
Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
11 Sep 2023 - 14:00 to 15:10
  • Documents
  • Attendance
  • Visitors
  • Declarations of Interests



Standard Items
To receive any apologies for absence. 



There were no apologies for absence received.




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There were no declarations of interest declared at the meeting.





To consider any items of urgent business.





There were no items of urgent business to be considered.



4 pdf MINUTES (197Kb)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 25 July 2023.





The minutes of the meeting held on the 25 July 2023 were confirmed.




Report attached.




Cabinet received and considered the Information Governance Lead and Data Protection Officer's report.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Project's advised that the report presented an update on performance for the first quarter of 2023/24 (April to June), where progress is assessed against Targets which are set at the start of the financial year.


He informed Cabinet that the report also provided an update on the position of key projects that are linked to the corporate priorities from ‘The Plan 2020-2025’, and the project highlight report detailed in Appendix 1 provided a summary of the project, milestones and achievements, alongside open issues, mitigation and a financial summary.


It was reported that each report had a current status, which could be green, amber or red. Out of the 13 projects, 11 have a current green status defined as no problems or minor issues and 2 have an amber status, defined as having problems which have been identified but with a contingency plan in place.


The performance measures, detailed in Appendix 2, gave a comprehensive overview of how the authority as a whole is performing and covered most Council functions


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Project's advised that in total there are 44 targeted and 9 monitored measures reported in the first quarter performance report. The monitored measures are reported for contextual information, this data is important information for the Council as the actions of the Council may make improvements however there is not sufficient control over the outcome to set a target.

Of the 44 targeted measures it was reported that 27 were green whereby performance had been met or exceeded target, 12 were Amber whereby performance is below target but within tolerance and 5 were red whereby performance is below target and tolerance. Each of the red measures included a commentary explaining the reasons behind the performance and the actions being taken to bring performance back on target within the report.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Candon commented that he was pleased to see the establishment of a Member Working Group for the North Quay Riverside Gateway project. Councillor Candon then asked with regard to the covered market place project and the toilet block which had been reported as being 5 weeks behind. It was however reported that this was now back on track and these were now ready to be used.

The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Waste and Licensing, Councillor Wells asked with regard to PR10 and whether information could be given on how many work days in total were being lost by sickness as a whole authority. It was agreed that this information would be sought and circulated to Members following the meeting, the Chief Executive Officer reported that the figure was approximately 10.76 days less per year on last year figure. Councillor Wells also made reference to EN6 within the report which had shown a significant increase in contamination rates for the Borough, and advised that this was being looked into and would be discussed at the Norfolk Waste Partnership meeting.

The Portfolio Holder for Operational Property and Asset Management, Councillor Plant made reference to HN04 and stated that in his opinion this measure needed to be looked at to ensure Council tenants were leaving the properties in a reasonable condition to prevent high costs for void repairs continuing. The Executive Director, Housing Assets advised that the message to customers / tenants regarding expectations was being strengthened with pre inspections before tenants leaving now being undertaken. Councillor Wells asked whether a proportion of the total void repair costs was  due tot he work that had been completed by GYN, it was advised that although this was a contributing factor a larger proportion was due to the poor state properties were left in by previous tenants.

The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Heritage and Coastal, Councillor James Bensly asked with regard to the ongoing paving issue at the marketplace and it was advised, that this matter was being discussed by the Great Yarmouth Town Centre Members Working Group who would be looking at the public realm works. Councillor Bensly also passed on his thanks to Officers for their work contributing to good performance measures.

The Leader invited those Members in attendance to observe the meeting the opportunity to ask any questions.

Councillor Wainwright asked with regard to the market place and the budget that had been agreed for these works to be completed and asked whether Norfolk County Council had been contacted to see if a contribution could be made. It was advised that this matter would be considered by the Working Group but it was confirmed that a letter had been written to Norfolk County Council.

Councillor Williamson referred to page 24 within the report which detailed the Wintergardens project and asked for clarification with regard to Heritage England Interventions and their involvement in the project. The Chief Executive Officer advised that Heritage England had been heavily involved in the project and any comments had been taken on board. Councillor Williamson further asked for clarity on the Memorandum of Understanding with a commercial partner and he was advised that there was a need for the council to go back out to procurement for a commercial operator due to the length of time passed with the project.

