The Committee considered the detailed, comprehensive report as laid out in the agenda.
The Planning Group Manager reported that the application was an outline application, with appearance, landscaping and scale reserved and if this application was approved, these matters would form a separate application. The layout and access were part of this application and access was shown through a retained right of way off Lavender Court with the layout of the three bungalows indicated.
The Planning Group Manager reported that the access was the primary objection from both the neighbours and the Parish Council. The access to the site was off Lavender Court, a private brick weave drive currently serving four bungalows and Lavender House. The proposed development would increase the properties using the access to eight. The objections to the access were twofold, one regarding the quality of the access road and one regarding the right of way to the site. The Planning Group Manager reported that Highways had no objection following the submission of the amended plan improving the visibility splay from Lavender Court to Bulmer Lane by the removal of a hedge.
The Planning Group Manager reported that the site was located within the village development limits and would form a natural continuation of the Lavender Court development. The proposed bungalows were in keeping in scale and layout with the adjacent development and would not cause a significant adverse effect on the character of the area and there was no significant adverse effect on the amenities of the occupiers of Lavender Court caused by the proposed development. The bungalows on Plots 2 & 3 were sited close to the adjoining properties, however, they were to be single storey and could be conditioned to remain as such, to reduce any overlooking or over-development by height. The application accorded with both Local, HOU7(c) of the GYBWLP and National Planning Policy and was recommended for approval.
The Planning Group Manager reported that any variation to the maintenance of the access road to Lavender Court would be a civil matter between interested parties.
A Member asked for clarification as to who owned the access road into Lavender Court. Mr Evans reported that up to recently, the builder had owned the road, however, he had recently gifted the road to the residents of Lavender Court who were unaware that they did not own the road, even though they had been paying for its maintenance for the past twenty years.
A Member reported that she was unhappy that an existing resident would have to loose part of his garden to provide the access to the site which would affect his privacy. She was also concerned that the increase in traffic and the type of traffic movements would have a detrimental affect due to noise and disturbance on the residents of Lavender Court and the new development.
A Member was concerned regarding both the storage and presentation of bins and whether there was adequate room for them to be stored on individual plots and presented for collection as appropriate.
Mr Watson, the applicant, reported that he was born and bred in Winterton and wished to develop the site and remain in the village during his retirement by moving into one of the new bungalows.
Mr Evans, an objector, summarised his objections to the proposal and asked that the Committee refuse the application.
Councillor Jermany, Ward Councillor, reported that the Planning Group Manager had fully reported the application and it was now the responsibility of the Committee to determine it.
A Member was concerned that planning guidance stated the width of the access road should be a minimum of 3.7m to allow emergency vehicles to access the new site but Building Regulations had accepted an access road of 3.66m, which did not take into account fencing or kerb requirements, did not sit easily with him. The lack of a suitable turning area for vehicles was also an issue for existing and new residents alike.
Against the recommendation of the Planning Manager, it was proposed and seconded that the application be refused, on the grounds that the application would impact on the local neighbourly amenities enjoyed by the existing residents of Lavender Court, as the proposed width of the access road and an insufficient car turning area was not in accordance with national planning policy.
That against the recommendation of the Planning Group Manager, application number 06/15/0205/F be refused, as the application would impact on existing local neighbourly amenities enjoyed by residents of Lavender Court, as the proposed width of the access road did not accord with National Planning Policy.