Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Resources report.
The Leader presented and advised that the report presented an update to the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the period 2025/26 to 2027/28.
It was reported that the update of the Medium Term Financial Strategy provided a key document to inform the forth coming budget setting process. It presented Members with an overview of the latest financial position and the priorities for setting the budget. The forecasts have been updated in light of known spending pressures taking into account the wider economic context including revised interest and inflation forecasts and known impacts from the October budget announcements.
The Leader advised that the MTFS set out the context within which the financial planning for the Council is undertaken and the priorities (the business strategy) that will mitigate future funding gaps. The MTFS also included the latest financial projections for the three years from 2025/26 that are covered by the strategy and have been informed by known pressures in the current year and levels of inflation and interest rates. This is ahead of the provisional settlement announcement which is expected ahead of Christmas and the detailed work on the service budgets for 2025/26.
Cabinet were advised that there continues to be significant uncertainties around funding for Local Government. There will be a one year finance settlement for 2025/26 and now expected multi year settlements from 2026/27. Financial challenges continue to face the sector as a whole, whilst the Borough Council is not unique some of the challenges are similar and the financial resilience across the sector is not consistent.
The economic climate of high inflation and interest rates and demand for services for example temporary housing has impacted on the financial position of the Council in a significant way. It is a legal requirement to set a balanced budget each year and there will be a need to identify and deliver significant savings and additional income in the short term to medium term in addition to using reserves to manage the risks.
The assumptions included in the MTFS will be subject to review as the detail of the 2026/26 budget is finalised.
The report is recommending to Council a number of savings to be delivered from April 2025, the reason for approving them ahead of the budget in February allows for implementation where applicable. The report and strategy still highlights further work required on setting a balanced budget for 2025/26 for which work is still ongoing.
Councillor Plant commented that there appeared to be lots of waiting to be done around confirmation of any government payments currently, he advised that what the Council didn't want to do was make cuts to services where there did not need to be cuts made, but that the Council was finding themselves in a difficult position. He advised that he felt the strategy was good and held in abeyance what the Council did not know.
The Executive Director, Resources advised that since publication of the report there had been a Local Government Finance policy released. She advised that this had seen the removal of the Rural Services Grant, confirmation of 1 year additional new homes bonus, no changes to Council Tax, Government funding for the levy charges from the Internal Drainage Boards, although it was advised that there had been no details provided on how this would be allocated or who would receive funding. The Executive Director advised that a Government financial provisional settlement is expected pre Christmas.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Health and Communities, Councillor Flaxman-Taylor, proposed an amendment to Appendix A within the report, to see the removal of introduction to car parking charges at Marine Parade in Gorleston. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor advised Cabinet of her concerns in the introduction of any charges and the potential impact this could have and commented that she felt Gorleston needed protecting to avoid people not wanting to come and visit.
Councillor Wells commented that he was aware the Council was going to have to make some difficult decisions moving forward, he made particular reference to the National Insurance contributions which were likely to have a significant impact on the Council particularly on the Great Yarmouth Services and his concerns in relation to this and commented that it was hoped that lobbying could be completed on this to look at mitigation.
Councillor Wells here seconded the proposal of the removal of introduction to car parking charges at Marine Parade in Gorleston, he commented that he simply did not think that charging for parking at Gorleston , Marine Parade would see the desired increase in income.
Councillor Candon commented with regard to the lifeguard provision detailed within the savings report, and advised that he had been made aware that the Bid had been approached for a funding contribution for this provision. He commented that he hoped the Bid would give consideration to this urgent resource when considering the request for funding and work with the Council on this matter.
Councillor Candon advised that he fully supported the efforts in the removal of car parking at Marine Parade Gorleston and questioned the figure that had been quoted as achievable income and how this had been calculated, He commented that he felt if parking charges were to be introduced at this location parking would be pushed back onto the residential streets.
