
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Great Yarmouth Sports Partnership
14 May 2014 - 17:30 to 18:45
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence and introductions for new members.


Apologies for absence had been received from John White, Adrian Simm, Michelle Gibson, Tracey Jones, Alex Bond and Ben Jones.

2 pdf MINUTES (76Kb)
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2014 were confirmed.

To consider any matters arising from the above minutes which are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.


(a) Sport, Play and Leisure Strategy

It was reported that consultants Neil Allen Associates had been appointed to progress a Borough Wide Strategy Review for Sport, Play and Leisure. Work would commence next week for a nine month period. An initial options appraisal would be undertaken with key stake holders to feed into the Councils Transformation Programme.  This will be followed by a comprehensive period of extensive community consultation with Parish Councils, Village Halls, clubs/organisations.  GY Sports Partnership colleagues will be encouraged to contribute and feed into the review.

Active Norfolk Colleagues will report on current projects and potential new opportunities and /or initiatives.


It was reported that the Active Norfolk strategy development was ongoing. Strategic priorities had been identified which included; Increasing participation in sport and physical activity i.e from cradle to grave, Improving health and well-being through reducing inactivity and growing sport and physical activities contribution to local economic prosperity. 

There is a stakeholder consultation event planned for June/July which will be finalised in September. Planning is underway to prepare for an application to the Sport England Community Sport Activation fund for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, to provide resource to address Active Norfolk and GYBC strategic priorities. Support was being provided for GY Sport, Play & Leisure Strategy and Active Norfolk would be working closely with consultants in order top achieve the best results for the Borough. NGB and leisure operator engagement was improving and would continue to be supported through a County Forum and individual brokerage.

The Coach Education Week had been hugely successful with more coaches than ever before accessing NGB full qualifications and CPD opportunities. The Tour of Britain would be returning to Norfolk in 2015, with Active Norfolk leading on the delivery of the event on behalf of NCC. Finally, SE funded programmes continued to be delivered successfully with good engagement in the east through the Satellite Club programme in particular.

The Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager reported that the third phase of the County Fun and Fit Norfolk initiative was underway. A further update will be available at July's meeting.  Great Yarmouth scheduled to commence in the fourth phase from October 2014.  Partners may be interested to link in with and benefit from the programme which had received positive feedback from earlier phases. This programme also had a research resource to provide hard evidence of the benefit of physical activity for people which was crucial in securing future funding.

The Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager will give a verbal report on forthcoming related events and/or activities.

It was reported that the FE Beach Rugby Event would take place on 21 May 2014. Six colleges fielding two teams of seven players would play in a  Touch Rugby tournament.

On 26 May, the East Coast Cycle Challenge would take place. This would be the launch event for the GY Bike Project run by Activating CIC. Lindsey Dunne, the GY Bike Project co-ordinator, would be invited to attend future partnership meetings.

The Norfolk FA Soccer on the Sand event would be held between 31 May and 1 June this year.

The National Volleyball England beach event would be staged on 28 to 29 June 2014. The beach volleyball nets would be available for community use free of charge on the beach to the rear of Pirates Cove. Free balls would be available to use from Mamma Cita's Ice Cream Kiosk.

Scrum on the Beach would take place on 12 July 2014.

The East Coast 10K Run would be held on 19 October 2014.

The GY Arts Festival would begin on 6 June 2014. A Community Carnival would be held on 7 June which would parade from The Fisherman's Hospital to St. Georges.

The Maritime Festival would take place on the 6 and 7 of September 2014.

The Out There Festival would be held between 17 - 21 September 2014.

The Partnerships Officer for Great Yarmouth Borough Council will give a verbal report.


It was reported that there was no update to report as the Partnerships Officer was unable to attend the meeting. 

Partners are invited to report on any relevant items.


(a) Marten Payne; East Coast Community Healthcare (ECCH)  reported that:

  • Street Games UK Doorstep Sports project was to take place at Southtown Common for an 8 week period in the evenings. 
  • An Early Years Intervention Course leading to a SAQ qualification in Health Intervention through physical literacy for the young and old was being run at a cost of £150 per delegate.
  • Walking Football sessions at Shrublands for the Over 50's in partnership with MESH and Active Norfolk would be held shortly.
  • A Sportivate Bid for an inflatable sports surround had been submitted in partnership with Suffolk CC. this would be used for workplace health events but would be available for use by community sports clubs.
  • Discussions had been held with Great Yarmouth Sport and Leisure Trust to establish aqua exercise bike sessions at the Marina Centre.
  • Although it was mainly Suffolk based, Yarmouth applicants would be considered, for the second run of the successful JobCentre CLA project for 16-24 year olds, to undertake a 6 week Community Sport Leader Award, including Lifeguard training, leading to a recognised NVQ qualification. The course could hold 16 delegates and interviews would take place on 5 June 2014, with the course commencing on 17 June for two days a week.
  • There were still spaces left on the next RNLI course. There were also planned adult sessions for open water swimming with the Gorleston based surf club.

(b) Jaime Lincoln; East Norfolk Sixth Form College reported that:

  •  the ENSFC Sports hall would be available to hire from November 2014.
  • On 25 June 2014, a Volunteering Fair would be held for students to gain placements on Community Volunteer Schemes.
  • ENSFC took 47 students to the National Sports event in Bath, student teams took 2nd place in football and 3rd place in table tennis. 
  • A Basketball sport development scheme was to be undertaken at college level to encourage the formation of a mens basketball team in the Borough.

