Standard Items
Apologies for Absence/Introductions
To receive any apologies for absence and introductions for new members.
Apologies for absence were received from Clare Winter, Heather Sayer, Jerry Stone, Karla George and Laurie Hull.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2013 were confirmed.
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2013 were confirmed.
Matters Arising
To consider any matters arising from the above minutes which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
(i) Street Games UK
A meeting has been arranged for 18 September 2013 at 10.30 am at Maritime House for all partners interested in the project.
Active Norfolk Update
Active Norfolk colleagues will report on County initiatives and related Great Yarmouth projects including the new Fun adn Fit Norfolk Programme.
Alex Bond reported on behalf of Active Norfolk on the following:-
*Get Healthy, Get into Sport now being named 'fun & fit Norfolk' with taster sessions being held on 22 September 2013 from 10-3pm at the UEA Sports Park, Norwich and the details were accessible via This would be launched Easter 2014 in Great Yarmouth.
*The Corporate Games would be held next year on Friday 13 June 2014
*The Coaches Voice Magazine would be due out in the next three weeks
*Coach Development courses were being run at Caister Golf Club and 20 people had been through the course and new courses would be set up in the new year
*A Fit for Work Golf course had been run at Bure Park for Perenco staff with 8 people taking part.
*New Satellite Clubs would be run at Caister High School, Great Yarmouth High, Lynn Grove, Yarmouth College and East Norfolk Sixth Form College. The schools had identified sports to develop and set up satellite clubs, working with local clubs to set up these links.
*Badminton was now proving popular in the borough and so a steering group would be set up to look at sports of interest to discuss where to set these clubs up.
*In relation to the Village Games project the following events would be taking place:-
Golf - Sunday 15 September 2013 £8 per pair (one adult, one junior £5 for an individual entry)
Squash - Sunday 17 November at Broadland Sports Club £5 per entry
Alternative Village Games - Sunday 12 January 2013 Rush Hockey, Volleyball, Dodgeball and Handball £10 per team entry per sport
Netball Competition - Sunday 27 April 2014 - Dereham Neatherd High School £10 per team
Great Yarmouth Village Games - Sunday 22 June 2014 at Lynn Grove High School
* Primary School Sport Premium - Active Norfolk has acquired resources from Sport England to support schools locally. In the short term they would be undertaking an exercise to establish, where possible, the current position of Primary schools across the county in relation to the premium and their intentions/readiness to deliver against the objectives. Over the next two years they will be working more closely with schools to help them make informed decisions regarding the utilisation of their investment, link them to NGBs and local clubs where appropriate, support the co-ordination of training and development of school staff to deliver PE and school sport, as well as working more closely with a small number of targeted primaries who may require additional support. For further information e-mail
*The new Physical Activity project entitled "Fun & Fit Norfolk" would be launched on 22 September 2013 at UEA Sports Park. This project will be rolled out across the county, Great Yarmouth is scheduled for phase 3 next April 2014.
East Coast Community Health Care
Charles Allen, Adult Physical Activity Project Officer will report further on various health and physical activity projects on offer in the borough.
Charles Allen reported on various physical activity initiatives in progress throughout the Borough and in particular reported that the Exercise Referral Scheme operates with a completion rate of 77% in the Great Yarmouth Area. 70-75% then maintained the activity level after the scheme. ECCHC were now looking at disability taster sessions and were working with the Great Yarmouth and Waveney Special Olympians Group. It was suggested that Charles should contact Mike Reynolds at Gorleston Tennis Club who had recently completed a wheelchair tennis coaching course.
Cultural Update
The Cultural, Sport and Leisure Manager will provide a verbal update on sport related events and partnerships opportunties.
The Out There Festival 2013 programmes which takes place from the 10-15 September 2014 were tabled along with flyers for the East Coast Run scheduled for Sunday 20 October 2013.
The Culture, Leisure and Sport Manager reported that the 2014 events schedule was now work in progress, further details to follow in due course.
Great Yarmouth Strategic Partnership Update
The Partnerships Officer for Great Yarmouth Borough Council will give a verbal report.
Equalities Day - would be held in the Town Hall on 18 October 2013 at 10.00am This is the first time that this event will have been held outside Norwich.
Older People's Network - Some funding would be available from December for activities and services for promoting inclusion and wellbeing for the over 50's. Nominations were also requested for people who are over 50 and have contributed to thier comminuties to receive a "celebrate and participate " award nominations to be submitted by Friday 20 September with the awards ceremony being held on 16 October 2013.
Domestic Violence - The Norfolk Say No White Ribbon event would be between 25-30 November with the focus being on young people this year with a large event being held in Great Yarmouth.
