Standard Items
Members are asked to note the Code of Conduct.
Forum members noted the Code of Conduct.
To receive any apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs A Argar, Mr P Burrage, Mr J Jones and Mr P Nicholls.
Forum members were reminded that they should give their apologies to the Chairman or the Member Services Officer and all agenda items should be submitted via the Chairman.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2014.
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2014 were confirmed.
To consider any matters arising from the above minutes.
(i) Mr Watt reported that he had contacted Motability who had advised him that the request for a towbar to be fitted to a vehicle could only be answered directly to the lessee of the vehicle.
(ii) The Vice-Chairman reported that she had written and submitted an article for the next edition of the Tenant Newsletter.
To discuss and distribute the following tasks:
- Design leaflets & flyers (PK)
- Invite Ward Members to attend (PK)
- Deliver leaflets(Pk & others)
- Key collection
- Set out meeting room
- Meet & Greet
- Refreshments
- Note taking
- Photography
- Clearing up
To discuss the use of the Rural North Caravan for future recruitment drives.
Forum members discussed the letter which the Chairman had written asking for additional funding for the Forum to carry out the outreach meetings across the Borough.
The Community Development Manager reported that there was provision in the existing Tenant Participation budget for the Forum to hold the bi-monthly outreach meetings. She suggested that the Forum devise a timetable of meetings for the next six events with the proposed outcomes.
The Forum agreed to hold the inaugural meeting at Da'Volls/Conway Communal Room. The Community Development Manager agreed to contact the warden to find out when the communal room would be available.
The Vice-Chairman reported that she did not think it necessary for all Forum members to attend every meeting, as long as there were four or five members at each one.
The Community Development Manager reported that flyers could be deigned and printed by our in-house Print Department. The Chairman asked for a list of tenant addresses as he did not want to deliver the flyers to private houses and he proposed to deliver the leaflets only 2-3 days before the meeting.
Councillor Linden suggested that the Forum should use the hook of the proposed balcony upgrades in the Conway Road area to attract tenants to the meeting. The Community Development Manager reported that she would ask the Neighbourhood Liaison Officer to attend the meeting.
The Chairman suggested that a free raffle and refreshments should be offered to help entice tenants to the meeting and asked Forum members to donate a small raffle prize to the cause.
Mr Gallant agreed to take photographs on the day which could be included in future editions of the Tenant's Magazine. The Community Development Manager reminded the Forum that consent forms would have to be completed by the participating tenant.
The Vice-Chairman and Mr Taylor agreed to help the Chairman to deliver the flyers. The Community Development Manager agreed to be the key contact between the Council and the Forum whilst the programme of outreach meetings were being undertaken.
Please complete & submit this form if you wish to be considered for co-option on to the Tenants Forum.
The Forum noted that no requests for co-option to the Forum had been received.
- GYN Liaison Board
- Communications Group
- Foster Liaison Group
- Scrutiny Panel
- General Meetings
- GYN Liaison Board. It was reported that the first Liaison Meeting had been held but it was not possible to give an update until the next Forum meeting.
- CHB. It was reported that the majority of the meeting had consisted of budget information. The Community Development Manager reported that there had been interest shown in the Tenant Board member positions but only two candidates remained, Mrs Taylor & Mr Nichols. They were happy to remain on the Board for a further three years but would be prepared to step down if new Tenant Board members were to come forward.
- Communications Group. The newsletter had gone to print and would be distributed at the end of February. It would be nice to have more tenants on board.
- Foster Liaison Group. It was reported that this no longer existed since the formation of GYN.
- Scrutiny Panel. The Community Development Manager reported that only one tenant had attended the last meeting where the subject of mutual exchanges had been discussed. She asked that if any of the existing members no longer wished to remain on the Panel, that they contact her as soon as possible.
To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.
(i) A Forum member reported that elderly/vulnerable tenants were not given a comprehensive list of utility and maintenance issues specific to their house when they moved into a new property.
The Housing Group Manager reported that Housing Officers would shortly be taking viewings back and would be in a position to spend more time with individual tenants explaining the workings of their new home.
(ii) Mr Watt gave an update with regard to the role out of Universal Credit.
(iii) Mr Quinn reported that the stairwells in the flatted areas at Magnolia Green were in urgent need of updating. The Maintenance & Improvement Manager reported that this would be dealt with as part of the roll out of the Neighbourhood Plans.
The first informal meeting will be held on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 5.30 pm in Da'Volls Community Room, Gorleston.
The inaugural outreach meeting of the Tenant Forum will be held on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 10:30 am in Da'Volls/Conway Community Room, Gorleston.