Report attached.
The Committee considered the report from the Planning Group Manager.
The Planning Group Manager reported that application 06/15/0390/F was the forming of four retail units within the area of the existing builders yard. The Planning group manager reported the existing B&Q warehouse has a total gross floor area of 11,763sqm of which 1,894SqM comprises the builders merchant element, 2,158SqM the garden centre and 7,711SqM the internal sales area, with the proposed subdivision being Unit A - 1765SqM, Unit B - 802SqM, Unit C - 700SqM, Unit D - 470SqM, total 3737SqM. The Planning Group Manager reported the remaining floor area is proposed as a smaller B&Q unit but subject to the existing DIY sales condition. The Planning Group Manager reported that the statement states the application will protect existing local jobs and create up to 46 full time equivalent new jobs and that significant weight should be placed on the need to secure sustainable economic growth and employment.
The Planning Group Manager explained the report from Carter Jonas.
There were no objections from Highways, County Highways, Environment Agency, and the Chamber of Commerce
Following consultations 2 objections had been received.
A member asked about the legality of preventing retailers from the town centre moving over to the retail park and it was explained that if a condition were included it could be subject to appeal. A member asked for clarification on the 4 units and could they be broken down further and it was explained members were to consider the 4 units and not any future changes.
The Group Manager reported that the application did not fail the sequential test but did fail the impact test.
The Chairman asked for clarification as to the event of B&Q being put on the market, what would happen to these units, it was explained the conditions would remain the same and any such change would need to be varied by appeal.
Mr T Rainbird, agent for applicant, highlighted that B&Q were only considering 4 units and no further, and that the proposals made related to existing buildings. It was stated that there were no longer plans to place a roof over the existing garden area as in the proposal. The agent informed the committee, that B&Q are working pro-actively to keep the Yarmouth store protected from closing. The Agent reported that they have been actively communicating with potential retailers, these include DFS, Mattress man and Dreams, and that the proposed retailers would also conform to strict controls of bulky goods only. The agent expressed to members that this application would be investment captured not lost, and that they would pose no threat to the town centre.
A Member asked what were the chances of B&Q staying in Yarmouth and was informed that B&Q are looking to downsize the Yarmouth store to prevent closure but at this time a definite answer could not be given.
The Town Centre Manager, Mr Newman highlighted his objections to the application, and he reminded members that the Town Centre is still in a fragile state, and that future investments will only be better without the further use of out of town shopping.
A Member expressed concern that it was Council policy to protect the Town Centre
and that this application contradicted this.It was stated that policies should be adhered to protect town centre.
A Member stated that the Town centre has had new retailers occupying units recently, and that if the application proposed made B&Q more viable the application should be approved to retain jobs.
The Chairman expressed concerns of further damage to the town centre.
That application number 06/15/0390/F be refused as recommended by Planning Group Manager.