
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
9 Sep 2024 - 10:00 to 11:55
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



There were no apologies for absence received for the meeting.




You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects
•    your well being or financial position
•    that of your family or close friends
•    that of a club or society in which you have a management role
•    that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 



Councillor Wells declared a personal interest in items 10 and 13 in his capacity as a Board Member of GYS Limited.



3 pdf MINUTES (203Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2024.






The minutes of the meeting held on the 17 July 2024 were confirmed, subject to the addition of the declared interest from Councillor Wells at the meeting as follows :-


Councillor Wells declared a personal interest in items 11 and 12 in his capacity as a Board Member of Coastal Partnership East and item 20 as a Board Member on the GYS Board. 





To consider any items of Urgent Business.





The Chairman advised that he had received no items of Urgent Business to be discussed at this meeting.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and considered the Information Governance Lead's report.


The Leader presented the report and advised that the report presented an update on performance for the first quarter of 2024/25 (April to June) where progress is assessed against Targets which are set at the start of the financial year.


He reported that it also provided an update on the position of key projects that are linked to the corporate priorities from ‘The Plan 2020-2025’ and that the project highlight report detailed in Appendix 1 provided a summary of the project, milestones and achievements, alongside open issues, mitigation and a financial summary.


The report detailed the current status of all projects, which could be green, amber or red. It was advised that out of the 10 projects, 9 had a current green status defined as no problems or minor issues and 1 had an amber status, defined as having problems which have been identified but with a contingency plan in place.


The performance measures, detailed in Appendix 2, give a comprehensive overview of how the authority as a whole is performing and cover most Council functions. It was reported that in total there were 40 targeted and 37 monitored measures reported in the first quarter performance report. It was advised that the monitored measures are reported for contextual information, and that this data is important information for the Council as the actions of the Council may make improvements however there is not sufficient control over the outcome to set a target.


Information was not available for 3 of the targeted measures due to the migration of the Housing Service to a new integrated housing assets and management computer system. Of the remaining 37 targeted measures 27 were Green whereby performance had been met or exceeded target, 6 are Amber whereby performance is below target but within tolerance and 4 are red whereby performance is below target and tolerance. Each of the red measures have a commentary explaining the reasons behind the performance and the actions being taken to bring performance back on target.


Councillor Williamson asked for clarification on whether the tree lined avenue was to be included in the conge proposals as he had noticed this has not been included in the current plans. The Chief Executive Officer advised that current plans for the site were being worked on and therefore Officers could look to have this piece of work costed into the proposals.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


  1. Agree that all measures to be monitored during the next quarter.


  2. Agree that all key projects will continue to be monitored over the next quarter with the aim of maintaining a green status and where possible attaining a green status for those key projects which are currently amber.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and consider the Information Governance Lead's report.


The Leader presented and advised that this report had been written to introduce an updated Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy. He advised that the policy had been revised to comply with the new complaint handling codes issued by both the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman and Housing Ombudsman.


Members were advised that the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman and the Housing Ombudsman both released new complaint handling codes in February 2024. The original intention was for the Ombudsman’s to have a joint code, however following on from consultation the decision was made to retain two separate codes but to base these on a unified set of principles and share many of the same approaches in key areas such as response times.


By retaining two separate codes both Ombudsman’s have recognised the differences between their respective roles and powers, as well as acknowledging the different approaches individual Council services may need to take when responding to complaints.


The Housing Ombudsman stipulated that all organisations must be compliant with their Code by 1 April 2024. To ensure the Council was able to achieve this deadline, Cabinet at their meeting in March, approved the temporary addition of an appendix to our current complaints policy to cover our landlord functions.


The Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman requires compliance with their Code by 1 April 2026.


The Leader advised that the updated Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy if approved, will be implemented on the 1st day of the following month, and if approved, the Council will be required to carry out annual self-assessments against the two Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Codes to ensure its complaint handling remains in line with their requirements, the results of these assessments will then be incorporated into an Annual Complaints and Service Improvement report that will be presented to ELT and the Audit & Risk Committee.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


Approve the updated Corporate Complaints and Compliments Policy.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Resources report.


The Leader presented and reported that the Council had adopted the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice (the CIPFA Code) which requires the Council to approve treasury management semi-annual and annual reports.


It was advised that the report included the new requirement in the 2021 Code, mandatory from 1st April 2023, of quarterly reporting of the treasury management prudential indicators. The non-treasury prudential indicators are incorporated in the Council’s normal quarterly Capital report.


The Council’s treasury management strategy for 2023/24 was approved at a meeting of the Council in February 2023. The Council has borrowed and invested substantial sums of money and is therefore rates. The successful identification, monitoring and control of risk remains central to the Council’s treasury management strategy.


