Members received and considered the report from the Licensing and Elections Manager.
The Licensing and Elections Manager reported that Norfolk County Council are working on a bus improvement plan and this plan will effect an existing first class hackney carriage stand. It was noted that a meeting was set up including representatives of the taxi trade and Norfolk County Council to address concerns resulting in the following proposed amendments and additions to first class hackney carriage ranks in town centre area:
- Temple Road (east side) amendment of stand timings from use at all times to use between 11pm and 5am
- Theatre Plain (South west side) amendment of stand from 6am to 6pm to use at all times and extension of stand to 32 metres for a maximum of 4 first class hackney carriages.
- Market Gates Road (North side) One new 16.7 metre stand for a maximum of 3 first class hackney carriages.
- Market Gates Road (South side) One new 32 metre stand for a maximum of 6 first class hackney carriages
It was reported that though these amendments have been proposed by Norfolk County Council, it is Great Yarmouth Borough Council who have the power to appoint and remove stands for hackney carriages under Section 63 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that the Council must give notice to the police and also to the public by way of newspaper advertisement, allowing 28 days for any representations to be received. Members were asked to recommend that the proposals of Norfolk County Council to amend the two existing ranks and add two new ranks as outlined in the report be considered and approval be given to formally advertise as required by legislation.
Councillor Jeal asked how the taxi trade view the proposals as a solution to the bus improvement plan amendments. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that overall the majority of the taxi trade have reported being pleased with the proposals.
Councillor Jeal requested clarification on why the bus improvement plans are taking place. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that these plans have been introduced to improve infrastructure and bus services, which includes allowing buses to flow in both directions at the Market Gates bus station instead of being a one way system.
Councillor P Carpenter asked who would be funding the bus improvement plans. The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that these plans are part of a Norfolk County Council scheme and therefore they would be funding these works.
Councillor Galer asked whether signage would be introduced to signpost the public to the new and existing taxi ranks. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that officers have been assured that there will be additional signage to direct the public to the first class hackney carriage stands.
Councillor Jeal requested clarification on whether the flow of traffic in both directions would be for all vehicles or just buses. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that officers believe this will be for all vehicles as there would be a change in the way traffic flows throughout this area.
Councillor P Carpenter asked what significant difference these changes will make to the community. The Head of Environment and Sustainability stated that Norfolk County Council are looking to enhance bus services and that these changes should make the flow of traffic more efficient. It was added that the original plan was to significantly reduce taxi ranks, however the proposed amendments were put forward following concern from the taxi trade. It was explained that the taxi trade have reported that they would prefer having two large ranks that can be signposted rather than multiple smaller ranks. The Head of Environment and Sustainability explained that with these proposed amendments there would be the same number of places for first class hackney carriage vehicles to park and ply for hire in the middle of the day as there are currently, thus reducing the impact on the trade.
Councillor P Carpenter requested clarification on what evidence exists to demonstrate that the existing bus lanes are not sufficient in order to warrant the changes to roads and infrastructure. Councillor B Wright stated that there are more bus services being introduced, therefore there will be high bus traffic through this area allowing more members of the public from rural areas to access the town centre. Councillor Newcombe stated that these changes may allow for less changes to be made in longer bus journeys which could positively impact the cost on the public as they would not have to pay for multiple bus tickets.
Councillor Cordiner Achenbach stated that the Committee were asked to approve a public consultation for the amendments to the existing taxi ranks only and asked how much of the bus improvement plan is confirmed to be going ahead or whether the scheme itself is up for discussion. The Head of Licensing and Elections explained that initial consultations have taken place and feedback has been receved from the public, though it would not be possible for an officer of GYBC to comment on how much of the bus improvement plan is a done deal. It was added that there will still need to be a formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation period carried out by Norfolk County Council and officers intend for this consultation period to coincide wit the consultation regarding the changes to the taxi ranks.
