Karen Bailey, Matt Jones and Hugh Goldring from Norfolk County Council will provide an update.
It was reported that the programme runs from 2014-2020 and it comprised of 3 strands
ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)
ESF (European Social Fund)
EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)
The New Anglia LEP region has been notionally allocated £94m of funding. (This, with the required 50% match-funding, represents a potential £188m of project activity)
The programme is predominantly revenue and is seeking large strategic projects.
Partnership working (across sector, district, county and LEP boundaries) is encouraged and the programme is target driven.
Projects must contribute to the aims of the SIF (European Strategic Investment Framework) and the SEP (Strategic Economic Pan). Both of these can be found on the New Anglia LEP website.
3 Facilitators are in post, initially for a year, to help developa pipeline of ERDF projects
Karen Bailey (based at Norfolk County Council)
Hugh Goldring (based at New Anglia LEP)
Matt Jones (based at Suffolk County Council)
The Facilitators can provide guidance on eligibility and strategic fit, act as a sounding board for applications, make linkages between similar project activity and provide information on programme development.
Although the programme started in January 2014, there are several key aspects of the programme still to be finalised, so money will not flow until late 2014/early 2015. This is the time when applicants can begin developing projects (sourcing match funding, partners, establishing need and demand etc)
Facilitators can provide one-one support, as well as developing publicity material and documents that will hopefully demystify the process. We have met with EDOs across Norfolk and Suffolk and are keen to organise district wide events (and/or sector focused sessions) to help develop project ideas and raise awareness and understanding of the new programme.
It was reported that funding, if matched, could be provided for: innovation; SMEs; Low Carbon Economy: Climate Change and Community Led Local Development.
Paul Cheeseman reported that a bottom up approach works in Great Yarmouth, within an existing structure. A working party, or local action group, may be needed to prepare for a community led local development in Great Yarmouth.