The Leader reported that overall, the Council remained in line with the Treasury Management Strategy as approved in February 2023 and the treasury activities continue to be monitored daily.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :-


Approve the Treasury Management outturn report and indicators for 2023/24 & 2024/25.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Resource's report.


The Leader presented the item and advised that the report presented the month 3 budget monitoring position for financial year 2024/25 for both the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) including the respective capital programmes and financing. He advised that it also included an explanation for significant variances to the budgets currently forecast for the full year.


Cabinet were advised that the General Fund Summary detailed at Appendix A within the report showed the high-level forecast budget monitoring position at 30 June 2024 of a deficit position of £1,101k, compared the budgeted deficit of £689k, and that Appendix A and B provided commentary on the more significant variances identified from the budget monitoring process.


This represented a forecast full year overspend of £412k against the budget as approved in February 2024. Of this £245,000 related to the additional Internal Drainage Board levies above the budgeted figure, The Leader confirmed here that the Council had last week received confirmation of funding of £128,000 to mitigate this increase in the current year.


This has reduced the forecast overspend to £284,000 for the current year.


The Leader reported that budget position would continue to be monitored alongside reviewing the progress on savings set as part of the 2024/25 budget with the aim of improving the current reported forecast position at Q1.


It was advised that the General Fund capital 2023/24 budget stood at £77.24m as at month 3, any unspent capital budgets for ongoing capital projects at the end of March 2025 would mainly be carried forward to 2025/26 and that this position would continue to be monitored as projects progress.


The Housing Revenue Account currently showed a revised 2024/25 forecast deficit of £2.458m, from a current budgeted deficit of £2.878m, resulting in a favourable movement of £0.421m. The Income and expenditure position would continue to be monitored going forward.


Major capital spend to the end of period 3 totals £1.452m, (£1.169m including 2023/24 accruals outstanding of £283m). Spend would increase in later periods as areas of works are fully mobilised. A capital budget totalling £16.361m is currently forecast to be delivered within 2024/25. The Housing Revenue Account currently showed a revised 2023/24 forecast deficit of ££6.662m, the Income and expenditure position will continue to be monitored to year end and the balance required to be transferred to earmarked reserves will be reassessed as part of the outturn process.


The Leader advised that this report continued to flag highlighted financial pressures for both the Housing Revenue Account and the General Fund in the year and these have been considered when setting the budget for 2025/26 and that work will be undertaken as part of the finalisation of the outturn for the financial year on the required call on earmarked reserves will be reconsidered. Implications of any changes will also be considered when looking forward into 2025/26.


Councillor Plant, Portfolio Holder for Operational Property and Assets sought clarification as to lines that were associated with non-employee costs and whether these related to things such as electricity costs, this was confirmed.


Councillor Wainwright asked with regard to the Internal Drainage Board Levies and whether the Council had been informed as to why this had been significantly increased above the budgeted figure. The Executive Director, Resources advised that the increase had been caused by increased operating costs and rising energy costs. She advised that the Government had pledged to provide support to the most affected authorities. Cabinet were advised that a Special Interest Group (SIG) had been created to work with the Government to look at the levying. The Leader advised that both he and the Executive Director, Resources would be attending the meetings of the SIG.


Councillor Wells commented that the systems used by the Drainage Boards were archaic and not fit for purpose and therefore it was likely that costs would only increase more and more year on year.


Councillor Plant commented that he felt this increase was irresponsible of a public body to assume that Council's who had already set their budgets for the year, would be able to find extra pots of money to fund this increase.


The Chief Executive Officer commented that there was a need for those Members who are appointed to the sit on Boards of Outside Bodies to question these sorts of issues rather than these coming forward as a surprise to the Council.


Councillor Wainwright referred to the right to buy details within the Executive Director's report and commented that he had been made aware by a resident of the difficulties they had gone through in order to buy their property. The Chief Executive Officer advised that figures relating to this particular area varied year on year but asked Councillor Wainwright if he could send her the details of the particular case he referred to so that this could be investigated as she had not been made aware of any particular issues.


Councillor Wainwright asked for clarification on the Winter Program of Lights and what this was related to including the employee costs. The Executive Director, Resources advised that this area related to Culture and Leisure. The Executive Director, Place advised, that this related to grants paid to the arts and culture organisations and the lighting on the front of the buildings, she advised that she would look into the employee costs associated with this measure.


Councillor Wainwright commented that he felt the costs associated with the crematorium tea-rooms should be looked into.


Councillor Wainwright asked for an explanation as to the costs detailed for the 2 day market. Members felt that this area needed breaking down the non-employee costs into areas to be able to identify what each cost was associated to. The Executive Director advised that £475,000 had been associated with street cleansing by GYS.