(c) Councillor Sutton; GYBC reported that:

The Northgate Community Fund was in its final year and had £13000 of funding for any sporting/recreational/health related scheme. Grants up to £2500 each which needed to be match funded could be awarded  and the match funding could consist of volunteer time. Applications would need to be submitted by 15 August 2014 and Councillor Sutton was the point of contact. A stall would be present at the South Yarmouth Community Fair in the Library on 7 June 2014.

He reported that this would be his last meeting and thanked the partners for their hard work in the community. The Chairman thanked Councillor Sutton for his commitment and engagement with the Partnership.

(d) Lynn Grove High School it was reported on behalf of Adrian Simm:

That Lynn Grove hard court area was completed and available for community lettings. A press release would be in the papers next week. The hire charges per hour for the arena were as follows; Handball Court £15, Tennis Court £7, Netball Court £12.50 with Full area per day £100.

The Sports Tours Football Tournament was held at Lynn Grove on 3 & 4 May which was well attended with local clubs doing well playing against teams from county academies.

(e) New Road Belton it was reported that:

 In June 2014, Bohemians FC reached a landmark of being 10 years old. The club was initially formed as Bohemians Youth FC but changed two years ago to accommodate adult football teams. In the 10 years since the formation of the club, it had become well established in the community reaching the FA's Charter Standard Development Club Award. The club had also established school-club links with local junior schools.
The club was approached by Belton and Browston PC to be a prime user of the New Road Sports Field to enable a Football Foundation Grant application to be submitted to enhance facilities in the parish. To celebrate their 10th Year, they were holding an Open Day at New Road on Saturday 26 July. This was a joint venture with the PC and was open to the whole community. It will start at 12 noon, there will be a bar, refreshments, activities for children and adults and static displays with free admission. The Open Day was to show case all community groups. A display arena/stalls will be available for use by any group/organisation. Stall inquiries should be made to Peter Nichols on 01493 780703, static displays to John Rudrum 01493 780000 or arena displays to Aidy Simm at

(f) Neighbourhood Fair It was reported that:

The South Yarmouth Neighbourhood Fair would take place on 7 June 2014 at the Library, contact for the event was Harriet Winfrey at Comeunity.

Also the South Yarmouth Summer Activity Brochure would be produced again for free/affordable activities during the summer school holiday period, further information to follow.

(g) Miscellaneous the following was reported:

  • Retroskate had been awarded Sport England Funding to offer free skating sessions to community groups and schools/colleges.
  • Great Yarmouth YAB funding initiative for young people aged 11-18 who were at the edge of care. The funding would commence in September 2014 until 31 March 2017.

(e) Heather Sayer; Special Olympians reported that:

Her group members would like to have more courses held in the Great Yarmouth area.  At the moment, a Safeguarding Course was urgently required for carers with responsibilities for special needs but this was proving impossible to find. The Culture, Sport and Leisure Manager agreed to follow up with Active Norfolk. 

(f) Wayne Nixon; GYSLT reported that:
  •  CPD Level 1 Swimming could be held. Aquafit CPD would be held during the week which was a coup as the nearest course was usually held in Cambridge.
  • The Marina Sports hall floor was complete. It was hoped that the County Indoor Ladies Cricket League would be held at the Marina Centre from February 2015, plus it was hoped that a lunchtime Badminton League and a 3 on 3 Basketball League would also be formed.
  • The Futsal tournament which had been staged at the weekend had been successful. 
  • Bowls in the Community promotional activities via the County Bowls Alliance would also be encouraged.
  • The Aqua bikes would soon be available in the pool area to undertake spinning exercise in the pool.
  • The car parking issue had been resolved, from 19 May, the charge would be £1 for 3 hours, the driver must display the dual stubs in the car window.
  • The East Coast Triathlon which had been held in April had been very successful and the event had been booked again for 2015. Another similar event could be held at the end of the summer.
  • Harriet Harman, Shadow MP for Sport, had visited the Marina Centre on 13 May and favourable feedback had been received.

(g) Val Cadmore; GYBC reported that:

 An Ageing Well grant for events for the over 50's had commenced and inquiries should be made through the Partnership Officer.

The Healthy & Well grants had been in strong demand and the fund had been fully utilised.

(h) Clare Winter; Special Olympians reported that:
The money raised from the sponsored swim at the Marina Centre would be used to purchase a portable hoist. The next fundraising event would be held on 3/12/2014.

(i) Rachael Hardie, GYCT Ageless Opportunities reported that:

The new Ageless Opportunity Directory had been published and she handed out copies to the partners present.

 An Older People's Funday would be held on 30 May at the Kings Centre from 10am to 3pm.

An online Wellbeing Manager Programme could now be accessed on the GYCT website.

To agree the dates of future meetings as: 9th July 2014, 10th September 2014 and 12th November 2014.


The dates of the next meetings were agreed as follows; 9 July 2014, 10 September 2014 and 12 November 2014 at 5.30 pm in the Marina Centre, Great Yarmouth.

Partners have the opportunity to network/meet/discuss with fellow colleagues to explore joint working opportunities and ensure a coordinated approach to local delivery.


Partners used the opportunity to network.


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
Alex Bond 
Michelle Gibson  
Ben Jones  
Tracey Jones  
John White 

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Jim West (GYSC) (in the Chair), Councillor Lee Sutton (GYBC), Wayne Nixon (GYSLT), Clare Winter (Special Olympians), Heather Sayer (Special Olympians), Marten Payne (East Coast Community Health), Jaime Linclon (ENSFC) and Rachael Hardie (GYCT Ageless Opportunities)

Marie Hartley (Culture, Sport & Leisure Manager, GYBC), Val Cadmore (GYBC) and Christina Webb (GYBC)

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