Disciplinary Policy
Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Disciplinary Policy & Procedure to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that the current policy had been revised taking account of up-to-date legislation, the ACAS Code of Practice and reflects learnings from recent cases and case law.
Cabinet RESOLVED to :
(1) Approve the new Disciplinary Policy
(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.
Grievance Policy
Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Grievance Policy & Procedure to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that the current policy had been revised taking account of up-to-date legislation, the ACAS Code of Practice and reflects learnings from recent cases and case law.
Cabinet RESOLVED to :
(1) Approve the new Grievance Policy
(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Bullying and Harassment Policy to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that currently information about bullying and harassment was contained within the old Grievance Policy. In reviewing the Grievance Policy, the information had been reviewed in line with ACAS guidance and is provided as a separate policy, with the addition of ‘discrimination’ and also includes information on ‘victimisation’ to bring it up to date.
The new policy provides clear information to employees, managers and others about what might constitute bullying or harassment and the steps which they can take to prevent and stop it.
Cabinet RESOLVED to :
(1) Approve the new Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Policy
(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.
Menopause Policy
Cabinet received and considered the Head of Organisational Development's report which presented the new Menopause Policy to Cabinet, following full consultation with Executive Leadership Team (ELT), UNISON and the Joint Consultative Working Group (JCWG).
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Governance and Major Projects, reported that every woman and trans and non-binary people will go through the menopause and around one in five will experience severe menopausal symptoms that are likely to affect them, and their colleagues, in the workplace.
At the Council, 62% of staff are female, and of those, 71% are of menopausal age. Currently 43% of our total workforce are of menopausal age and could suffer with symptoms which may affect them in the workplace.
Introducing a policy and educating managers is one of the best ways organisations can support menopause at work.
Cabinet RESOLVED to :
(1) Approve the new Menopause Policy
(2) Give delegated authority to the Head of Organisational Development to make minor and/or consequential amendments to the Policy for the purpose of keeping it up-to-date, clarifying its content or interpretation, correcting any errors or omissions, updating it in accordance with changes in legislation, and/or caselaw, or with changes in the management structure.