GYCH Board: Nothing to report. 2 Tenant board member seats are still available, and the Deadline is in December.
Communications group: New magazine is out and
receiving good feedback. Request for more contributions to the magazine. 2015
schedule is being finalised. Suggestions for a letters page.
ACTION: Reg Taylor to take to the group for discussion. Budget breakdown to be discussed next meeting.
Foster liaison group: recent meetings have been cancelled. The group is planning to include all contractors.
Scrutiny: Mutual exchanges has commenced. Group updated on overview of regulations and criteria that GYCH have to adhere to. Plan of
scrutiny activity is being developed. ACTION: Holly Notcutt to email Peter Kirkpatrick and Christine McDonald meeting documents.
General meetings: the group reminded members that if
they are unable to attend meetings that it is their responsibility to contact the
relevant person to gain information of meeting details, and subsequent meeting dates.