Standard Items
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You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.
Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes.
There were no declarations of interest.
To receive any apologies for absence.
There were no apologies for absence.
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2015.
The minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2015 were confirmed subject to the addition that Councillor Plant was present at the last meeting.
To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.
The Chairman reported that he had received an email that stated that Councillor Castle and Cllr Rex Parkinson-Hare had recommended to Norfolk County Council that Great Yarmouth's Car Parking Strategy Steering Group should cease and therefore no Norfolk County Councillors had been appointed to the Steering Group. The Group discussed this and agreed that Great Yarmouth Borough Council would like the Car Parking Strategy Steering Group to continue as this was a more democratic way of dealing with parking issues in the borough and asked the County Officers to report this back to Norfolk County Council.
To consider the attached.
It was reported that Norse would like to take over part of the Beaconsfield Car Park to then be able to offer the 20-30 mini buses that are currently parking in Perfects Yard to park in this yard which would bring an income to Norse which would be shared with Great Yarmouth Borough Council via the 50/50 profit share arrangement. Norse would re-surface the car park and install new fencing around.Currently a maximum of 20 cars park on the car park and the area remaining would still accommodate these.
RESOVED:- That the Car Parking Strategy Steering Group meeting agreed in principle to Norse taking over part of the Beaconsfield Car Park and that Cabinet be asked to endorse this.
To be discussed at the meeting.
As this matter was discussed earlier in the meeting the Steering Group agreed that Paul Donnachie should talk to Norfolk County Council about the percentage of return that Great Yarmouth Borough Council should be receiving from CPE.
RESOLVED:- That the Car Parking Strategy Steering Group meeting agreed that the Steering Group meetings should continue and that the Norfolk County Council EDT team be informed of this if it is endorsed by Cabinet and that the Car Parking Strategy Steering Group agreed not to continue with any further work on the Zone A Extension as this will not be implemented.
To consider the attached.
The Car Parking Strategy Steering Group considered a letter from Brandon Lewis, MP as he had been contacted by a resident who had raised concerns about the parking around the Cliff Hotel Gorleston. It was agreed that there was no easy solution to this problem as Norfolk County Council has a policy not to implement parking restrictions and it was agreed that a letter to this effect would be drafted and sent to the MP's office.
That the Customer Services Group Manager send a letter to the MP's office informing them of Norfolk County Council's policy.
To consider the attached.
At the last meeting the Steering Group discussed the issue of parking in Kennedy Avenue which had been exacerbated by the implementation of parking restrictions in the Jenner Road area and it was reported that this was on the Norfolk County Council's work programme and would be progressed.
That Norfolk County Council update the Car Parking Strategy Steering Group on the progress of this at future meetings.
To consider the attached.
The Car Parking Strategy Steering Group considered a letter received from Brandon Lewis, MP who had received a letter from Arthur Jury and Sons expressing concern about the time limited parking restrictions in the area of Northgate Street.
It was reported that the time limited parking had not previously been enforced due to incorrect signage and that the CPE officers were now able to issue tickets in this area and this is why the complaint had been received. It was agreed that there was no solution to this issue as there was a pay and display car park near by.
That the Customer Services Group Manager send a letter to the MP's office to state that there was no solution to this issue.
To consider the attached.
The Car Parking Strategy Steering Group considered the e-mail from a resident in the Wellesley Road area and it was agreed that the Customer Services Group Manager would investigate the use of the residents advantage card at the Beach Coach Station car park and would report back on this at the next meeting.
That the Customer Services Group Manager investigate the use of the Residents Advantage Card at the Beach Coach Station Car Park and report back on this at the next meeting.
To consider the attached.
It was reported that there had been an increase in the number of penalty notices issued. There was a low percentage of tickets written off but there was also a low percentage of tickets paid.
Car Parking Income 2014/15 had increased by £90,000. Concern was expressed that the forecast target was unrealistic and not met. It was reported that this had been raised at the County CPE meetings.
To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.
The Pre CPE Surplus Accounts were tabled and it was agreed that as the Zone A extension would not be implemented the funds allocated to this could be re-allocated to work on the Kennedy Road Traffic Calming measures.
The Chair requested to see the County Wide CPE figures to try and ascertain why it was not making a profit which is the reason why Great Yarmouth is not receiving any surplus money.