Cabinet RESOLVED to

(1) Agree all measures continue to be monitored during the next quarter.

(2) Agree all key projects continue to be monitored over the next quarter with the aim of maintaining a green status and where possible attaining a green status for those key projects which are currently amber.




Report attached.




Cabinet considered the Principal Strategic Planner's report which set out recommendations to authorise extension of the current public consultation on the final draft Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code Supplementary Planning Document.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Daniel Candon reported that the National Planning Policy Framework sets an expectation that all local planning authorities should prepare local design guides or design codes. In turn, the Council has committed to progress a borough-wide design code within its Annual Action Plan.


The Final Draft Great Yarmouth Borough Wide Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was approved for formal public consultation under Regulation 13 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations (2012) by the Development Management Committee on the 12th of July 2023.


On the 21st of July the Final Draft SPD was published for public consultation. The formal consultation period is planned to run for 8 weeks until the 15th of September 2023. To date, the level of public and stakeholder engagement with the consultation has not been as high as expected with a limited number of consultation comments received so far. This could be attributed to the consultation taking place over the summer holiday period.


Given the future importance of the SPD in adding greater detail and interpretation to adopted policies within the development plan, it is recommended to extend the public consultation by a further four weeks, ending on Friday 13th October 2023 to allow people more time to respond.


The final draft of the Supplementary Planning Document, as previously endorsed for public consultation, remains unchanged and is attached to this report at Appendix 1.


Following publication, comments will be taken into account and changes made to the document where necessary and appropriate.  It was advised that the document would then be returned to Cabinet for adoption.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


Authorise an extension to the current formal public consultation of the final draft Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (as included in Appendix 1 of the report) by a further 4 weeks.



7 pdf HR POLICIES (948Kb)


Grievance Policy – URN 23-102

Disciplinary Policy – URN 23-103

Bullying & Harassment Policy – URN 23-104

Menopause Policy – URN 23-105


Reports attached.




Disciplinary Policy 

Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Disciplinary Policy & Procedure to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that the current policy had been revised taking account of up-to-date legislation, the ACAS Code of Practice and reflects learnings from recent cases and case law.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


(1) Approve the new Disciplinary Policy


(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.


Grievance Policy 

Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Grievance Policy & Procedure to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that the current policy had been revised taking account of up-to-date legislation, the ACAS Code of Practice and reflects learnings from recent cases and case law.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


(1) Approve the new Grievance Policy


(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.


Bullying and Harassment Policy 

Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Bullying and Harassment Policy to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that currently information about bullying and harassment was contained within the old Grievance Policy.  In reviewing the Grievance Policy, the information had been reviewed in line with ACAS guidance and is provided as a separate policy, with the addition of ‘discrimination’ and also includes information on ‘victimisation’ to bring it up to date.


The new policy provides clear information to employees, managers and others about what might constitute bullying or harassment and the steps which they can take to prevent and stop it.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


(1) Approve the new Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy


(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.


Menopause Policy 

Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Menopause Policy to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that every woman and trans and non-binary people will go through the menopause and around one in five will experience severe menopausal symptoms that are likely to affect them, and their colleagues, in the workplace.


At the Council, 62% of staff are female, and of those, 71% are of menopausal age. Currently 43% of our total workforce are of menopausal age and could suffer with symptoms which may affect them in the workplace.


Introducing a policy and educating managers is one of the best ways organisations can support menopause at work.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


(1) Approve the new Menopause Policy



(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.




Report attached.




Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director, Place's report which proposed fees and charges in relation to hire charges at the Wellesley 3G Pitch.

The Portfolio Holder for Housing Health and Communities, Councillor Flaxman-Taylor, reported that following significant investment from Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Football Foundation, a new fenced and floodlit artificial 3G grass football pitch had now been installed at the Wellesley Recreation Ground. This included works to refurbish the Grade II Listed Tennis Pavilion to provide toilet, kitchen and changing provision on the site, enhancing the facilities available on site.


Following an initial testing period, there is significant demand from community groups to be able to book and use these wonderful facilities, and the council seeks to open these facilities to the public this month.


In line with the fees and charges policy, the paper presented to Cabinet outlined the proposed charges for the 3G pitch. These charges are fair and sustainable, with lower charges at certain times to support community groups.


The Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Heritage and Coastal, Councillor Bensly commented on what a fantastic asset this facility was to the Borough but commented that he had hoped the facility would be maintained to a high standard. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor advised that the Leisure Strategy & Contract Manager would be overseeing the site and reminded Members that CCTV cameras had now been installed to provide monitoring of the site also. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor also advised that regular maintenance would be undertaken at the site.


Councillor Williamson asked why the facility at Lynn Grove Highschool had not been included in the analysis of pricing as this was the same size facility as the Wellesley. The Executive Director, Place advised that she had been unable to locate a pricing schedule for the use of the Lynn Grove site. Councillor Flaxman-Taylor also commented on the soon to open 3G facility at the East Norfolk Sixth form college and the need for pricings to be monitored. The Executive Director, Place confirmed that these fees would be monitored and brought back to Cabinet accordingly if required.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


Approve the proposed Fees and Charges.





Report to follow.




Cabinet received and considered the Monitoring Officer's report which asked Cabinet to consider the appointment of an additional Company Director for Great Yarmouth Services Ltd.

Cabinet RESOLVED to :

Appoint Councillor Paul Wells as Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Waste and Licensing, as a Company Director of Great Yarmouth Services Limited.




Report attached.





Cabinet received and considered the Head of Customer Service's report which outlined options for Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25 for Cabinet to consider in relation to public consultation on next year’s scheme.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, advised that the report asked Cabinet to consider the options to include within the public consultation which were outlined in Section 4 of the report.


It was advised that Appendix 1 provided a further breakdown of the financial impact of the options proposed and included a suggested hardship fund to help more vulnerable households should any changes to the scheme be decided.


Cabinet were informed that the results of the consultation and recommendations for the 2024/25 Council Tax Support scheme would be further considered by Cabinet Members following the consultation period, which would then proceed to full Council for decision in December.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth, Councillor Candon commented that he was pleased to see that the council was looking at a more focussed approach for those on particular benefits.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


Grant permission to consult on the options as outlined within the report for the 2024/25 Local Council Tax Support Scheme.




Report attached.





Cabinet received and considered the Tenancy Services Manager's report which outlined a proposed revised approach to charging of services for Council Tenants and Leaseholders with a focus on caretaking and gardening services in communal areas. 


The Portfolio Holder for Operational Property and Asset Management, advised that currently tenants paid the same charge for caretaking services despite a range of service levels being delivered in different locations. All tenants pay for gardening services as part of the overall rental charge, including tenants who don’t reside in communal areas.


The proposal set out a revised approach which was fairer and more transparent so that only tenants and leaseholders who receive a service are charged as well as introducing differential charges such as for caretaking to reflect the frequency of works delivered.


To support a fairer charging approach, it was proposed that all tenants and leaseholders be consulted on the approach of introducing service charges for all services provided such as communal lighting, gardening services which are currently paid for via rental income and that charges reflect service levels.


The new approach to service charges would be implemented from April 2024, with the service charge rates reviewed to reflect the 2024/5 budget and approved as part of the 2024/5 HRA Budget unless significant concerns are raised by tenants/leaseholders through the consultation process.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Waste and Licensing commented that although he was very comfortable with the approving of this item for consultation he felt that a separate piece of work should be completed to understand what the real cost control implications were to ensure there was a complete picture of actual cost.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


1. Note the report

2. Approve consultation with tenants/leaseholders on de-pooling service charges and levying charges in accordance with the different level of services delivered in each area.




Report attached.





Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director of Resource's report which presented the month 3 budget monitoring position for financial year 2023/24 for both the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) including the respective capital programmes and financing. The report included explanations for significant variances to the budgets currently forecast for the full year.

The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects reported that t
he General Fund Summary detailed at Appendix A within the report showed the high-level forecast budget monitoring position at 30 June 2023 of a deficit position of a call on reserves for the current year required of £1.2million, this is a variance of £307k from the current budget. He advised that there were a number of pressures on the revenue account, namely from achievement of rental and property income, fees and charges income and the demand for temporary housing.


Members were advised that the General Fund capital 2023/24 budget stood at £46.9m as at month 3, any unspent capital budgets for ongoing capital projects at the end of March 2024 will mainly be carried forward to 2024/25. The position will continue to be monitored as projects progress.