The Leader commented that in his opinion the heading of these costs was misleading and this area should be retitled Market and Town Centre in order to show that these costs were associated with a wider area than just the market place itself. The Chief Executive Officer commented that there was a need for cleaning costs to be separated. 


Councillor Plant referred to the employee costs for this area and asked for clarification on the posts these costs were related to.


Councillor Williamson advised that he would be interested in seeing a map which showed the areas this cost area related to.


Councillor Wainwright commented that he felt the costing item headed as events was confusing. The Chief Executive Officer advised that this service area included ICT and that all budget areas were being looked at as a part of the budget setting process for 25/26.


Councillor Plant referred to employee costs of events which were showing at a loss and asked for clarification, it was advised that these costs included all room booking, weddings, events such as a the wheels festival and bowls festival. Councillor Plant commented that there was a need to look at these costs year on year. 


Councillor Wainwright referred to the costs associated to the Brush Quay car park and asked why this had been delayed until 2025/26. It was advised that this matter had been delayed at the legal stage and that by the time the consultation had completed there did not appear to be enough time to roll this scheme out in the current year therefore implementation of this scheme would commence in 25/26.


Councillor Candon raised some concern with regard to reports not providing the required information needed for Members to be able to fully understand the content and asked that this be looked into to ensure all relevant information is provided.


Councillor Plant sought clarification on communal bin costs, it was advised that this related to the changes in the weekly to fortnightly collection of communal bins and the Head of Environment and Sustainability advised that food waste related to the government scheme that requires all authorities to roll out food waste collection by March 2026, he advised that whilst the actual costs of this scheme were being challenged currently.


The Leader advised that there would be a cross party working group arranged soon to look at the setting of the budget for 25/26.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :-


(1) Note the content of the report and the revised forecast for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account for 2024/25.


(2) Approve the current updated General Fund capital programme (Appendix E),


(3) Agree to amend the capital programme in line with paragraph 4.4.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Resource's report.


The Leader presented to Members and advised that the report presented for consideration ahead of approval by Council a policy for the setting of the annual fees and charges from 2025/26 to 2029/30. The policy replaces the current policy which has been in place for the period 2020/21 to 2024/25.


He advised that the Council had utilised the policy framework for the annual setting of its fees and charges for services since 2015/16. Its provides a useful framework within which fees and charges can be set annually within a number of principles that allow for cost recovery and increases to cover inflationary costs.


The current policy covers the period to 2024/25 and the report is recommending a revised policy for the five years commencing 2025/26 as included appended to the report.


Members were advised that by establishing a policy for the setting of fees and charges annually, this provided a clear framework within which fees and charges can be set that seeks to recover the costs of the service.


Councillor Plant asked for clarification of 4.4 within the policy which referred to CPI, he was advised that this was in place to allow for flexibility in that you could use just CPI or CPI +1 for example, up to 3% .


Councillor Williamson asked if bench marking had been completed against other Council's, the Executive Director, Resources advised that although wider benchmarking as a whole was not undertaken, adhoc benchmarking was completed when looking at fees to ensure they remain competitive.



The fees and charges policy for the setting of the fees and charges from 2025/26 to 2029/30.




Report attached.






Cabinet received and considered the Chief Executive's report which recommended a number of changes to the Board of Directors of Great Yarmouth Services Ltd.


Cabinet were advised that it was proposed that Councillor Paul Wells would be appointed to the Board instead of Councillor Plant as detailed within the report.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


1. Remove the following Directors from the GYS Board:


Paula Boyce, Executive Director – People

Karen Sly, Executive Director – Resources


2. Appoint the following as Directors of the GYS Board:


Natasha Hayes, Executive Director – Place

James Wilson, Head of Environmental Services

Councillor Paul Wells, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Licensing and Waste 


3. Appoint Natasha Hayes, Executive Director – Place, as Chairperson of the Board of the Directors.







In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-


(A) That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act, and:


(B) That the the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons: -


Agenda Item Number     Paragraph of Part 1 Schedule 12A
13                     3 


Disclosure would adversely affect the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs.


Item 13 contains commercially confidential information.






Attended - Other Members
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.




Councillor Smith (Leader & Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects) (in the Chair), Councillors Bensly (Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Culture & Coastal), Candon (Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Growth), Flaxman-Taylor (Portfolio Holder for Housing, Health & Communities), Plant (Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Operational Property and Asset Management) & Wells (Portfolio Holder for Environment & Sustainability, Waste and Licensing).

Councillors Williamson & Wainwright attended as observers only.


Also in attendance :-

Ms S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer), Ms C Whatling (Monitoring Officer), Ms K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), Ms N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), Mr J Wilson (Head of Environment & Sustainability), Mr T Williams (Media & Communications Manager), Mr J Wedon (Information Governance Lead, Mrs S Wintle (Corporate & Democratic Services Manager)



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