Residential development of 10 dwellings including access.
The Committee considered the detailed, comprehensive report as laid out in the agenda. The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Committee had received additional documents from local objectors. The Planning Department had not received copies of this correspondence and it did not been incorporated into the report.
The Chairman requested that the Planning Group Manager give a brief report on where the Council stood in regard to this, and similar planning applications, in this interim period prior to the adoption of the revised Local Plan.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the proposed development would consist of 10 residential dwellings with access. This was an outline application which sought approval for the access with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be reserved matters dealt with should this application be approved.
There had been a previous application for a development of 35 residential dwellings which included the parcel of land that is subject to the current application. This was refused at Committee on grounds of highways, drainage and being outside of the village development limits and was currently at the early stages of an appeal.
It had been reported that the Parish Council had objected to the proposed development on the grounds as detailed in paragraph 2.1 of the agenda. There had been 37 objections to the application, examples of which were included in the agenda, and a petition containing 143 signatories. The grounds for their objections were listed in paragraph 2.2 of the agenda.
The Senior Planning Officer read out a letter of objection from Councillor B Coleman, who was a Ward Councillor, but was unable to attend the meeting in person.
Following the submission of amended plans, the Highways Authority did not object to the development as proposed, however, they did not want an access through the residential development to the field, conditions were requested requiring further information to be submitted at the reserved matter stage.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Strategic Planning had indicated that if the criterion within the Interim Housing Land Supply Policy was met, the principle of residential development in this location might be acceptable.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that there was a national requirement to meet housing targets and produce sustainable development. The development proposed, although not within the village development limits, was designated in the Interim Housing Land Supply Policy as secondary village capable of some expansion. The assessment carried out as part of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment had identified the close proximity of Rollesby to Martham which had key services accessible by car in addition to the minor services available within Rollesby.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the recommendation was to approve the application subject to conditions as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the agenda.
A Member asked whether a condition could be imposed to allow only single storey development on the site.
The Chairman asked if planning permission was granted for this application whether this would weaken our case in the appeal regarding the 35 dwellings. The Senior Planning Officer reported that each appeal was judged on its own merits.
Mr Gilder, Applicants Agent, reiterated the salient areas of the application and that it fulfilled the necessary criteria contained in the Interim Housing Land Supply Policy and had not been objected to by the Highways Agency.
My Day, Parish Councillor, reported the concerns of the local villagers. The main concern was the access to the busy A149 and that the access was opposite the school gates. At the moment, the Parish Council had given temporary permission for parents to park on the unused tennis courts to alleviate the number of parked cars parked along the A149 during the school run times. An increase of yet another 10 or so cars would have a marked difference.
Residents were concerned that this might set a precedence for future development and would prefer an application which included an element of affordable housing. The proposed access to the farmland would be at 90 degrees which would be almost impossible for any farm machinery to turn into, although the owner of the land had assured the Parish Council that the access was satisfactory.
The Chairman reported that as the Highways Agency had not objected to this application, the Committee's hands were somewhat tied.
A Member asked for clarification as to the grading of the agricultural land which would be lost to the proposed development.The Senior Planning Officer reported that it was Grade 1 Agricultural land.
Members felt that they had no alternative but to approve the application as they could find no grounds for refusal which would stand up to appeal.
That application number 06/15/0132/) be approved subject to conditions regarding reserved matter to include drainage details, materials, scale, layout, appearance, landscaping, slab levels and further details of parking, turning, access, cycle ways, footways, boundary treatment and all dwellings to be single storey only and to number 10 only. In addition , a Section 106 Agreement with regard to open space will be sought.