The Committee received and considered the comprehensive report from the Planning Group Manager.
The Group Manager Planning reported that application sought approval to demolish Glebe Farmhouse and replace it with two pairs of semi-detached houses.
It was reported that Highways had initial concerns with regard to layout, access and visibility, following receipt of these concerns the proposed plans were amended the Highways Officers objections had been withdrawn subject to standard conditions including the provision of visibility splays, the driveway to be a minimum of 4.5m for a minimum length of 10m and footway widening.
The Group Manager Planning reported that the Parish Council had objected with the main objections being, site not within Borough-Wide Plan area, the access road, and visibility splay.
The Group Manager Planning reported the development of this site would appear to be a logical infilling between existing houses and would not result in any harm to the street scene, and that the proposal complies with relevant criteria within the Interim Housing Land Supply Policy.
It was reported that the distance between the dwellings and siting of the car shelter, the proposal if approved would not have a significant adverse effect on the neighbouring property as to justify refusal on the grounds of overlooking.
The Group Manager Planning reported that the application was recommended for approval.
The Chairman reported that the Local Parish Councillor had initial concerns but since the plans had been amended these concerns had been withdrawn.
Mr Bartlett - Objector presented a report of his main objections to the Committee.
- Inadequate parking provisions
- A1064 main road cannot sustain parking
- Pedestrian hazards
- Privacy
- Elevated Land
- Plans for adjacent Barns
A Member in relation to Mr Bartlett's concern regarding inadequate parking asked if this had been raised by the Highways Officer and was advised that the Highways Officer had no objections.
The Chairman agreed with Mr Bartlett in regards to the A1064 main road.
A Member asked in relation to the distance of the nearest property to Mr Bartlett's and was advised that this was approximately 100ft.
A motion was moved and seconded that application 06/15/0631/F be rejected on the grounds that is was unneighbourly.
Following a vote, the motion was lost.
A second motion was made to approve the application in line with the
recommendation of the Planning Group Manager.
That application 06/15/0631/F be approved as the proposal complies with the Interim Housing Land Supply policy, subject to the conditions required by Highways.