
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Licensing Committee
10 Jun 2024 - 18:30 to 18:57
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items


To receive any apologies for absence. 




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Annison, Bird, Cordiner-Achenbach and Jeal.




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No declarations of interest were received at this meeting.


3 pdf MINUTES (85Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2023.




The minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2023 were agreed.




Report attached.




The Committee received and considered the report presented by the Licensing and Elections Manager, Mrs D G Wilby, regarding pavement licenses.


The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that pavement licences are currently issued under temporary legislation after being introduced in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic under the Business and Planning Act 2020; however, this temporary legislation is due to expire at the end of September 2024. It was noted that central government have made the decision to make the scheme permanent, with some amendments, through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023. The Licensing and Elections Manager further explained that the fee cap is increasing from £100 to £500 for first time applications and £350 for renewal applications – it was added that fees are subject to each local authority deciding what cost would be appropriate, considering the amount of time spent administering the licence. Additionally, the licences can be granted for any length of time up to the maximum of two years, though it is expected that local authorities will grant two-year licences unless there is a good reason to do otherwise. It was noted that other changes include an extension of the consultation and determination periods to 14 days each and additional enforcement powers granted to local authorities.


The Licensing and Elections Manager explained the breakdown of costs outlined as shown on page 2 of the report, stating that new licences will be issued under the new provision and the proposed fees have been calculated to ensure that they are set at an appropriate level to support the recovery of the cost associated with providing the service.


The Licensing and Elections Manager stated it is therefore proposed that the fee be £250 for a new pavement licence and £200 for a renewal. Members were asked whether they would make a recommendation to Cabinet for an amendment to the fees and charges.


Councillor G Carpenter suggested that the charge of £104, as shown in the table on page 2 of the report, would not be needed for a renewal and therefore the renewal cost should be lowered to £150, unless there is a justification as to why it should be £200. The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that the admin process would be the same for a renewal application as that of a new application, and that it is the difference in required enforcement that makes the renewal application £50 cheaper. Councillor G Carpenter commented that this is a fair justification.


Councillor Mogford requested clarity on whether pavement licences are for selling goods on the pavement. The Licensing and Elections Manager confirmed that these pavement licences are for licensed premises to have tables and chairs on the pavement in order to facilitate the consumption of food and drink with additional outdoor seating.


Councillor Newcombe asked whether there will be any enforcement against businesses who place tables and chairs on the pavement without a licence. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that Licensing Enforcement Officers have enforcement powers and monitor businesses using the pavement to ensure that the correct licences are in place. 


Councillor Waters-Bunn stated that the fee increases from £100 to £250 could have a negative impact on small locally owned businesses and asked how many pavement licences there are currently in the Borough. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that there are roughly 20 pavement licences in the Borough and explained that as the current fee is £100 for one year, the £250 for a two-year new licence is only a £50 increase overall.



That the Licensing Committee recommend to Cabinet an amendment to the fees and charges for pavement licences of £250 for a new licence and £200 for a renewal.




To consider any other business as may be determined by the Chairman of the meeting as being of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration.




The Licensing and Elections Manager explained that Norfolk County Council were running a consultation asking for feedback on proposed changes to the Market Gates bus interchange and surrounding area. It was noted that these changes would alter the flow of traffic and impact the existing taxi rank next to the Troll Cart. It stated that, though there is a proposal to add an additional taxi rank nearby on Dene Side, local taxi drivers are unhappy about the changes. The Licensing and Elections Manager asked whether the Licensing Committee would like to submit feedback to the consultation.


Councillor Waters-Bunn stated that the proposed new taxi rank on Dene Side would require the removal of the disabled parking area.


Councillor G Carpenter asked whether it would be possible to discuss this issue at a future date as the Members had only received notification of the consultation on the day of the meeting. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that there would need to be an advertisement to make an amendment to the taxi rank, however this matter is difficult to influence at a later date as the land is owned by Norfolk County Council. The current consultation feedback is required by 16 June.


The Chair asked whether an officer from Norfolk County Council would be coming to Great Yarmouth to assess the impact on the taxi rank in person. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that a comment submitted by the Licensing Committee may prompt a Norfolk County Council officer to attend and speak to the taxi trade in person, though this is not guaranteed.


Councillor Boyd stated that he believes the Licensing Committee should make a case for the taxi trade as these changes could impact the livelihoods of the licensed drivers. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that she is happy to submit a representation based on the feedback from the taxi trade, however it may have more impact if the Committee would like to submit a representation as well.


Councillor Waters-Bunn stated that this consultation should have been brought to the Committee at an earlier date as there would only be 6 days to submit feedback. It was noted that the removal of parking bays on point 3 of the improvement plan map would also call for the removal of 30-minute parking bays which are essential to the local community when accessing the town centre for shopping and appointments. Councillor Waters-Bunn commented that the Committee needs to feedback serious concern regarding the impact on the taxi trade as well as the proposed loss of 30-minute and disabled parking bays. It was added that the Licensing Committee are responsible for representing the taxi trade and acting on the feedback received from local drivers.


Councillor Mogford asked why the taxi trade could not use the area outside of the Market area. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that there are taxi ranks around the Market and Market Gates area, however the most popular rank is reportedly the rank next to the Troll Cart that will be impacted by the proposed changes. Councillor Waters Bunn stated that single women should not be expected to walk to the Market taxi rank late at night as this could be unsafe. Councillor Newcombe added that the taxi ranks around Market Gates do not allow for a large space for taxis to turn around which is impractical and could cause a safety hazard to pedestrians.


The Chair stated that the concerns of the Committee should be given as feedback into the consultation, highlighting the concerns regarding vulnerable people and the safety of women in late hours. The Licensing and Elections Manager stated that they are happy to feedback the concerns mentioned at the meeting.


Councillor G Carpenter stated that, as Norfolk County Councillor for this area, he could also submit and objection in addition to the feedback that will be provided on behalf of the Committee. Councillor Robinson Payne agreed that a representation should be made from both the Committee and Councillor G Carpenter in his capacity as Norfolk County Councillor.




In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."




Attended - Other Members
NameReason for Sending Apology
Carl Annison 
Malcolm Bird 
Cathy Cordiner-Achenbach  
Michael Jeal 
NameReason for Absence
Carol Borg 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


PRESENT: -  Councillor Lawn (in the Chair), Councillors Boyd, G Carpenter, Stenhouse, Robinson-Payne, B Wright, Newcombe and Thompson.


Councillor Galer attended as a substitute for Councillor Annsion

Councillor Mogford attended as a substitute for Councillor Bird

Councillor Waters-Bunn attended as a substitute for Councillor Jeal


Also in attendance at the above meeting were:


Mrs D G Wilby (Licensing and Elections Manager) and Mrs R Thomson (Democratic Services Officer)


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