Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Property and Housing Assets report.
The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Candon presented the report and advised that the Councils Contract with GYN terminates on 30th September 2024. The Cabinet authorised a process whereby the Council complete an asset purchase from GYN of those assets needed/left at the date of transfer, transferring the service back to the Council into a GYBC Company structure.
This process has now commenced with the appointment of a project lead in late August to oversee the insourcing of the service. This report is intended to seek a steer from Cabinet and make recommendations to Council on important decisions that will inform the direction of travel and therefore the mobilisation of the new service. The key areas discussed are the host vehicle for the service and fleet procurement.
In June 2023, the Cabinet decision was to bring the service back into the Council via a newly-formed Local Authority Trading Company (LATCO) or the existing LATCO, GYS. Since then officers have explored a third option which would be to bring the service back as an in-house workforce or what used to be known as a DLO or a Direct Labour Organisation. Independent legal advice has been sought via Browne Jacobsen who have prepared an options report and evaluation of all 3 options. The report is attached at Appendix 1.
Within each of the options the indicative set up costs have been considered, along with the annual support costs. At this stage these do not include all support costs for example IT software support as this level of detail is not available. It can be assumed that these costs are currently a charge into GYN through the overhead charging mechanism and therefore will be a cost that will continue to be charged whatever the delivery vehicle.
Based on the legal opinion of Browne Jacobson and the considerations set out above, the recommendation is to insource the service to provide an in-house workforce. This option, in particular, provides the Council with complete control over the service and importantly, will not create added pressures on the GYS Management to absorb another service into the business and allows to continue its progress in delivering its improvement plan.
The recommendation is not consistent with the original Cabinet decision to insource the GYN into a Council-owned company structure. Therefore, this report is seeking Cabinet approval to change that decision in respect of insourcing the service into an in-house workforce rather than a new or existing LATCO as originally agreed.
In addition to this, the current fleet that is being used by GYN is aged (up to 10 years old), in poor condition and have high levels of maintenance on a regular basis and comes at a significant cost at £7,030 per van. This gives a poor perception of the service and as they break down regularly, they impact on the productivity of the service. In summary, the current fleet is not viable and needs to be replaced. Irrespective of the delivery model, a decision on the fleet procurement needs to be made to enable the procurement timetable and the fleet to be in operation for the commencement of the new arrangement for September 2024.
Based on the evaluation of the options to procure new fleet, it is recommended that the Council procure the fleet using the TPPL framework and that the fleet is procured through a lease agreement as the costs are spread over the life of the lease and it would make an estimated saving of £378,253 plus interest charges over the cost of purchasing the fleet outright.
The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Culture and Coastal made reference to the Fleet Strategy within the report and commented that anything that could continue to be worked on to ensure the Green Strategy remained a priority when looking at the fleet should be looked into.
The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Waste and Licensing commented that the Council was someway ahead that other Authorities in delivering a green fleet strategy but advised that this required a lot of work on the infrastructure.
Councillor Wainwright asked for reassurance that the currently ageing fleet of vehicles used would not be transferred across to GYBC, this was confirmed.
The Leader and Portfolio Holder for Operational Property and Assets paid tribute to the Executive Director, Property and Housing Assets for the fantastic piece of work completed around this project.
Cabinet RESOLVED to recommend to Council :-
- Approval to the services currently delivered by GYN be insourced and delivered by a direct labour organisation (DLO)
- Approval of the budget of £1,802,420 to enable the procurement of the fleet as outlined in the report using the using the TPPL framework; and
- Approval of the budget of £145,000 to fund the set-up costs and enable the support services to be provided as outlined in the report to facilitate delivery of the project.