To receive a verbal report at the meeting.
(a) Website
Live and operational. Work in progress with photos and layout to be checked and added to. This website can be developed and built on by both the Curator and Kerry moving forward until we are completely happy with its styles and brand.
Curator would like to enquire about the copyright of the photos used on the landing page also.
The amendments to the website will be made free of charge to the museum.
Any emails that were connected to the previous website that no longer work can now be reactivated, please could the Curator have a list of those that need this.
(b) Leaflet
Has been with the printers and is currently with the distributors to be distributed around the region. We are also featured on various free media publications and websites including the popular Take One website, Days Out website with a negotiated reduced price silver package deal.
(c) Other Marketing
The museum was recently filmed for a GY promotional video through Kirsty Burn and will also be featuring in What’s On free of charge, thanks to Michael and Kerry.
(d) Press Launch of Refurbishments
Press release is all set to go when we are ready and the management board have agreed a date for the official launch of the new changes to the museum. The Curator would recommend just before Easter to capitalise on press exposure before a popular holiday time. Photos would help this press release and its update by the media as would potentially combing it in with interviews with Kerry as the new Curator?
Does the board know of any budding photographer in the volunteer team who could help with this?
Final finishes are underway such as the letter frame in the new Merton Room and touches to the Café.
We seem to be having requests for Hot Chocolate in the Café so this would be easily addressed at the next volunteer meeting.
Plans for the Education Room re-presentation are already underway and will allow this room to be the centre of the new schools programme to be delivered this year.
(e) Groups
The IOD visit is currently re-scheduled for the 23 April and Kerry has very kindly agreed to allow Lizzie to return as a volunteer.
‘Catch up Day’ on maternity leave to speak about re-launching and revitalising heritage visitor attractions both from NT experience and the Nelson Museum. She is more than happy to do this as a double act with Kerry, whatever would be most supportive.
Community group bookings are continuing to come in which will be a definite boom to the overall finances.
The group offer outlined defined in a previous volunteer meeting is as follows for the Management Board’s consideration:-
Nelson Tour and or Georgian Cream Tea (1-3 hr visit) (afternoon visit potentially?).
- Talks that can be tailored to the groups preference – Cream Tea to be served in the new Conference Room or possible Education Room if there are accessibility needs.
- Time for a free flow visit around the Museum and Shop.
- Price of £6 per person.
This could be offered as a complete day package deal working with other museums to help promote cross heritage working. The Curator is meeting with other contacts from NMAS and English Heritage to discuss this further.
(f) Schools
Roseanne is continuing to work on the Schools and Community Programme and will do so until her work placement ends at Easter. The UEA may be open to inviting another student to help run or deliver this or support Kerry in some way or there may be a suitable volunteer who would like to take this on before we have an official ‘Life Long Learning Officer’ in post.
In the mean time, the re-presentation of the Education Room and continued promotion of the schools bookings will help provide a firm foundation for the launch of a new programme. This may be another area that the museum could work in partnership with other heritage sites around GY to promote cross working relationships and offer a full day visit to schools and allowing them to meet more requirements on the 2014 National Curriculum.
(g) Further Changes and Moving Forward
Projections and action plans will be drawn up by Kerry and Lizzie and with consultation of the whole team at the museum. Main areas of focus will be to build on the developments and changes to help this museum gain PR, media attention, increase dwell time of existing audiences and grow quick win audiences such as groups, schools and community groups.
The Forum and Hoste exhibition will be a great local outreach PR opportunity and a potential incentive offer would be recommended to help drive extra visits to the museum.
The events this year will also be key to not only generating increased footfall, but give opportunity for more media internet and free PR and marketing. Well timed press releases and photography will help this process and the Curator is happy to work with Kerry before her maternity leave to draw up a marcomms plan for 2014.
(h) Maternity Leave
The Curator has delayed her leave by two weeks to make up for her recent sick leave. Her final day at work will now be Friday 4 April.
She will be taking the whole year as maternity leave and will let the Management Board know with plenty of notice if this changes. Contracts and role profile for Kerry will be sorted out before this final day of work.
Lizzie would like to take this opportunity to formally congratulate Kerry on taking the maternity cover post and wishes her every success with the coming year.
Councillor Jeal referred to damp issues at the museum and reported that the Borough Council’s Conservation Darren Barker would be arranging for work to solve this problem. Ben Turner also raised the issue of the printer at the museum and the Curator reported that this matter was in hand.