The Housing Revenue Account currently showed a forecast deficit for 2023/24 of £2.426m, compared to a current budgeted deficit of £2.338m, resulting in an unfavourable movement of £89k. The overall income and expenditure position will continue to be monitored going forward.


The Portfolio Holder reported that the report also included the latest position on the capital programme for the HRA for the same period which is not showing any significant variance from the original budget at this time. He advised that spend would increase in later periods as areas of works were fully mobilised. A capital budget totalling £10.5m is currently forecast to be delivered within 2023/24


Members were advised that the regular review and monthly monitoring of the all the budgets provided a sound basis for the preparation of estimates for 2024/25 work which was currently underway.   


The detail within the report highlighted the spending and income pressures for the HRA and general fund, that are continuing to place financial pressure on Local Authorities and where these are expected to result in an impact to the full year budget.


The overall financial position continues to be closely monitored and corrective action taken as applicable. 


Councillor Wainwright asked for an update on the progression of the recently approved closure of the Greyfriars building and asked why no progression had been made on this matter. The Leader advised that work was ongoing with this matter and staff had been fully consulted. 


Councillor Wainwright further asked with regard to whether the roll out of communal bins was on target and asked that Local Members be kept informed of the progress with this matter. Councillor Wells advised that work was ongoing with this matter and once more solid information was available , Local Ward Members would be informed and updated.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


1) Note the content of the report and the revised forecast for the General Fund and Housing revenue Account for 2023/24.

2) Approve the updated General Fund capital programme (Appendix E).




Report attached.


**This report contains a confidential appendix, Members will be required to log in to view the confidential papers**.





Cabinet received and considered the Executive Director of Major Project's report which reported that Great Yarmouth Borough Council (GYBC) were successful in securing Town Deal Funding and Levelling Up Funding 2 (LUF 2) to regenerate North Quay. To deliver a successful ‘gateway destination’ mixed-use leisure, retail and residential regeneration project and to support the procurement of a development partner and mitigate risk at a future Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Public Inquiry, it is essential that there is a multi-disciplinary team appointed by the Council to assist in delivery of the critical path milestones.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects advised that the report highlighted the need for Cabinet note the budget approved by Cabinet in July 2023 for the Land Assembly & Engagement Strategy, to review the overall funding budget and critical path programme and Vauxhall Bridge proposals, to review the range of professional services required to help deliver a project of this scale and to approve a project budget that will be monitored quarterly by the North Quay Members Working Group.


Cabinet RESOLVED to :


(1) Approve a project budget of £26,660,484 with £16,442,706 allocated to land assembly, CPO costs and £10,217,778 for procurement, gateway public realm works, design, surveys and planning costs.


(2) Approve the proposals and delegate officers to progress discussions with Rail Paths Ltd and Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust to form a Strategic Partnership with the objective to secure the sustainable future of the Vauxhall Bridge


(3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director - Major Projects, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chief Executive, s151 officer to release Town Deal and LUF 2 funding for procurement and appointments of a project professional team, authorise surveys, reports, collection of data and undertake capital works for the progression and delivery of this project.



In the event of the Committee wishing to exclude the public from the meeting, the following resolution will be moved:-

"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12(A) of the said Act."



Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending Apology
No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Absence
No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.



Councillor Smith (Leader & Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects) (in
the Chair), Councillors Bensly (Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Culture & Coastal), Candon
(Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Growth), Flaxman-Taylor (Portfolio Holder for
Housing, Health & Communities), Plant (Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Operational
Property and Asset Management) & Wells (Portfolio Holder for Environment & Sustainability,
Waste and Licensing).


Also in attendance

Ms S Oxtoby (Chief Executive Officer); Ms C Whatling (Monitoring Officer), Mrs N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), Ms K Sly ( Executive Director - Finance), Mr I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects), Mr C Furlong (Executive Director - Housing Assets), Mrs N Turner (Head of Housing Assets), Mrs M Lee (Head of Customer Services), Mr S Hubbard (Strategic Planning Manager), Mrs S Wintle (Corporate Services Manager), Mr J Wedon (Information Governance Lead & Data Protection Officer) and Miss C Ingram (Communications and Media Officer)


Councillors Wainwright and Williamson attended as observers to the meeting


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