need for an out of town bus service, he pointed out that there were effectively two town centres, a historic one and the Gapton Hall estate, and he felt that a bus link would allow residents to not only get to Gapton Hall easier, but could also bring people back into town.


Councillor Jeal asked in relation to the revised bus schedule at St Peters Road and raised concern at the lack of bus stops available on this route, and he was advised that this matter was being looked in to.





To consider a verbal presentation from PC Hannah Gardiner, District Engagement Officer on Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.





The Committee received a verbal presentation from PC Hannah Gardiner which set out to advise Members of the Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.


Members were advised that 118 schemes had been rolled out across the Borough, she pointed out that there were no current schemes within the Central and Northgate areas of Great Yarmouth but that it was hoped to engage residents from these area to deliver the schemes. She stated that each scheme would require a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator who would act as a single point of contact for the scheme.


Mrs Fitzgerald asked whether a certain number of residents were required to join to be able to implement the schemes, and she was advised that there were no required numbers to be able to introduce a scheme. Members were advised that once a scheme had been introduced a fee of £14.40 would be charged for signage.


The Chairman asked whether regular meetings were held to support the schemes, and he was advised that at present neighbourhood watch schemes within the Gorleston area held regular meetings. The Chairman asked if a resident made a complaint and wished to remain anonymous would the neighbourhood watch scheme allow them to do this, and he was advised this would be dependant on the complaint received.


Mr Langley suggested that presentations be given at the local SNAP groups to encourage further engagement.





To consider questions from Members of the public.





There were no public questions received.




To consider a report from PoNY on the Beaconsfield Play Area.





The Committee received and considered the People of North Yarmouth (PoNY) report which asked Members to support the improvements needed to update and make the Beaconsfield play area inclusive for all its users.


Mrs Fitzgerald, PoNY representative summarised the salient areas of the report to Members and advised that PoNY had been awarded £10,000 funding from Tesco for the purchase and installation of a wheelchair accessible roundabout.


County Councillor Castle commended the efforts of PoNY he stated that the proposals outlined how community groups could make a difference and hoped that the Council would help with the funding of the play area.


Councillor Jeal stated that although commended the work that had been completed by PoNY it would be inappropriate to assume the Council could contribute to the funding during the harsh economic times faced by the Local Authority. 


Councillor Hammond advised the Committee that he had allocated his ward budget to the improvements and stated that he had hoped other Councillors would contribute, although it was pointed out ward budget allocations were to be used within Councillors elected wards.


The PoNY Chairman advised that there were currently no inclusive areas within the Borough for children to play.




That the Committee recommend to Council that permission be given to PoNY for the purchase and installation of a wheelchair accessible roundabout on the Beaconsfield Recreation Ground as outlined within the Committee report.





To provide the Committee with an update on the North Yarmouth Boardwalk.





The Chairman advised that the Environment Committee at it's last meeting had agreed for the item in relation to the North Yarmouth Boardwalk be added to the Committee's Forward Plan to be discussed at a future meeting .


The Chairman suggested that he and PoNY arrange a meeting to discuss this matter further. He also advised that he had spoken with Daniel Hastings at GYBC in relation to funding needs, and that he had received an expression of interest in relation to match funding from another organisation but that this matter would need to be discussed further.





An update to be provided to the Committee.





The Chairman advised that a survey had been undertaken twice a day for a period of two weeks and it was note that no cars had used this facility within that time.


It was agreed that the Chairman speak to the Group Manager, Customer Services and Parking Manager from the Borough Council about this matter and provide Members with an update at the next meeting. Councillor Robinson Payne asked whether an update could be sought on the issues raised at Roman Place from the Group Manager, Customer Services.



To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Malcolm Bird 
Rachel Jones 
NameReason for Absence
Robert Connell 
Lea Davis 
Katy Stenhouse 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Present :-


Councillor Walch (in the Chair), Councillors Hammond,Jeal, Robinson-Payne and Waters Bunn, County Councillors Castle and Parkinson Hare, Mr J Langley (North Yarmouth Community Resilience), Mrs J Fitzgerald (PoNY), Mrs H Porter (PoNY) and Mrs S Wintle (Member Services Officer).


Mr I Rankine (First Bus) and PC 1537 Hannah Gardiner (Police)

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