The Committee considered the report of Mr D Johnson, Solicitor nplaw who had been
appointed as the Investigating Officer into a complaint by Mr T Willis of 7 Pine Close
Martham, that a Martham Parish Councillor Mark Johnson had breached the Parish
Council's Code of Conduct by failing to declare an interest as required by the code.
The Monitoring Officer had concluded that there had been no breach of the code by
Parish Councillor Johnson but Mr Willis had exercised his right of appeal and had
requested that the matter be considered by the Standards Committee.
The Monitoring Officer reminded the Committee that they should decide if it considers
a breach has occurred and if so what, if any, sanctions would be appropriate.
The Monitoring Officer pointed out that the complainant Mr Willis had been invited to
attend but had chosen not to do so.
That having heard the evidence and having read the papers the Standards
Committee conclude that no further action should be taken on this matter.