Cabinet Member's received and considered the Principal Strategic Planner's report.
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Candon presented the report to Members and advised that the report set out recommendations to adopt the Great Yarmouth Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Design codes enable Local Planning Authorities to provide clear guidelines on what is expected in the Borough in terms of design and visually pleasing neighbourhoods, enhancing community pride, and fostering a sense of place.
The National Planning Policy Framework sets an expectation that all Local Planning Authorities should prepare local design guides or design codes. These are planning tools to help shape placemaking and design, setting out clear principles and standards for developments. In meeting this expectation, the Council has committed to progress a borough-wide design code within its Annual Action Plan.
The Design Code will aid greater detail and interpretation of design policies in the adopted Local Plan and will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
The purpose of the Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code SPD is to supplement the interpretation of existing design-based policies in the Council’s adopted Local Plan, providing greater detail and expectations for what constitutes ‘good design’ across the borough.
The Great Yarmouth Design Code SPD was subject to continuous ‘informal’ consultation with specific interest groups and stakeholders between September 2022 and May 2023 to inform a final ‘draft’ of the Design Code. Consultation on the final draft SPD was undertaken for an initial 8 weeks between 14th July and 8th September 2023. This consultation was extended by a further 4 weeks, ending on 13th October 2023.
All consultation responses have been reviewed, and final necessary changes made to the document. Subject to endorsement by Cabinet, the Great Yarmouth Design Code SPD can be adopted to support the Local Plan.
The Great Yarmouth Design Code SPD supplements the interpretation of existing design-based policies in the Council’s adopted Local Plan, providing greater detail and expectations for what constitutes ‘good design’ across the borough, and will be a material consideration in the determination of such matters.
Councillor Wells offered his appreciation to the officers for the huge amount of work that had gone into the report and stated he was very pleased about the specific details giving clear rules and guidance which would lead to a higher level of support.
Councillor Plant echoed Councillor Wells’ comments and stated he was pleased that the Design Code covered the entire Borough and was designed to keep the identifying features of each area.
Councillor Williamson stated that as a member of the Development Control Committee, the officers’ work was of the highest standard.
The Chair gave a vote of thanks to the Strategic Planning Manager and his team.
Cabinet RESOLVED to:
1. Adopt the Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (as included in Appendix 1 of this report).
2. Delegate authority to Head of Planning to publish and republish the SPD, without any material alteration to content, in the most suitable format (for example HTML or PDF) to allow for the guidance to be easily accessed and navigated via the Council’s website.