Councillor Candon commented that there was need for the Council to consider all proposals that came forward as there was a need to find more money and it was getting increasingly difficult, he commented that he hoped that the public were able to see the work that goes into the budget setting and the difficult decisions that the Council are faced with.
Councillor Bensly raised concern with regard to the Internal Drainage Board funding assumptions and the unfair burden this had put on Local Councils. whilst he acknowledged that this matter was being looked into he felt this needed to be addressed as a priority.
Councillor Wainwright made reference to the previous government that had been in place and had caused in his opinion 14 years of Austerity of which the new government where having to work. He referred to the savings listed within Appendix A and commented that approximately £306,000 had been estimated under various structural, he commented that could potentially result in peoples jobs. He therefore, raised his concern about the removal of the proposal for introduction of car parking at Marine Parade, in that he was sure this would result in income and in his opinion could then potentially prevent the loss of jobs.
Councillor Wainwright advised that he had been informed that the Bid were not prepared to fund any contribution towards the provisions of the lifeguards. The Leader commented that it was hoped the Bid would reconsider this once this matter is discussed with them.
Councillor Wainwright asked with regard to the second homes bonus and whether this matter had progressed. The Leader advised that there were ongoing discussions about this matter.
The Leader commented in reply to Councillor Wainwrights previous comments that he was unhappy with the comments that had been made regarding austerity.
The Leader commented on the issues with adding parking charges to Marine Parade in Gorleston, as he felt that due their being so many green spaces available, people would just simply park anywhere and on the green open spaces rather than pay for the parking.
Councillor Plant, commented that in light of there being a number of free parking spaces available along Marine Parade in Gorleston, in his opinion the introduction of a car park charge at the cliff top would only redistribute cars elsewhere, he therefore advised that he supported the recommendation for this proposal to be removed.
Councillor Plant referred to comments that had been made with regard to austerity, whereby during this time the Council had saved in the region of £9m and become more efficient.
Reference was also made to the National Insurance hikes in which the Council would result in a significant impact for the Council.
Councillor Plant commented on the need for the Council to think about its staff and the services provided for the residents, he advised that he did not become a Councillor to reduce services, however the Council was being pushed into making difficult decisions.
The Leader advised that similarly to last year the Council could only raise the Council tax amount by the maximum of £5 per household, he advised for reference that the significant increase in levy from the Internal drainage Boards last year, which had been received after the Council had set its budget had meant that the Council only received around £27,000 from this increase.
Councillor Candon commented that whilst he agreed jobs were of the upmost importance, these only amounted to a small piece of the puzzle. He advised that was a need for residents views and wishes to be taking into consideration.
Councillor Wells advised that he genuinely believed that the National Insurance contribution expectations for companies had been an oversight of the Government and therefore suggested that lobbying be continued with Central Government to re look at the National Insurance contributions for companies.
The Leader in reference to earlier comments made regarding the car parking at Marine Parade, Gorleston asked the Head of Customer Services if she would be able to supply calculations for the projected income proposal in relation to charging through the summer period. The Head of Customer Services advised that charging would be based on a long stay car park scheme similar to that at St Nicholas Car park in Great Yarmouth, charges would be in place from the 1st April to 31st October, based on a 214 days charging and 65% occupancy for standard days, 80% occupancy for Bank Holiday Weekends, she advised that tariff would be £9.50 all day, 4 hours at £6.
Councillor Wainwright asked for clarification of the expected value of national insurance contributions for GYS, it was advised that this was expected to be around £80,00 but exact figure would be confirmed.
Councillor Wainwright sought clarification on the number of car parking spaces available at Marine Parade, Gorleston, it was confirmed that there were 78 spaces.
Cabinet RESOLVED to recommend to Council :-
1) The updated Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and the key themes of the business strategy as outlined at Section 8;
2) The savings and additional income proposal as outlined at Appendix A for implementation for the budget for 2025/26 to mitigate some of the funding gap for 2025/26, with the removal of the introduction of parking charges at Marine Parade, Gorleston for seasonal parking.