Full planning application for 100 new dwellings, public open space, associated infrastructure and demolition of 10 White Street (existing dwelling) to form access.
The Committee received and considered the comprehensive report from the Planning Group Manager as detailed in the agenda.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the application was for the redevelopment of a previously developed site including the demolition of a dwelling house to accommodate the access and the erection of 100 residential dwellings with associated infrastructure and public open space. There would be a mix of properties ranging from 2 to 4 bedrooms. Conservation Area consent had been approved for the demolition of 10 White Street, Martham.
The Senior Planning Officer reported the outcomes of the statutory consultations which had been undertaken and that thirteen objections had been received from local residents which citied concerns regarding the closure of Back Lane, inadequate sewerage and rain water removal provision and local infrastructure concerns. One comment had been received in support of closing Back Lane providing adequate turning could be provided had also been received.
Martham Parish Council raised concerns that there was a discrepancy regarding comments received from Anglian Water, clarification was required for the ownership and ongoing responsibility of the open space, the traffic solution of blocking off Back Lane, increased pressure on the struggling Doctor's practice and low mains water pressure in the village.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that in terms of highways and access, Norfolk County Council had commented on the SHLAA in terms of highways and access are were now satisfied that a singular access off White Street with off-site highway improvements to form a cul-de-sac to include two turning heads and a zebra crossing were acceptable for the development. This conclusion had been decided following extensive negotiations between the developer and NCC and will prevent the road becoming a rat run and protect the amenities of the residents.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that resident's fears of over-looking had been reduced by conditioning that the three storey properties were designed so that the second floor was velux windows to be 1.7m from the floor level to reduce overlooking.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Policy CS4 of the Core Strategy outlined the provision of affordable housing for the Borough which would equate to 20 dwellings in this development. The applicant had stated that this would make the site not viable. This is being assessed by the District Valuation Officer and negotiations will continue if permission is granted. Negotiation are still ongoing with regard to s106 agreements to mitigate the effect on the Natura 2000 sites, open space an play area. The open space will be managed through s106 agreement by a management company in perpetuity.
A Member raised concerns of the distance between the properties which flanked the pumping station. The Senior Planning officer reported that these properties would be sited 15 metres away and only a partial amount of the garden of these plots would be affected.
The Senior Planning officer reported that the application was recommended for approval with the conditions reported at Committee.
Mr Heel, applicant's agent addressed the Committee and reiterated the salient areas of the application and its benefit to the residents of Martham by developing a local eyesore. He asked that the Committee approve the application.
Mr Hooper, Vice-Chairman of Martham Parish Council, reported that the parish council was in favour of the development which had been an eyesore for a number of years. The closure of Back Lane and the formation of a cul-de-sac would create a potential traffic hazard at the junction of the alternative access with Hemsby Road. The Parish Council stressed the need for affordable homes within the village to allow local residents to get their foot on the housing ladder within the village.
A Member reported that he welcomed the application as new homes were required in the Northern parishes and he proposed that the application be approved.
That application 06/15/486/F be approved as it was accepted that the application was outside the village development limits and was contrary to the adopted Borough Wide Local Plan 2001. However, the site had been identified as a brownfield site which was developable and deliverable and their was no objection in planning terms to the development commencing prior to the formal adoption of the site specific allocations subject to conditions.
The application be approved subject to conditions as recommended by consulted parties and those to ensure a satisfactory form of development and obligations as set out by Norfolk County Council and mitigation measures in line with the aims of the Natura 2000 sites Monitoring and Mitigation Strategy. Permission not to be issued prior to the signing of an agreement under section 106 for provision for schools, infrastructure, mitigation, affordable housing, children's play equipment/space and open space management.