Councillor Jeal stated that the Committee should not approve the consultation period as there should be more evidence regarding why the bus improvement plan is needed. It was noted that there were no Norfolk County Council officers present to address these concerns. Councillor Cordiner Achenbach commented that the Committee are only being asked to vote on the changes to the taxi ranks and not the scheme as a whole. It was added that if the Committee do not approve these amendments to go to public consultation, then the taxi trade may be negatively impacted as they would not necessarily receive the super ranks or signage when the bus improvement plan works commence.
Councillor Annison stated that it would have been helpful to have an officer from Norfolk County Council attend the meeting in order to explain the need and intended impact of the bus improvement plan. It was added that the plans presented to the Committee do not give a clear and accurate picture of what the changes will look like. Councillor P Carpenter asked whether an officer from Norfolk County Council could attend a Committee meeting in order to explain the need for the bus improvement plan to allow for the Committee to make an informed decision. The Head of Environment and Sustainability stated that intention is for these changes to be brought before the Committee at a later date after the consultation period is complete. It was added that, should the Members wish, an officer from Norfolk County Council could be invited in order to present the findings of the TRO and taxi rank public consultations.
The Solicitor stated that, from a legal point of view, before appointing any stands a District Council shall give notice and consider objections, and can delegate to officers to make a decision after consultation. However, due to the concerns raised by the Committee, it would be possible to approve the consultation and not delegate to officers to make a decision, meaning that this matter could then be brought before the Committee once more in order to hear the findings of the public consultation before making a final decision on the changes to the taxi ranks. Councillor Cordiner Achenbach stated that this would make the most sense as it would allow the Committee to consider the feedback received from members of the public and the taxi trade on the proposed amendments/additions to the taxi ranks.
Councillor Robinson Payne stated that nobody from Norfolk County Council has come forward to explain the need for these changes and it is not just the taxi ranks in this area that will be impacted, as there will be an impact on pedestrian safety. It was added that the sensible route forward would be to approve the consultation on the condition that this matter be brought before the Committee after the public consultation is complete and before a final decision is made.
Councillor Thompson stated that the bus improvement plans have resulted in an increase of public transport to rural villages such as Filby and that the increase in the provision of public transport has meant that there has been significant congestion at the Market Gates bus station, hence the need to make changes to the road layout. It was added that, as the majority of the taxi trade are reportedly pleased with the proposals, the Committee should approve the public consultation on the condition that the final decision be brought back to the Committee for consideration rather than granting delegated authority to officers.
Councillor Annison asked whether Norfolk County Council could still change the proposed plans even if the Committee approve them. The Solicitor explained that there is a conflict of law between Norfolk County Council as the highways authority and GYBC as the Hackney Carriage Stand appointees, though it is not clear which would take priority. It was added that section 63 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 allows for the final decision on the amendments to the taxi ranks to be brought back to the Committee in order to consider the findings of the public consultation and representations from Norfolk County Council before making an informed decision.
Councillor Jeal asked that, should the Committee approve the public consultation, it be made clear that an officer from Norfolk County Council should attend the next meeting in order to explain the need and intended impact of the bus improvement plan.
Councillor P Carpenter asked what the timescale on this process is and how long the Committee would have to meet following the completion of the public consultation. It was added that it would not be beneficial to hold up the process as this could impact new bus services that provide public transport to rural areas of the Borough. The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that there is a minimum length of advertisement for both the TRO and Hackney Carriage Stand public consultations, therefore the final decision would be made after this period.
The Chair asked whether there is a way to ensure an officer at Norfolk County Council attends the next meeting. The Solicitor stated that the Committee have the option to approve the public consultation subject to being able to discuss the decision after the completion of the consultation period. The Head of Environment and Sustainability stated that, should the Committee approve the consultation period, officers of the Council would ensure that a representative from Norfolk County Council be invited to the next meeting in order to answer any questions that Members may have before a final decision is made.
That the Committee:-
1. Note and consider the proposals of Norfolk County Council to amend the two existing ranks and add two new ranks as outlined.
2. Approve that the notice be formally advertised as required by legislation, subject to this matter being brought before the Committee at a later date to consider the findings of the public consultations and to speak with representatives from Norfolk County Council before the final decision is made.