Loan Shark Awareness week starting 7 Octboer 2013
Youth Advisory Board - Four grants have been awarded so far for a Youth and Community Worker to support adults who run/provide youth activities. Neet Project with nexus engineering centre receiving £10,000 for fnding a NEET project around engineering/energy sector training. Peer Mentoring projects about inclusion/equalities : Ormiston adn GYCT. Rural Community Worker post to be evaluated this week. The next Youth Advisory Board meeting would be held on 18 Septemer 2013.
Great Yarmouth Sports Partnership's Work Programme
The Working Group will report on progress to date.
Due to Summer Activity commitments, it was reported that the Working Group hadn't met since the last meeting but the programme remained unchanged. It was confirmed that the Sports Partnership would support the County Wide Active Norfolk bid to Sport England's community activation fund.
Martin Pane reported on the Sportivate funding had been used to pay for courses for 10 weeks for people who had been unemployed for a set period of time and they were offered a level 1 NGB course. It was hoped that 5-10 more courses would be run if the funding was successful.
Items for Information
Partners are invited to report on any relevant items.
(i) Active Norfolk
The Norfolk Sports Awards would be held on 6 November 2013 at the Forum with 10 categories for awards. The deadline for nominations is 21 October with applications on-line.
(ii) Norfolk Future Youth
Michelle Gibson reported that on 13 August 2013 Stephen Bett the Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner visited the Norfolk Future Youth project at the Marina Centre : Photo's were taken for display on the Norfolk Constabulary Website. The Youth Cafe would be opening again on Friday 20 September 2013 with Volleyball, Badminton and Softball on offer. The GOYA project is being funded by the YMCA for 16-24 year olds encouraging them to take part in sport. A Fun Day had been held on 1 September 2013 and ended with a private pool session. The evening football sessions were going well.
(iii) East Norfolk Sixth Form College
Jamie Lincoln reported that there had been 16 trial sessions for 14-18 year olds held during the Summer Holidays.
(iv) Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust
Wayne Nixon reported that Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust had agreed a £3.5m project to refurbish the Marina Centre. This would include a new boiler system, pool filtration, the sports hall floor replaced and completion of external works to the pannelling. New Spinning bikes would be installed in the Gym. The Current South end car park would become dedicated for centre users and another new car park constructed at the North end of the centre also for centre users.
The Marine Centre was talking to ADP Design about refurbishing the changing rooms and making a purpose built changing room for disabled people. In addition the Phoenix Swimming Pool has received a County Community Construction Fund grant to replace the boiler, purchase a pool cover and upgrade the changing rooms.
(v) Play and Leisure
The Council's Play and Leisure Officer reported that she would be consulting with residents in Bradwell on the spending of Section 106 monies for play areas, the dates as follows:-
El Alamein Way 5 October 2013
Cornfield 11 October 2013
Shearwater 11 October 2013
(vi) Community Trust
Kate Warner reported on the Community Life Programme which had been running since January 2013 and a current programme was tabled to all partners.
(vii) Lynn Grove High School
Adrian Simm reported that a charity football match would be held at Emerald Park, Gorleston on 29 September 2013 with the funds going to a local person who had been diagnosed with Motorneurone Disease. The facilities at Lynn Grove had been used well over the summer holidays and there were only four days where there were no children's events held. In addition Lynn Grove had been awarded a Sport England Inspired Facilities grant to refurbish the outside tennis court area and add flood lights.
(viii) Community Sports Foundation
The local Kicks Programme has successfully receieved Premiership funding up to £300,000 over three years, activities would take place at Lynn Grove High School as well as Ormiston Adventure Academy activities would included Table Tennis, Boxing, Badminton, Netball, Basket Ball, Hockey and Handball.
(ix) Special Olympians
On the 3 December it is International Disability Day and GYWSO have decided to host what will hopefully turn into an annual event at the Marina Centre. They will be running a swim challenge for local businesses and also organising a Roadshow in the Sports Hall for any company/organisation/sports club to promote their goods and services and meet each other. There will be no cost for a stall but they will be asking instead for a raffle prize for a mega raffle to be drawn on the day. More details could be obtained on
Date of Next Meeting(s)
To confirm the date and time for the next meeting and to consider dates for meetings in 2014.
It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be Wednesday 13 November 2013 at 5.30 pm. 2014 dates will be confirmed at this meeting.
Network Opportunities
Partners have the opportunity to network/meet/discuss with fellow colleagues to explore joint working opportunties and ensure a co-ordinated approach to local delivery.
Partners used the opportunity to network.